Cup of tea with Geo & Gonzo | England Rice, £90m Rice & any other Rice

Cup of tea with Geo & Gonzo | England Rice, £90m Rice & any other Rice

Hammers Chat

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@dangomc854 - 13.09.2019 01:02

mate I'm drunk n gonzo repeating himself is fucking me up!🤔😟😖

@JohnNoonan1 - 13.09.2019 01:12

Luzhniki does not have a home club, it is the Russian national stadium. Similar to Wembley

@evansmith2429 - 13.09.2019 04:19

Rice can't be sold for 90 mill. 150 million yes. Your selling to a rival make them pay. Need to spend 30 on the Leeds kid, right and left back and central midfield as Box to Box. Boys i don't disagree often but this time I think you've missed a trick with the price.

@jackkelly3208 - 13.09.2019 04:51

id take the guitar music out of the intro if i was you, only a matter of time till it gets fake copystriked

@evansmith2429 - 13.09.2019 05:13

Propagate is the word

@billybanter6310 - 13.09.2019 06:39

90 mill is a hefty sum but as you said leadership is priceless just see how mark nobles presence is galvanising us at the moment and I m sure most hammers fans have earmarked Declan rice as a future captain of west ham

@Gsmithurst - 13.09.2019 09:28

Gonzo’s book title - Plumbing the depths!

@briancox144 - 13.09.2019 10:00

Good show guys enjoyed

@philmcdonald7956 - 13.09.2019 10:29

So much bollocks on social media, in general as well as regarding Declan. 90%+ pass completion obviously isn't good enough for those numpties. As you rightly say, a misplaced pass in the opponents half is NOT the same as serving up a goal on a plate like Keane did. Declan regained possession on many occasions again and actually had a good game. Dier was awful in the world cup, it's a shame Declan wasn't in the squad then. I agree Declan shouldn't get a pass for his age, but young players should be encouraged otherwise tou can stunt their progression. He'll only get even better with international experience. As always, only take criticism seriously from someone whose opinion you respect. Southgate is turning out to be an infinitely better manager than I expected based on his limited club management experience.

@jakerumble855 - 13.09.2019 10:45

Enjoy your time with your family Gonzo, you already create enough great content. Thanks for continuing with the channel guys!

@canningtownlenstudio2115 - 13.09.2019 10:57

I do know....

@stevereid4092 - 13.09.2019 12:01

Can't deny the boy fucked up but not as if he played them through 1 on 1 with the keeper, walker should play over trippier all day long!

@TobyLerone-yn3rr - 13.09.2019 12:21

I worked in Linekers bar in Cyprus a few years ago, he turns up like a couple of times a year, and he literally grabs 5-10 girls and locks himself in a hotel with loads of coke and balloons and just nails them for a few weeks.

@MyShowbizName - 13.09.2019 13:39

I think I enjoyed Gonzo's matchday vlogs as much as anything on the channel. What a shame it's spoiled by some uncivilized nasty people. Don't blame you for not doing them, it doesn't seem worth the hassle. It's interesting to hear about those select few who always down vote your videos. Rival channel?

@chrisdoye6875 - 13.09.2019 14:05

Hi guys enjoy your videos im cranky about how the man utd fans and others are running down declan rice but I'm old enough to remember the brilliant Bobby Moore getting the same sort of treatment we know who had the last laugh dont we.

@PWMoze - 13.09.2019 16:24

My heart sank when Dec gave away possession because you just knew he would be slaughtered for it despite having five more players responsible for stopping things behind him. He is still learning and gaining experience but he wasn't the only disappointment on the night, Trent AA was a different proposition, soooo negative, Jadon, Keane, the Leicester guy, but most of all Henderson and Berkley, woeful.

@WestHamClips - 13.09.2019 20:13

Tempted to make an out of context gonzo twitter account

@neilcooper3156 - 13.09.2019 21:00

Great show lads, but come on when do we care what spud and cockney reds say about west ham or any of our players never have never will, in dec we trust up at villa monday and will sing his name with pride coyi

@mikemikeson5572 - 13.09.2019 22:33

I love the vlogs

@MrPETEHAMMER - 15.09.2019 03:03

Really great vid again!& I was nicely surprised to hear my Q being read out😁the WHU media team are losing out on not backing you guys but it’s a shame same idiots hide behind the computer keyboard.

@PockyPunk - 15.09.2019 04:07

Haha thanks for the shout out and explaining the quiz name. I'll probably DM you to spell it out again haha. Gonzo's autobiography title....simply THE GREAT GONZO.

@ashleyforbes7145 - 16.09.2019 10:05

dodo's and dildo's LOL

@christianclark8530 - 16.09.2019 11:15

I liked the vlogs (if we won) but I totally understand why you won’t do them... there is only so many hours in the day and you guys give enough content already... also, it’s really frustrating when Dec, or any young player, gets slated. He’s 20 ffs and needs his confidence building, not knocking

@christianclark8530 - 16.09.2019 11:16

An Irrational Hatred of Everything is well worth a read
