the scariest genre of horror

the scariest genre of horror

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@silasjohnson9596 - 11.01.2025 09:50

The only jumps care is when she turns the page of the book and that things pops up

@dottiegillespie8067 - 12.01.2025 17:46

I guess thats why 90 percent of what i watch is horror. I didnt realize till now it helps my anxiety.

@NoriKassidy - 16.01.2025 07:43

That bit about the mother made me less scared and more livid. The last time something that vicious happened to me, it was because my dad was having a bad day and I was present at the wrong time. But unlike most people, my stress response involves promising to myself that I will get revenge on the person rather than become scared and want to get away.

@ImEncke - 18.01.2025 05:08

3000th comment mwahahhaha..

@RealGreenrh - 18.01.2025 06:52

A game that really changed me was called “Presentable Liberty”. This was a different kind of horror.

@Hisk..E - 18.01.2025 08:49

dude the babadook legit gave me nightmares when i was younger

@ItsShader - 19.01.2025 13:08

An analog horror series/project that utilizes psychological horror would be


@NilsFLindberg - 19.01.2025 17:56

Sorry but adding the music from annihilation to the scenes from other films was a really bad editing choice.

@TheUnatuber - 20.01.2025 15:53

Okay, you clearly missed it on The Babadook.

@kinleysloat1437 - 21.01.2025 04:12

I just want to say thank you to the creator of this video. I watched The Babadook not a week before my grandma passed away this past summer. It started making me afraid to go in my garage and I thought " what if something similar happens to me?", but now that I know it was made for me to do that, it makes me feel better that I'm not the only one who's probably felt this way. It may seem silly bc I'm almost an adult, but everyone needs closure on things sometimes. I'm glad others may have found a sense of closure from this video too.❤

@MADDIVTS - 21.01.2025 14:18

hereditary was the movie that introduced me to the sub genre of psychological horror and god it is clearly the scariest horror genre

@lbedu9960 - 21.01.2025 22:25

THe Babadook, was such a good movie, no jumpscares and still you are scared shitless. The movie really makes you as a viewer part of the movie, you feel connected to what's happening in a really weird way..

@rithornanie_ - 22.01.2025 10:39

Cosmic horror and psychological horror my favourite. I enjoy thriller gory horror but cosmic horror and psychological horror, giving me this unsettling or impending doom feelings that I can't describe 😂

@jaques5954 - 22.01.2025 23:01

psychological horror is the type of horror that has the potential to an actually good piece of entertainment, imo

@aleksandardjordjevic2729 - 23.01.2025 15:29

Babadook is a stupid movie, especially compared to Hereditary. Quite a flop in general. Good analysis though, but BABA is a cliche low asss horror, don't know why you even mentioned it. Pretty much felt sleepy watching it. And the scream BAAABADOOOOK, DUKKK, DUUUK DUUUUK was hilarious actually, not scary.

@Bobiszek4000 - 24.01.2025 17:19

Very nice video. I like it

@PureVoidChaos - 27.01.2025 03:03


@shawnj1679 - 28.01.2025 17:20

Heriditary was great and scary as hell. Imagine how many people Googled "Paimon" the demon after watching it. But I thought the Babadook was one of the stupidest movies I have ever watched. It didn't scare me like..."The Grudge!!"

@foxlancaster4044 - 30.01.2025 23:45

I always thought the book title "The Babadook" was a rearranging of "The Dada Book." But I've never seen anyone else interpret it that way... Makes sense though.

@BlackDogOriginal - 01.02.2025 00:56

Horror movies should just be scary. Don’t overthink it.

@DNTMEE - 01.02.2025 15:18

I turned the video off when you got to "Midsummer." I hate that sexist POS movie so much. That not withstanding, this thing about "what you don't see" being more scary is a load of sewer swimmers. Why do you go to a movie? To see stuff. If I wanted to not see things I would just read the book. The movie's job is to bring to life what the book merely describes. IOW, make the words into images. Showing dimly lit scenes with nothing in them (at length) gets boring really quickly.

The thing I dislike the most is the non-ending ending. Where it's left up to the watcher/reader to come up with the end. That's just lazy. Not to mention a total letdown. It's not artsy, it's annoying. A horror movie doesn't have to have jump scares, but show SOMETHING! A good example of a movie that delivers the goods is "Pyewacket." It both shows the aftermath of the witch's unseen visits and the witch itself. Particularly effective was the scene showing the witch in hidden shadow form up near the ceiling motionless and hardly visible as to what it is and a short time later it makes itself distinct as it slowly and silently moves down to the floor. Just excellent. It also uses the "is it the witch or is it the mother?" to build tension quite well. There are many other examples but this post has already become too long.

@PercyVonJoni - 03.02.2025 19:55

Going through the effort to produce a well-made video about a passion you have and not bothering to even attempt to say the name of the fella you’ve quoted. A quote that underpins the theme of the video, too…

Americans are funny 😂

@anzowatanabe702 - 04.02.2025 07:19

bro i was really scared for that black screen, i thought my PC was dead and that something was lurking behind me or smtg like what? love hte video

@LZ_Frosty - 04.02.2025 22:02

hereditary was one of the craziest horror movies ive watched.

@crazyguinea-pig338 - 06.02.2025 22:48

I watched The Shining and some of The Lamb and it's supposed to be psychological but it did not affect me, so am I watching the wrong form of psych horror movie? But Incantation Yoh and The Blare wiitch project were disturbing to me.

@bluepuppystudios3617 - 07.02.2025 05:48

Your sucking babadook off a little too much here its not that good😅

@michaelc3330 - 10.02.2025 02:41

Smile, Smile 2, Incantation are all good psyche movies

@RafaelLao-v1n - 13.02.2025 13:16

i thought it was gedagedigedagedao

@TheMilitantHorse - 14.02.2025 09:38

The monologue from Hereditary and from The Lighthouse are genuinely amazing tbh.

@orangedoggy - 14.02.2025 18:19

why is this same sound effect in the background bro

@YessineBennefissa - 15.02.2025 15:57

Even though they showed us two scenes and the first one was apparently less scary, insidious 2 is I'm not even joking one of the scariest movies out there like I rate it a 9.5/10 on the scare factor

@TheMarwanAlley - 18.02.2025 05:13


@devonfish5825 - 18.02.2025 23:56

I knew from the logo of the vid that it was the babdook and I only have watched that movie once, that's how you know it's good.

@Compinvr - 19.02.2025 01:45

bros smacking his lips like its a job 😂

@Dapryor - 20.02.2025 07:07

Hereditary is the scariest movie I’ve ever seen. The film itself feels evil. I’ve never seen or read anything like that.

@felixhatton7334 - 22.02.2025 04:03

One word: Smile

@Mrs.Jekyll - 22.02.2025 20:04

Psychological horror is not scary. If you are so scared of yourself, go see a therapist or check in an mental hospital.

@seansmith6255 - 24.02.2025 03:36

The scary kind

@jonelcastro4767 - 25.02.2025 19:28

The cons of jumpscares is that it will scares you from 1-3 times then it will become boring overtime. Unlike psychological horror it builds horror on your mind in horror after completing it or after understanding it. It feels like you have jigsaw puzzle that you dont know what you are fixing but you know its scary, then once you put the last piece you will see the actual horror that you could never expect.

@dr.virus1295 - 25.02.2025 21:19

I watched Babadook once & haven't seen it since cause it was such a scary film.
You're right about jumpscares being just boring. I like horror games & films that have a creepy, unnerving or unsettling atmosphere without relying on jumpscaring the audience/player. It's just lazy.

@decomperson - 27.02.2025 12:08

I don’t think I’ve ever been as scared of a film as I was of The Babadook. Even the concept of the book within the film “predetermining” what will happen as the mother goes insane absolutely terrified me.
I think the most frightening scene for me in the whole film, if I recall it correctly is she goes to a police station to report the unusual activity around her house, and as she’s talking to the police the cinematography gradually sort of moves in a way that makes the assortment of police jackets and clothing in the background look like the figure of the creature itself. Something about that scene and its execution absolutely horrified me, and the people I was watching with couldn’t understand why afterwards.

Not to mention for the following week afterwards I was incredibly aware in my own life of that sort of silhouette happening randomly in clothes in my house or anything like that. I don’t think any horror film will have that effect on me again.

@ubdejones1 - 28.02.2025 05:11

you had me until hereditary. Fucking garbage movie

@g-rillaxx2D - 02.03.2025 08:53

I love The Babadook. My parents, friends, family etc hated it and though it was weird, But I LOVED it, W movie

@benzi4759 - 06.06.2023 06:03

“The Alien” from Annihilation by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow is the music playing in the background 👍🏻
