Talk to Al Jazeera -- Khaled Hosseini: 'Why I write about pain'

Talk to Al Jazeera -- Khaled Hosseini: 'Why I write about pain'

Al Jazeera English

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@raynawu9390 - 05.07.2017 07:14

Just finished reading the Kite runner. I love this story, it makes me cry. Thanks for sharing this amazing experiences with us, Khaled.

@essamnasir9647 - 16.08.2017 01:41

The kite runner touched me in a way no other book has all these years later. Can anyone recommend books that might?

@jonathansmithson3233 - 12.10.2017 20:49

I had do this for class project

@muratyldz4880 - 31.12.2017 11:52

Süper bir yazar ,adam ,insan ve gerçek maceracı. Turkey your loving

@BridgeFour05 - 01.04.2018 06:04

I have an immense amount of respect for Khaled Hosseini both as an author and a person. One of my top five favourite authors. 🙌

@ajaykumarsingh5679 - 08.06.2018 10:55

He is a natural story teller, and quite possibly the best one I have come across!

@anniehowell6266 - 01.07.2018 12:56

Khaled Hosseini is my favourite writer as he creates these amazing characters and pulls on my heartstrings but he never gives the reunions you wany. you might say that's real life but I have had to come out with different endings to stop myself from grieving. its taken me a while to get over one of his books and they are still all with me now. In kite runner I so felt like Hassan should know that Amir cared so much and they should see each other happily again, in thousand splendid suns I so wanted Mariam to know that her father did care, did regret and gave her the snow white and seven dwarfs in rememberance. not that just Laila did not knowing the significance, and in the mountains echoed i so needed Pari to know the meaning behind the feather, how close Abdullah and her were, that Abdullah pretty much brought her up and that nothing made either of them happier than being together and about the dog shuja and their father telling stories and their mother with pari's goodness in her. it seemed cruel that they never truly realised the truth. my one saving grace is that i believe in heaven so i say it'll b all right in the end. yes, i know its not real but when characters enter my heart they become real.

@kabyashreedas3839 - 23.07.2018 10:21

I am so inspired by khaled hossienis 'A thousand splendid suns' ...It touched my heart from the very first page...great book

@bazi5646 - 24.08.2018 12:56

That’s not how you say his name 😂😂

@muhammadayaz6612 - 06.11.2018 20:08

I am an Afghan student and living in Pakistan as I went to take admission in university they were asking me about Khalid Hussaini ... When I joined the university in 1st day of my university my teachers asked me about Hussaini then I m impressed and I went to Google about him now I watched this video.... I am so happy that my country has such like a great author and I think now this person will be my role model.....

@Sarah-w2k6v - 15.12.2018 22:57

My all time favorite author just love all his work....

@janetn71 - 02.05.2019 20:34

He writes different, so well he makes you forget your world and get into his. I know it'll never happen, but if he ever set foot in Kenya, I am paying to just see him.

@rafikakar4938 - 08.05.2019 11:46

IT IS the matter of immense pleasure for afghan,s vicinity having such author like kahlid hussani who reached the trenched tale of pashtoon afghan to all world through kite running,,,, we proud of Dr sab ,

@agentravi00007 - 09.05.2019 04:10

I have read his famous novel " The mountain echoed" great writing skills

@noordida8836 - 13.07.2019 14:12

This is the first novel i have read and touched me.... i absolutely loved it there is no way in between khaleed is just mashaallah fantastic author i have ever come across. and the kite runner OMG is nice

@deadpirateroberts6462 - 10.03.2020 17:05

I become nostalgic whenever i read his books❤

@afifkhaja - 10.03.2020 18:05

Nice interview

@katrinbaser9389 - 03.04.2020 17:21

Guys, you should read The Kite Runner!!! That’s amazing )

@attie666 - 11.04.2020 07:34

What a well spoken Guy :) I came here right after finishing a thousand splendid suns :) So true that the country should have compassion towards newly arrived immigrants because initially they may be disconcerted in performing some very simple things. :)

@nonblonde35 - 01.06.2020 19:49

I have read the book and seen the movie.
I have to say, I really loved the movie. The actor that played Hassan will break your heart into a million pieces.

@dazzlingmichael6855 - 04.07.2020 09:15

just read a kite runner and i can say Khaled is really a great author, one of the greatest author today... im so proud of him

@rosheedatakindele3142 - 23.07.2020 06:07

I love Khaled!

@aidansmith2186 - 21.09.2020 18:40

Reading the book made me so sad 😔

@iliyasn2760 - 27.10.2020 08:06

I have learned a great things through his books.

@zoyailpatel3608 - 11.01.2021 20:28

a truely greatest story ,a game changer for those who don't enjoy reading,brilliant story ,superbly story telling,loved the thousand splendid sons as well,thank you for your great literature.

@gabriellekoukis9460 - 13.03.2021 14:27

I love all your books and I’m so glad you are helping the cause in Afghanistan . Sending lots of love to you Gabrielle

@shadowboxer2747 - 09.04.2021 17:28

The Kite Runner made me cry ... Hassan character haunted me for months 😩 greetings from Malaysia 🇲🇾

@jeangalenzoga8363 - 10.04.2021 18:45

I love your story telling technique. Your books are touching and kept me awake at night.

@sabihahzainuddin6980 - 19.05.2021 23:03

the journalist annoys me sorry

@ma-lm9vn - 21.05.2021 01:47

I am 1000th who liked this video for the first time ;o

@cakpm4416 - 14.10.2021 18:34

Very interesting story.

@eyedo5224 - 23.10.2021 17:50

I find it weird that I haven't read many books but somehow I gravitate to ones that resonate with me without having anything more than a summary on the back of the book.

@sarwatansari6053 - 06.11.2021 09:56

Very handsome man indeed 🙂.vow i got to know he is philanthropist also

@sarafox5792 - 21.11.2021 22:34

wonderful man.....

@chickenducks1002 - 30.01.2022 22:01

do u know any similar books

@seaweedseaside5905 - 30.03.2022 14:08

Hosseini's books are similar to Dostoevsky's: they're riveting, incredibly painful to read, and you're never the same once you have gone through them.

@klarkewang - 18.01.2023 16:34

Looking back, foreign master has been turned over by ironically Taliban. Never change a country overnight.

@rekanm1441 - 30.03.2023 16:57

So my favorite author had been in my homeland Kurdistan!

@joeyenfp4791 - 07.06.2023 01:56

هو مسلم سُني؟

@alimajid8118 - 17.07.2023 07:15

As a Pakistani I hate Khalid Hosseini for trying to portray Pashtun people as Hitler meanwhile his farsi and Tajik people always support USSR 😂😂😂😂😂😂

@tomasblancocorrea3322 - 04.12.2023 19:47

tatiana vizcaino

@tomasblancocorrea3322 - 04.12.2023 19:47


@tomasblancocorrea3322 - 04.12.2023 19:47

Jeronimo Delgado

@blod_1232 - 04.12.2023 19:48

tomas blanco

@blod_1232 - 04.12.2023 19:49

lucciano gonzalez

@tomasblancocorrea3322 - 04.12.2023 19:49


@filhanislamictv8712 - 14.01.2024 18:20

Just reading a 1000 splendid books. Can't remember last time the book made me cry.

@sourabhsingh3906 - 18.02.2024 14:01

Love your novels

@After_comedy - 04.05.2024 12:47

A few days ago I had a test of Turkish language and one of the questions was to introduce how many afghan writers you know and I was actually reminding of ancient writers like al beroni or others just I was bound to find out about the recent writers and I came across Mr husseini searching on Google it was really a nice accident to get to know about this genuine guy and I feel proud of him.
Honestly I was too much surprised he has been the writer of the kite runner novel cause I had watched the movie not noticing the writer and I found out lastly ❤

@winniealwayo700 - 10.02.2025 03:04

All Khaled's books are gripping from the get-go. They never leave you the same. The amount of pain but hope in all his books, unmatched. He is such a phenomenal writer.
