lots of ukrainians there?
ОтветитьWow simplemente hermoso Haifa muchas gracias 🇮🇱❤️❤️❤️
Ответитьa vida e bela vamos viver da melhor maneira possível galera me leve pra Jerusalém meu sonho meu deu me ajude a conhecer sua terra natal te amo mestre
ОтветитьGreater Israel 🇪🇺🇺🇲🇺🇦🇮🇱🇩🇪🙋🏼♂️✝️✡️
ОтветитьWhere christian lives their always clean and culture!
ОтветитьBeautiful Israel. Gem of the Middle East. Nation of resourceful people. Pray for peace and unity
Ответитьحيفا العربية
ОтветитьI don’t think I ever see houses In any of your videos seems everyone lives in apartments no one owns just a single house?
ОтветитьVery nice walk, except for a small detail, this attractive so-called country is built over the bodies of another nation.
ОтветитьMissing my days in Haifa.....
Ответитьوالعاقبه للمتقين
وصبرا جميل
وبشر الصابرين
I had a home in haifa before 1948
But enemy broke it💔💔💔💔
ОтветитьThank you. 26 Praise the Lord 86 . God bless you.
Thank you. Watching from Brisbane, Australia. QLD.
🥶🥶🥶 God bless you 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶 John 3:16
lovely city, old but not a shred of litter, not like unfortunately the filthy streets of my city London
ОтветитьLove the southern europe vibe.
ОтветитьCity so clean . Shows respect.
ОтветитьSome great images - well done on the content.
ОтветитьAm Israel Chai Forever ❤️🇮🇱❤️
Ответить💙 Haifa
ОтветитьI hope one day i can visit Israel
ОтветитьBairro bem diferente de muitos que já vi em seu canal.
Parecido um.pouco com alguns aqui no Brasil
Hermosa ciudad del.medio oriente, dentro de Israel. Interesante su diversidad de corrientes arquitectónicas, sus calles atractivas y silenciosas.
Éxitos desde centro américa
{&} WE DID NOT COME FROM STARS.....{&} HELLO, EVERYONE? & Shalom, Mr Professor, His Holy Greatness, Holy Future, His Holy Walkers, More Importantly,..... YOUR HAS TO READS, In His Holy Future, He More Powerfully Controls., In His Many Holy Powerfully., In His Holy Ways., More Correctly & More Clearly In To His Holy EARTH HE MORE POWERFULLY IN HIS HOLY CREATOR., MORE PURELY., ''AMEN................The More Important, Time Has Come, For You To See God, More Correctly, His Holy YWHW, And You know, That He Exists, FROM BEGINNING IN TO HIS HOLY FUTURE,& TODAY, HE MORE POWERFULLY CONTROLS ALWAYS., In scientific terms utilising the laws of Physics it is IMPOSSIBLE for conscious and reasoning LIFE to come out of a theoretical explosion of a '' big bang '' creating trillions of stars which are actually fusion nuclear reactors made up of hydrogen nitrogen and many other toxic gases and elements and then for the left over dust from these toxic but powerful fusion reactors in the Heavens to be formed into planets.,... Even if you believe this theoretical scenario the conscious and living life or all organisms still does not exist because it is impossible for any life form to exist in this '' big bang '' There is a God and One Only who added the MIRACLE of LIFE into the Universe and created all organisms and Mankind. We were put on this earth by God, Spiritually and Supernaturally and we are made in His Image. We are earthly Angels a little lower than the Heavenly Angels that live with God, We Are Very Special Indeed., ONLY HIS HOLY CHILDREN, WHO FOLLOW CORRECTLY, HIS HOLY LAWS, HE HAS MORE WRITTEN IN HIS HOLY PURE HOLY COVENANTS, PURE HIS HOLY CONSTITUTIONS, PURE HIS HOLY TEN COMMANDMENTS., YOU HAVE TO STANDING, MORE STRONGLY IN HIS HOLY PURE MORE POWERFUL , ALL HIS HOLY LAWS., MORE DEEPLY EVERYDAY & ALL YEARS AROUND CORRECTLY & MORE CLEARLY., ''AMEN, .........And He Will Sent His Son A Unique Holy One., And He Only First Begotten, With Him From The Beginning, For Him, To Draw Us All Back To God, Our Holy YWHW, And He Teach Us All, In how To Live, His Holy Life's., And Become More Better Human Beings By The Powers, In Holy His Life's, On His Holy Earth, the Resurrection and the shedding of His Divine Grace by His Holy Spirit and indeed the Holy Spirit of God was not created from a fusion nuclear reactor called a star, the Holy Spirit Word of God SPOKE THE STAR INTO EXISTENCE.,......................... Your Holy Royal Highness, His Holy Kings, In His Holy In Righteousness, His Holy Jesus Christ, His Holy Kings, In His Holy Righteousness, His Holy Melchizedek, & YOUR HAS TO Crown Him, In His Many Holy Magnificent, His Holy Divine, His Holy Crowns., More Powerfully, & More Strongly., & MORE PURELY., Shalom., Mr Professor, ADONAI YOUR HOLY KINGS, YOUR HOLINESS, & TEAMS, His Holy Greatness, Holy Future, His Holy Walkers., We Will Talks More Soon., Amen, And Amen., SHALOM., EVERYONE?.,
Ответить{&} The War IN Israel Has More Frightening, IN Getting Out Off Control., And Those Days Will Be Shortened, Otherwise No Flesh Will Survive '' His Holy Kings, His Holy Jesus Christ, PURE, IN His Holy Pure Holy Teaching His More Powerfully, His Holy Warning, He Has UPON All Us All., {{&} SHALOM, EVERYONE? & Hello, Mr Professor, His Holy Greatest, Holy Future ,His Holy Walkers, More Importantly, & YOUR HAS TO READS., In His Holy Future, He Powerfully Controls., In His Many Pure Holy Teachings He Has Given To Us All., Today., More Powerfully In His Holy Future That We Are All Needed To Reach More UP Highly In To IT Strongly& More Correctly & More Clearly., ''Amen .,............................... Your Holy Royal Highness, His Holy Kings, In His Holy In Righteousness, His Holy Jesus Christ, His Holy Kings, In His Holy Righteousness, His Holy Melchizedek, & YOUR HAS TO Crown Him, In His Many Holy Magnificent, His Holy Divine, His Holy Crowns., More Powerfully, & More Strongly., & MORE PURELY., Shalom., Mr Professor, His Holy Greatness, Holy Future, His Holy Walkers., We Will Talks More Soon., Amen, And Amen., SHALOM., EVERYONE?.,
ОтветитьNext time in atzmaut street 🙂
ОтветитьAdorável cidade de Haifa. Não conheci, mas gostaria muito de voltar a Israel e ficar uns dias em Haifa.
❤️🇮🇱 From Brazil.
{&} WEDNESDAY-17-7-2024/.....{&} THE HEART BEAT Of OUR HOLY PLANET, {&} OUR HOLY OCEAN ATMOSPHERE ALSO., SHALOM, EVERYONE, Hello, Mr Professor, His Holy Greatness, Holy Future, His Holy Walkers., More Importantly., & YOUR HAS TO READS., His More Important, More Strengthening More Powerfully In His Holy Future Documents., Our Holy Jerusalem, Our Holy JUDA, Our Holy ISRAEL., He Has More Powerful, In Protections, His Future Generations, That Is Hole UPON AMAZON BETTER FUTURE ATMOPHERE.,TO PROTECTED MORE POWERFULLY THROUGH., THAT STRONGLY MORE NEEDED LOUDLY IN TO IT CORRECTLY & CLEARLY.,...WITHOUT OUR FUTURE AMAZON,& OCEAN PROPER ATMOSPHERE, WE ARE ALL CAN'T BREATH PROPERLY, & These Is Important Time, For All Country's Worldwide To Look Carefully, The Important Future, To More Protected In Many Pure Holy Ways., That Strongly Needed Most's, More Correctly & More PURELY.,................IN the Heart of South America, HE LIES, HIS HOLY Amazon Rainforest.,& INCLUDES HIS HOLY OCEAN ATMOSPHERE THAT WORKS STRONGLY TOGETHER., A Crucial Component of The Earth’s Ecological Balance. Spanning Across MORE Nine Countries., And HE Covering Over 5.5 Million Square Kilometres, HIS HOLY Amazon, OCEAN ATMOSPHERE Is Not Just A Geographical Marvel—It’s A critical Indicator of The IMPORTANT Planet’s Health.,... Imagine a vast Green canvas Pulsating With Life, where Each Leaf and Rivulet Plays Its Part In A Global Climate Symphony. Here, HIS HOLY Amazon,& HIS HOLY OCEAN ATMOSPHERE HE CREATED ALSO, Is Not Just ARE Rainforest; & AND OCEAN It’s A Dynamic Character In Our Earth’s MORE POWERFUL Story., Its Dense Jungles And Sprawling Rivers Are MORE IMPORTANT Lifelines That Weave Through The Narrative of Our Planet., Influencing Weather Patterns And Ecosystems Across ALL Continents.,....This Vast Rainforest,& OCEAN ATMOSPHERE THAT Home to An Estimated 10% of The world’s Known Species, Is ARE Testament To The Delicate Interplay of Life's. From the Stealthy Jaguar to the flamboyant Macaw, Each Species Plays ARE Significant Role In Maintaining the Ecological Equilibrium., The Health of These Species, OCEAN FISHES THAT Reflects the Broader Health of Our Planet, illustrating the intricate Connection Between local Ecosystems And Global Environmental MORE Well-Being.,...But The Amazon & OCEAN ATMOSPHERE, Is ARE At a Critical Crossroads., Shadowed By Significant Challenges. Recent data from Brazil’s National Space Research Institute, INPE, Show ARE decline In Deforestation, With Forest & OCEAN ATMOSPHERE FILTHYNESS TO CLEAN OUT., THAT MORE Clearing in Brazil’s Amazon Decreasing by 66% in August 2023., THAT Compared To The Same CENTURY'S Month The Previous DEADLY Year., WHAT AMAZON & OCEAN ATMOSPHERE HAS BEEN HOLOCAUST'S IN TO THAT POWERFULLY.,THAT Despite This Recent Decrease., The Brazilian Amazon & OCEAN DEADLY ATMOSPHERE, Has Lost Nearly 20% Of Its Forest, & OCEAN MORE FILTHYNESS HAS ON THAT, Cover Since The Early 1970s.,THE WORLD WIDE Scientists THEY Warn., That Continued Deforestation, Alongside Forest & INCLUDES OCEAN ATMOSPHERE WILL Degradation., IN TO ARE SEVERE, And Climate Change, Could Transform Larger, Rainforest, & OCEAN ATMOSPHERE, Areas Into A Drier, Savanna-Like Ecosystem, WILL Severely Affecting Carbon Storage, Biodiversity, Rainfall Patterns, And Local Communities 1. Its Preservation is more than saving a Rainforest; & OCEAN PROPER ATMOSPHERE it Is About Safeguarding., The IMPORTANT Future Of Our Global Environment.,...The IMPORTANT Art Of Bioacoustics Lies In Converting Nature’s Sound Into Scientific Evidence.,...Juan Lanista Ferris.,...VP, Chief Data Scientist, Microsoft’s AI For Good Lab.,...Bioacoustics And The Art of listening to Nature’s Symphony.,...Deep within the Amazon, Microphones (sometimes as small as a pea or button), Capture chirps, growls, and rustles—unveiling Previously Hidden Narratives of Wildlife. Welcome to Bioacoustics, ARE Scientific Field that Merges Biology With Acoustics. It involves Analysing and interpreting the sounds made by and Affecting Living Organisms, Effectively Turning The Forest’s, & OCEAN MORE BETTER ATMOSPHERE, Symphony Into ARE Dataset Rich With Ecological Insights.,...Microphones, with their Minimal Invasiveness, Are Transformative In Bioacoustics. Their ability to silently observe nature without Disturbance Captures Its Essence In ARE Way Active Human Presence THEY Cannot. Efficient and Cost-Effective, these Devices Allow for Extensive, Unobtrusive Monitoring Across The Vast Expanses Of The Rainforest, & OCEAN BETTER ATMOSPHERE., Rahul Dudhi Deputy Director at Microsoft’s AI for Good Lab, Highlights their Proficiency in Capturing “nature’s subtle nuances,” underscoring the Advantage of this Passive Observation Method.,...Harmonizing AI with the Amazon’s & OCEAN Echoes.,....In The MORE IMPORTANT Future BETTER JOURNEY., The Amazon Rainforest, & OCEAN FUTURE ATMOSPHERE, Will Become A Canvas For ARE Ground Breaking Dialogue Between Researchers and AI. Envision ARE World Where interacting With An AI model Unlocks Instant Insights Into the Complex Chorus Of The Rainforest., & OCEAN BETTER FUTURE ATMOSPHERE., A Researcher HE & SHE Might Inquire MORE About ARE Specific Bird & OCEAN FISHES, THEY Call And, Like Magic., Receive MORE Detailed MORE Information About Its Species, Behaviours, And Ecological Significance. These Isn’t Science Fiction; it’s ARE Vision In Progress by the AI For Good Team, ARE Testament To The Leaps In Bioacoustics Research.,....Looking Ahead, the Synergy Between AI and Our Natural World isn’t Just inspiring; it’s ARE Critical Step Toward ARE MORE Sustainable Future JOURNEY., This Narrative, where technology Becomes Nature’s Ally, THAT ALL Reminds Us ALL, that Every Contribution Counts In Protecting and Understanding the Earth. Every voice is Part of ARE Larger Melody, From The Tiniest Insect in the Amazon & OCEAN ATMOSPHERE, To ARE Global Community Of MORE BETTER Citizen Scientists.,...........In the Rhythms of the Rainforest,& OCEAN BETTER ATMOSPHERE, A Shared Melody Emerges., Calling Us ALL To Listen, Learn, MORE And Act. This Is More Than Conservation; it’s A Collective Journey To Preserve the Extraordinary Planet., THAT WE ARE ALL Call Home, where Technology And Nature Intertwine.,.............................YOUR HOLY ROYAL HIGHNES, HIS HOLY KINGS, IN HIS HOLY IN RIGHTEOUSNESS, HIS HOLY KINGS, HIS HOLY JESUS CHRIST, HIS HOLY KINGS, IN HIS HOLY IN RIGHTEOUSNESS,HIS HOLY MELCHIZDECK, & YOUR HAS TO CROWN HIM, IN HIS MANY HOLY MAGNIFICENT, HIS HOLY DIVINE, HIS HOLY CROWNS,MORE POWERFULLY,& MORE STRONGLY,& MORE PURELY.,SHALOM., MR PROFESSOR, HIS HOLY GREATENESS,HOLY FUTURE, HIS HOLY WALKERS., AMEN, AND AMEN., WE WILL TALKS MORE SOON., SHALOM., EVERYONE?.,
Ответитьare the majority drivers in Haifa jew or muslim?
Ответитьwow Haifa is so beautiful, clean, modern and developed.unfortunately I cannot visit Haifa/Israel bcos I am from Malaysia and the Malaysian government does not allow their people to visit Israel.Shalom from Malaysia❤😊
Ответитьلا فرق بين الكيان الصهيوني وداعش
Ответитьisrael is agains 5G , you cant see 5G machines every where , they know is dangrous
ОтветитьWhere is the rain.Ruth UK.😂😂
ОтветитьQue lindo esse Lugar
Ответить❤Amo Jerusalém
ОтветитьComo é maravilhoso este lugar
ОтветитьBairro lindo paz pra Israel Erivan brasil
ОтветитьI would like it so much ..
If not named Israeli , i will easy love and want to live and have work in this nice place
Cara lives muito sem graça ,perde cada oportunidade, não fala com ninguém, cara você é mudo, parece um robô 🤖 pela amor. Faz uma live mais interessante, conversa com algumas pessoas
ОтветитьMy daddy had a one chair barber shop. He and just about anyone else in it smoked. Yes he died from lung cancer. In the later part of his life he became a Christian.
ОтветитьI saw the barber shop sign with a smoker on it. Brought back memories.
ОтветитьLugar lindo❤
ОтветитьI'd love to visit, live and work there for the rest of my dsys.
May God help mske this dream come true! ❤