ОтветитьHello ,
Great interview Jeff …love your work 👍
Thankyou for your ongoing passion and hard work in getting the truth and facts out there.
Jeff , you are one of the pillars of the plant based /Vegan community/world and your health is important ( so take care of yourself, don’t get burned out) !!!
I’ll be donating to your cause as you have to pay your bills as well 👍
Thankyou once again and hopefully through education we can one day stop this nonsense of eating , exploiting and suffering of animals , much better health outcomes for humans and a healthier environment! 🙏❤️🌱
Take care
Sydney, Australia 🇦🇺
ОтветитьThank you for reassurance. I’m very happy that my decision to raise my kids vegan from the start is the best thing I have ever done.
ОтветитьFantastic!! I;ve been Vegan for 56 years and have flourished-still healthy and happy at 76..So wish more could share this..Keep up the good work...
ОтветитьLove him!
ОтветитьPhenomenal interview! Oh my goodness, thank you!😊
ОтветитьThank you stephan!!!! 🧡✨️🧡
ОтветитьYou're AWESOME Stephan!!!!!🌟🌟🌟
ОтветитьTack you🙏❤ Passion!!!
ОтветитьHow old became his vegan family members over generations?
ОтветитьThank you so much for sharing your lives with us!
ОтветитьWhat an excellent human being. Thank you sir. I am inspired. Truly.
ОтветитьAmazing video thank you so much. Melbourne Australia ❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьI just ordered Dr. Esser’s grandfather’s book. I should have it in a week or so😊
ОтветитьWhat a wonderful interview. Thank you so much Dr. Esser😊
Ответитьwith adequate amounts of greens (100 g absolute minimun and 250+ optimun, best dark leafy ones) all the supposedly low micronutrients commented in the video can be totally ingested in official amounts.
Ответитьif his grandgrandfather and his grandfather was vegans, for sure they never supplemented b12. So the need for supplementation of b12 is dabatable or, at least, quite tinged.
ОтветитьThis video was information!! I’m new here, but I’m here to learn and apply knowledge consumed!!
Ответитьzero chance this is true, or verified. Would require N15 isotope testing of all 5 generations to verify this, can we dig them up?
ОтветитьDoes your family supplement B12?
ОтветитьDudes amazing. Where's he been all my life?
ОтветитьAnother great video! Almost wish you had put the anecdotal recovery account at the beginning as a 'gotcha' click baitish thing. It was great to get to know him the way you did. I want to go there. Take my family there, maybe wake em up. I have to do a birthday thing soon with mom and am bringing my own chickpea cheese cake but also I am going to insist we watch this video. I was once thinking FoK or Cowspiracy but this is so powerfully crafted and short enough to catch their attention maybe
ОтветитьWow!! This is a fantastic interview, very very inspiring.
ОтветитьThank you for all you do, Jeff! You're amazing! Great interview. And if you are ever filming in this area (Brevard, NC, 45 mins. from Asheville) you are welcome to stay in my Airbnb at no charge. Nice comfy bed, with your own Vegan kitchen and household - chemical and fragrance free with organic linens.
ОтветитьWhy it’s hard to transition little by little/gradually: …Is that it keeps you craving the foods you’re trying to avoid. —May be easier to just go “all in”. And never look back, as you put it.
ОтветитьThis is a Beyond, Awesome, video, thank you for sharing this Amazing, Doctor with, us, I am a soon to be 13 years Vegan and I love this Loving Lifestyle ❤️ Your site is Awesome, Hooray to VeganLinked a true, Thumbs up 👍 Love, Diana Lipski ❤️
ОтветитьWhat 62 years young female needs to eat for calories if nuts are compromising for keeping normal weight?
ОтветитьEverything good he says but I prefer raw vegan food, not cooked.
ОтветитьHow wonderful that he is continuing his grandfather’s legacy!❤ I hope he reads The 80/10/10 Diet by Dr. Graham. Dr. Graham addresses the fatty acids aspect correctly. He also addresses the calcium issue appropriately.
ОтветитьMuch love from Switzerland
ОтветитьHe looks excellent for his age!
ОтветитьIs he saying 2 people who were plant based from birth and ate zero animal nutrition then had children who ate the same diet who gave birth etc etc for 5 generations 🤔
ОтветитьOne of the greatest Person i ve ever listened to
ОтветитьKudos to this guy for generations of vegans. I’m one of those “serious plant-based people” he referred to, been vegan since 1989, so by his math, that’s way over the 6 to 20 years I should have used up my “stored” resources of B12 – a concept that is nonsense, because you can’t get beneficial bacteria from a putrefying corpse (meat) that B12 is claimed to be & I've never taken supplements.
Also, he says we require small quantities/micrograms of B12 every day – does he mean the cyanobacteria found on the roots of all legume plants? Because the cyanocobalamin sold as “vitamin B12” is a man-made synthetic copy made from GMO bacteria, coal tar, sewage sludge and a cyanide molecule – nothing found anywhere in Nature.
Here you go, Jeff - Several scientific papers published regarding Vitamin B12 derived from sewage sludge, feces and cyanide.
1) A March 12, 2013 paper published in the Journal of Microbiology Research, “Production of Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid From Agricultural Wastes Using New Bacterial Isolates,” specifically referred to deriving B12 from feces. It stated: “Some fecal bacteria strains have been used for the production of vitamin B12 and folic acid using rice bran as a substrate.” They concluded that: “Our results supported the concept that fecal bacterial flora are one of the major producers of vitamin B12 and other vitamin B complex.”
2) Article dated March 19, 2024 on The Wellness Watchdog “Why Does B12 Have Sewage Sludge in It? Uncovering the Unsettling Truth About Your Supplements”: “The unsanitary source of the sewage sludge can lead to potential contamination risks during the initial phases of production. The list of potential contaminants found in the Vitamin B12 supplements include heavy metals, pathogens, and other organic compounds. Research has shown that more than 80% of such contaminants haven’t been tested on a large scale, which can lead to a range of health issues such as digestive problems, neurological damage, and potentially even an increased risk of cancer.”
3) Paper published May 2024 presented at the BIO Web of Conferences regarding sewage sludge and cyanide in Vitamin B12 supplements: “Microbial communities of activated sludge: A potential contribution to the production of vitamin B12 - The study examines the potential of activated sludge generated during wastewater treatment as a source of vitamin B12 products for the production of feed concentrates.”
Sewage Sludge and Cyanide: “Cyanocobalamin, a form of Vitamin B12, is extracted from sewage sludge by a process that involves collecting the activated sludge from a wastewater treatment plant. The bacteria present in the sludge naturally produce the vitamin B12, which can be harvested and processed into cyanocobalamin.The extracted vitamin B12 is then chemically modified to produce cyanocobalamin by introducing a cyanide group.”
Methylcobalamin uses the exact same cyanocobalamin formula base, except with two additional ingredients: sodium borohydride in an alkaline solution, added in to “reduce” the cyanide; and methyl iodide, a dense, volatile liquid related to methane.
4) A paper dated February 16, 1987 and published on the NIH Natural Library of Medicine, “Two New Vitamin B12 Factors From Sewage Sludge," announced that: “Two hitherto unknown vitamin B12 factors were isolated from sewage sludge.”
5) A paper published on September 16, 1961 in the Nature journal, “Vitamin B12 and Intrinsic Factor,” stated that W. Friedrich, H.C. Heinrich, and P. Riedel of Hamburg were able to produce “effective antimetabolites from factor B12 isolated from sewage sludge.”
6) A study in the Science journal, dated January 30, 1959, “Vitamin B12 in Sewage Sludges,” listed the types of sewage that were being used in the manufacturing of B12. These included “raw sewage solids, septic sludge, and cow dung.”
7) A patent was filed by UCLAF for “Method of Extraction for Vitamin B12” on June 6, 1958 for the “Process for extracting vitamin B12 from sewage sludge, which has been subjected to methane fermentation.”
8) On March 3, 1951, a patent was filed by The Sewerage Commission of The City of Milwaukee for the “Process of preparing vitamin B12-active product from sewage sludge.” Under the classification of “Medicinal preparations containing organic active ingredients,” it was granted on July 21, 1953.
Why not, what a great quote. I've still got a breath and a heart beat, wow.
As for am I getting this or that, should I supplement. I never worked If I should supplement when I ate MickyDs. Why should I worry now I am eating the proven optimal diet for a human being. A potatoe, any one vegie and any one fruit will give 90% or more of what one needs.
Where have you been hiding young man. Sorry can't remember your name. I have gone down a 7 year dig in the rabbit hole of WFPB. Never came accross you or any of your family. 5th generation. Can any one come close to that. No.
You deserve a lot more recognition and coverage. I am guessing you perhaps have a lot more to offer, just from being raised vegetarian 4th generation, than doctors twice your age. Looking foward to finding much more out about your family and yourself. Kind regards John Australia
Hey. Greek from Canada, 43. 10 Years fully plant-based. My 4 children plant-based from conception, growing and thriving. Everyone accused me of abuse, that I dont know what Im doing. I was 100% sure about this, there is a humongous amount of true science for these matters. Also, I had a surprising phonecall recently, from a man that placed his father on a plant-based diet after I recommended it for him, due to his heart disease. His 80% blocked arteries went down to 50% in 1 year, the medical doctors canceled his heart surgery due to this surprising reversal. It is afterall, the only diet that can reverse heart disease. Was surprised and not surprised at the same time. The old 85 year old man was humble and open enough to go plant-based and help himself. I think humility is of utmost importance. Also people should focus loving and respecting themselves and other humans, before they start loving other creations. Also, we must love our Creator-God first. He intended for us to live in love and compassion and to fuel our bodies with wholesome plant foods and receive His light and sunlight.
ОтветитьIsn’t it tautology to say “plant based vegan”? Aren’t all vegans plant based?
ОтветитьThank you for so many healthy ideas.
ОтветитьSo inspiring
ОтветитьAbsolutely love this guy.! Thoroughly enjoyed this as a 9 year vegan here 🙌🏼
ОтветитьMe sitting here watching while eating a bowl of delicious, vegan kidney bean dal. Yum!
ОтветитьThis young Norm MacDonald lookalike is too smooth. He might be an alien. Hell of a speaker,my God. He could inspire Debbie Downer from Saturday night live to go vegan despite any excuses!!!!!
ОтветитьI'm all for plant-based diets, but the doc is a bit too low in protein. A breakfast of just 6 mangoes, what on Earth? That's the goofiest thing I've ever heard. Do you need 200g+ of protein per day? No, but 2-3g, really? Like, is it that crazy to suggest adding in some tofu or eating fewer salads 24/7 and more grains and beans? I think I saw maybe half a cup of black beans in one of the meals 😬. 6'5 man, by the way.