1 thing he didn't mention was with the food and water, don't leave them with a full bowl of water or food. Just give them , depending upon the breed and health condition, just a little bit. I used to leave my dutch shepherd with a few laps (maybe half a cup) for 8 hrs, just convert the bottom of bowl with food or better yet, put food in dog puzzles/toys
ОтветитьI just got a Doberman pup! I work full time but I take him to work with me for now. Once he is six months old he can stay home with my other dog who is a vizsla. The vizsla is 1.5 years old and my Doberman is now 12 weeks these two are so fun to watch play together! Best buds!! They can keep each other company. At least that’s my plan.
ОтветитьYEESS finally someone realistic
ОтветитьThank you so much for this video!! And all your videos really. I’ve been wanting a Doberman for years now. My husband and I are getting one in May.. he works 5 8’s and I work 2-3 12 hour shifts a week. The dog will be alone for 8 hours 1-3 days a week depending on our work schedules, but I’ve seen so many people say not to own a Dobie if you work full time. This has given me confidence that we will still be able to manage our pup on the days we both work.
ОтветитьJust under 2 minutes of this vid, I hit the Like button. Whether they're owners of fish, cats or dogs, many feel so entitled to find flaws & 'correct' others' 'mistakes'... Pity they think so many aren't 'supposed' to own pets at all then.
ОтветитьJust adopted my son Doberman😍That’s why I’m following you🙏😍 ☮️💟🇵🇭🇺🇸🇨🇱
ОтветитьHow come your dog is laying in the couch in the video but in the surveillance he’s not allowed to? Just curious :)
ОтветитьA prison trained mine. I was stay at home mom, I can't even go out side even go out the door with her looking at me, she starts crying. When I leave her Just for a Lil while she's mad at me. She never has gotten on the bed or anything. I love her dearly!!!!
ОтветитьCrazy, I live alone and work full time. They get plenty of exercise, fun activities, running, toys, and 2 thirty minutes walks (before and after work). My 3 year old has never torn anything up in the house, since she she got started on estrogen zero accidents, and couldn't be happier. I do have a dachshund mix but I'm sure he wishes she wasn't around. Lol
ОтветитьI worked long hours (12 hours per day) so my Dobie was left alone too long. No doggy door. Neighbors complained that he howled/cried all day. I thought that by getting a companion dog (a Beagle), he would calm down but no avail. He totally ignored the Beagle as if he was invisible. It’s my fault that he never got to do his business all day, and the veterinarian’s, that he developed prostate cancer. The vet should have seen the signs and said there was nothing wrong. He was passing blood from his penis. I’ve had the pleasure of owning and loving 3 Dobermans. The last one became an AKC Champion….Champion Del Amo’s Juggernaut.
ОтветитьWe leave our dobie at home all day if required and she goes up stairs and sleeps on my bed until I get home. It’s about training them so they don’t get stressed when you leave and trust you’re coming back.
ОтветитьI feel like some people are forgetting that they’re smarter than the average dog
ОтветитьSome days I work 4 hours, some times I work 9 hours, if I work a double I get an hour break to run home and walk my doggo. I work 25-40 hours a week and other than work, I have no life. No social life, no school, so even tho I work, having an active dog I see as not a big deal
ОтветитьMake sure you can afford a Doberman they are expensive but make sure your not working because they need your time
Ответитьhe casually admitted to hiring child labor for 5 a day 😂😂 just kidding id pay to walk puppies
ОтветитьWe’re getting our Doberman puppy in a couple months! Working to get the home ready for him
ОтветитьI'm an "experienced owner and trainer" my doberman is a 2 year old rescue and he's Basically still a puppy so I'm trying to get him trained but it's definitely slower going than other breeds I've trained. I'm not saying they aren't for everyone they definitely can be. But they need a strict schedule and constant work until they start to take to the routine.
ОтветитьSo If I live in a apartment then I still can't work full-time or get a full night's sleep without hiring a neghbour's kid since 6 hrs is the limit?
Ответитьhe looks sad explaining how he leaves his dog alone 🥺
ОтветитьI actually think it's impossible to raise a dobermann if you work full time. If you don't have anyone who stays at home during the day how can you keep him as he deserves? I really want to have one someday, I really hope so.
ОтветитьYou should set UP a Chess bord. So he can use his brain when you are away😂😂
Ответить'you'd be better off getting a cat, this is a 10+ year commitment' ... cats are 15+ year commitment tho??
ОтветитьYou tube music for dogs and virtual walk has been a life saver. Keeps 🫎 Moose very calm and relaxed. ❤ There's all different ones, some play constantly for 10 hours.
ОтветитьI work 3 out of 7 days in the office. If I put my dog in doggy daycare for those three days do you think that would be ok?
ОтветитьI’m finally getting my Doberman guys!!!! Been waiting for 13 years for this day!!I am beyond excited…I couldn’t sleep last night lol…imma make sure I give him the best life any dog can ask for 💯💚
ОтветитьThank you for making this video. I intend to adopt a dog when I have a place of my own but I'm almost certainly going to have to do job at place, and one of the breeds I'm considering is a Doberman, so I'm trying to do my research.
ОтветитьDamn I miss my Dobbie. 😢😢 I need another one as soon as I can.
ОтветитьI work full time 12 hr days sometime and my Doberman is just fine. No mess in the house or anything. Shes the best dog i ever had!!
ОтветитьAlways own two dogs so they have someone to play with. They're sociable pack animals like us.
ОтветитьAs far as adoption of any dog I'm sure its better than the shelter and just google how much sleep a puppy and dog need per day.
ОтветитьI agree with number 1/2 and definitely number three I've got a. European Doberman pinscher !! being such a big dog they need loads of exercise a s*** load of food and a lot of things to stimulate the dog.! !!! There beautiful dogs and they will try push boundaries I have a Male and they especially try pussing boundaries so you have got to be a strong ALPHA WITH the doberman now i responed like this if you want a dog but have a full time job then in my opinion get a TEA CUP DOG ..... ✌🇬🇧👍
ОтветитьPotty trained 😏 don't ya mean house trained come on mate liven up
Ответитьmy doberman (male ) can stay home alone without any issues.....
ОтветитьI’m not good enough to own one…
I had a mime pincher for 10 years… an he was a great dog.
My dobie girl is 4 months old and holds her bladder all night. 8 hrs. We potty her at 9pm and put her to bed. She stays dry all night and we are up at 5am to take her outside.
ОтветитьIf someone who works full time would like to get a Doberman, ADOPT a senior from a Doberman rescue! Rescues need qualified adopters and these senior dogs have already been house trained (they are not broken, IMO) and are likely out of that tearing your stuff up stage. Most have been trained to walk on a leash easily and get along well with other dogs and people--even children. Please consider breed rescues if you're looking for a Doberman. These dogs are great for first time Doberman owners.
ОтветитьI have a doberman . I have a real job. My dog has 🕝 cats to entertain him. I have never had any problems leaving shy home for long periods. Thanks Mr. James
ОтветитьMy vets have told me its fine to crate while away at work full time. Specifically up to 10 hours for a house trained full grown dog.
ОтветитьThere are some owners that leave their Dobermans in a small cage almost all the time and that isn’t right
ОтветитьBeen saving for a Doberman and could say this is by far the most useful channel every question or concerns I had about the breed you covered thanks for the info!
ОтветитьI have a 2 1/2 year old female dobie that has never shown separation anxiety. I work full time and when I'm home, we spend time together, go to the dog park and go places together.
ОтветитьThis video is by far the most important video of yours. So many times I see comments like oh ‘if you’re employed and have a work life then you should not get a dog at all’ and it’s probably some hick online .. -and all over big cities I see so many busy people who do actually work full time have dogs and maintain their lives perfectly well … it is really that … elitist entitled people telling others that they can’t or shouldn’t.. and I wonder what do these busy people do to maintain their dogs lives and their own professional lives
ОтветитьCooper is on the couch behind you! Haha
ОтветитьActually you shouldn’t leave a cat alone all day.
If ppl are working full time which could be from 9 to 7pm or later
You would need a dog walker
You said it perfectly Bro! Elitists
ОтветитьMy Dober-girl Zelda was home alone for nine or ten hours a day for her whole life (12 years) with only an occasional pee or poop; no major problems. Also, I was on the road about one week per month and boarded her. Here's how I set her up for success. 1) I got her at 9 weeks and for the first few months, I hired a neighbor girl to come by in the afternoon and let her out. 2) I ran her EVERY morning without fail. I trained her to pull me on bicycle and skis so we could get a good romp in about 30 minutes. 3) The first year, I placed her crate up to the dog door so she would only be in crate or outside. No chance to get into trouble. 4) After one year, she had her own room with bed and toys. She would pee or poop in her room maybe 3 times per year, which is pretty good. Dobermans are known for incontinence later in life and I had her in diapers the last three years. All of the above are important but the morning romp was key. People often comments on how relaxed and well behaved she was. Take away: You can have a Dobie and work full time but take steps to set it up for success.
ОтветитьIf your dog gets separation anxiety, here's a quick tip (as with all things, it takes time and can take a lot of time).
Don't always go through the exact same routine when you are about to leave the house, for example, put your coat on first, and then return to the couch.
Then get out, but return within 10s and ignore the dog. Keep repeating that and changing the routine and slowly build up the time you are gone (1 min, 3 min, 5 min and so on, just what makes you comfortable). The dog just learns to understand that being alone isn't forever. Eventually he doesn't mind you getting out and probably won't even come off his place to check on you when you're leaving.
It can take a lot of time, but in the end it's all worth it!