@novajoke really pretty late i know but, the gaijin cards have to be carried on you 24/7 and a police officer can come up at any point and ask you for it without reason. and if what he says is true about having to go to an immigration office without having one near by is problematic as well. However some people say that officers abuse their right and harass gaijin by asking for their card. Personally I have no problem with it but I'm not in japan yet, the immigration office could be a problem
Ответить@novajoke I never said I had a problem with it, quite the oppposite for the most part. I do disagree with the idea of a trackable gaijin card as like he said it could lead to "walking while gaijin" encounters for those who choose naturalization. For the most part I dont agree with what debito says. Some of what he says is true but other parts he takes an extreme view on some things and in my opinion handles them the wrong way.
Ответить@novajoke also you cant just say that japan is so safe because of its immigration laws. Obviously that is not the only contributing factor. Overall I get the feeling you originally thought i was siding against you, but judging from your original comment we are in agreement. I see no problem with just carrying a gaijin card on me 24/7, thats not a big deal.
Ответить@novajoke just becasue you move to another country doesnt mean you dont have rights. Debito usually goes on about horrendously unfair treatment, however the reason I don't side with him is that #1 he sure seems to find a lot of it so something is amiss in my opinion and #2 he handles it the wrong way a good part of the time.
Ответить@novajoke Indeed, I'm more for a much more peaceful reform of the way gaijin are treated and I believe that just by our presence there things are slowly changing. Perhaps It wont even entirely be in my life time but I would still much rather take it slowly and know that the Japanese will see that we're not all loud and annoying and shouting only about ourselves. I'd much rather they come to see gaijin as they see themselves
Ответить@novajoke and I seriously hope the immigration policies dont end up like say in california. I love japans uniqueness, certainly there are a few things id like to see change but for the most part I enjoy their culture even more so then my own
ОтветитьIs Debito saying that he would support the IC cards if everyone in Japan had to carry them? I'm sorry, if that is so, that is still bullshit. Racial discrimination is not the issue. The problem is that government thugs think they can force their will on peaceful people.