Home Decor Shopping | Shopping Vlog | Getting on Maw-Maw's Nerves

Home Decor Shopping | Shopping Vlog | Getting on Maw-Maw's Nerves

Uniquely Tish

3 года назад

59 Просмотров

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@AdamGenevaCuteTubers2 - 24.06.2021 05:09

I love me some MAW-MAW !!! She is SO AWESOME!!

@averyhomedecor - 24.06.2021 05:18

Love shopping therapy and it is always good to see Maw Maw.

@AllThingsLolli - 24.06.2021 11:59

So sorry to hear about your moms sister. Condolences to your family. I keep y’all in my prayers. Yes, Louisiana has that heat that hits different. I feel Gabby, I get tired of shopping too. Thanks for sharing.

@petalscorner3064 - 25.06.2021 08:43

I'm a wig girl so I agree with Maw-Maw..let her put on her wig 🤗👍🤗🤗

@petalscorner3064 - 25.06.2021 08:54

Very nice vlog my dear..I enjoyed seeing y'all shipping 🤗👍💕✨

@قناهعالمكنزي - 27.06.2021 01:20

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