Western Legends Review - with Tom Vasel

Western Legends Review - with Tom Vasel

The Dice Tower

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@thediceodyssey4690 - 10.08.2018 22:49

Soooooo beyond excited to play this.Probably my top anticipated game this year so far. Got a great demo at the KOLOSSAL booth at GENCON and I was even more excited to get this in. C'mon UPS! Get this to our house! I'm ready to start calling people daisies and huckleberries and all that jazz! Great review!

@rhino2340 - 11.08.2018 02:09

Rockstar could make a killing if they just slap red dead redemption on the cover

@kellanlee2187 - 11.08.2018 02:33

How's the expansion?

@vanzetti7 - 11.08.2018 05:05

Gosh damn it - I skipped on this kickstarter and I love the Western genre!

@CaptainGamer347 - 11.08.2018 07:24

Excited for my KS pledge to arrive! Such a great game to look forward to playing soon! Game of the year?

@BogartFace - 11.08.2018 13:56

Between this, Carson City and Bang! (Both card and dice game), the western themed section of my collection can be considered complete.

@PanzerRanger - 11.08.2018 15:06

Does the store hold sleeved cards?

@rawkyle9385 - 11.08.2018 16:21

Did you play with or without the expansions? Are they critical to purchase?

@luiscarlosqg - 11.08.2018 17:18

This or GWT?

@smoothcriminal28 - 11.08.2018 21:33

The dude on the left of the cover box looks like Zee lmao

@ryanhohman1511 - 12.08.2018 06:40

Can't wait to receive my copy!

@TheTwyker - 12.08.2018 15:14

just too pricey if you didn't back it

@diosamente - 12.08.2018 16:36

There is definitely room for a sandwich in that hat

@theearlyresetband - 12.08.2018 18:29

Totally preordered this! Can't wait to get it 🙏🏻

@cthulwho8197 - 12.08.2018 18:50

One issue I’ve found with both Merchants and Marauders and Xia is that whilst the game says you can take any route to victory, almost always it seems you can’t win unless you turn Pirate/Raider etc. Basically if you just stick to buying and selling and doing odd jobs you don’t stand a chance.

This isn’t a moral problem with me, just that advertising them as Sand Box games never seems to ring true. They are more like worker placement where you will basically use every action option in the game at some point.

I’m concerned that this will be the same, if you don’t go outlaw at some point you’re not going to win. Particularly after Toms comment of several people claiming the outlaws “have it so much easier”.

@bgm-1961 - 12.08.2018 19:40

This game borrows many elements from 'Spurs', another spaghetti western themed sandbox game from 2013. You gave Spurs an absolutely glowing review then. But as 'Western Legends' takes Spurs and steps it up a notch, has WL "fired" Spurs for you?
Personally, I'm keeping both because nothing can replace the dueling mechanic that Spurs uses (racing to be the first to draw two specific bullets from a bag). That, and how the drawing bullets mechanic is used for the rest of the game is enough of a reason to keep Spurs as well as WL. But given the way you manage your collection, I imagine you'll be letting one of them go. And I'm guessing it will be Spurs.

@69robtaylor - 13.08.2018 16:56

Massive sigh of relief that you like it a lot.
It’s been my most anticipated game of the year.

@xfoolsgoldx - 13.08.2018 19:26

Is it coming to retail?

@BachateroZumba - 16.08.2018 11:31

Magnificent hat!

@TheMechanicalfish - 18.08.2018 21:01

So glad I backed this.

@wizo656 - 01.09.2018 10:47

Tom said that they did a live play of this, but I can't find it, where is it?

@JaKamps - 03.09.2018 23:20

Western Legends or Spurs? or Carson City?

@a1investigations433 - 22.09.2018 23:48

Why is this better than Spurs?

@DeadInkPen41 - 29.09.2018 22:56

Should have pointed out that the component quality is really cheap, along with the box. Mine is bowing out when there has been nothing put on top of it. It's basically a $40 dollar game with a $80 price.

@eomat - 04.10.2018 22:47

The Wow Wow West!

@noradouglas7056 - 06.10.2018 04:41

Am I the only one who saw this on South Park and said, “Please let the be a real game!”

@babakvahidnia206 - 29.10.2018 07:13

pretty intrigued

@victorgonzalez2927 - 02.11.2018 18:21

So a western version of Merchant & Marauders

@wautd - 07.12.2018 00:23

I like the components overall but they really should have made the poker shaped tokens bigger. The text on the back is nigh unreadable

@TheShadesOfBlack - 09.12.2018 01:26

I want this just because I've never heard of a sandbox game.

@krowman8458 - 11.12.2018 00:29

My problem with new games is when I don't know how to play, it always helps best when you know at least one person who knows how to play

@justinrrizzo - 12.01.2019 23:01

Interesting. BGG comments aren't very enthusiastic.

@Hunszi - 22.01.2019 15:39

2-6 players...come one, just write the truth, this is a 4-6 player game, with 2-3 players it`s sooo boring. It`s like palying Bang: The dice game with 3...works, but not fun.

@mr.ekshun2053 - 23.01.2019 18:04

I heard that prospecting is OP

@joaopreto24 - 21.03.2019 20:52

This game is western legen.. wait for it... ds! Western legends!! 😅

@shady610 - 23.06.2019 19:45

I just played this last night and I thought it was amazing. I try not to rate games too highly after one play but I feel like this 1 can shoot up very high on the lists

@fritzlakritz3350 - 21.08.2019 09:19

I wish there would be a Western Legends in the Star Wars Universe. Smuggling, hunting Bounties through the Galaxy. Visit planets that have iconic places , like Tattoine with the cantina and Jabbas Palace to get your Bounty. Smuggle for the Rebellion or do the dirty work for the Empire. Holo chess (Dejarik) instead of Poker. I know that there is Outer Rim but that's not what I have in my mind. If any one knows some one from Fantasy Flight Games let me know and send me a copy.

@BrutalBarracuda - 22.09.2019 13:00

Did this video include all the Kickstarter stretch goals or is this the retail version?

@totallycaptured - 08.01.2020 07:19

How do I get the Dice tower promo cards for western legends?

@LaStarza61 - 26.03.2020 17:36

Enjoyed the review! I was just wondering if there was any solitaire variant or solitaire rules for this game?

@onlyfoolsdontfear - 27.05.2020 15:32

Hey Tom, what 2 out of 3 would you add on a shelf: WL, L&C, Robinson?

@FreeFragUK - 11.08.2020 23:39

How does this play as a two player game? I've seen a lot of mixed feedback regarding lower player counts. While I appreciate your energy and enthusiasm when it comes to reviews I really don't think you're providing enough feedback from your own experiences. A good review shouldn't just tell people what you liked about a game but also what you didn't like and if it had any shortcomings, something which this review really lacks.

@kghhgkgk6322 - 09.01.2021 06:37

Wish it had a solo mode

@bloodrunsclear - 09.11.2021 20:23

Red Board Redemption

@Phanatic89 - 12.12.2021 03:12

Great review, thank you Dice Tower. I'm going to get this for my friend for Christmas. This looks like it will get quite a bit of table time.

@non-alphagamer3618 - 30.08.2022 11:54

Sounds a lot like Spurs: Tales of the Old West.

@andrewb55555 - 24.10.2022 06:01

No mention that Zee is on the cover?

@annasaracinesca7514 - 30.09.2023 16:06

thank youu
