the dollip yearns for the just chatting mines

the dollip yearns for the just chatting mines

Dollip Daze Archive

5 месяцев назад

74 Просмотров

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@RattlesnakeJake101 - 29.06.2024 02:25

Your vods are back I was so worried that you don't upload on it anymore but I'm glad you're still post them from time to time.

@aeaiee7326 - 02.08.2024 10:15

chinese has a non-phonetic writing system, so there are no standard pronunciations and there are many dialect groups. you could go with the most widespread dialect group in china and the world, mandarin, which apparently pronounces the "ly-" in "lychee" "lee", but apparently cantonese and hokkien (found in hong kong and taiwan respectively) pronounce it "lai" and "nai" respectively. it literally doesnt matter how english pronounces it because the concept of standard pronunciation eludes chinese, basically. also im not even gonna talk about tones but those are essential to pronunciation so have fun with that knowledge
