NEW Homeschool Class Visual Latin | Compass Classroom Review | Homeschool Curriculum

NEW Homeschool Class Visual Latin | Compass Classroom Review | Homeschool Curriculum

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@garlandofbooks4494 - 17.04.2023 18:30

Very cool! I’ve been diving into language learning, and Dwane Thomas seems very good. I was exploring his website for resources for other languages as well, particularly French since that’s what we’re currently learning. Visual Latin is something we will most likely use when we get there, in a few years. Glad to hear another positive review though!

Dwane Thomas also has the same warning for duolingo that my husband experienced. Basically, it went downhill in 2021, in more than one way, the same year my husband started to use it.

@alkay1774 - 17.04.2023 20:28

Awesome to hear that it is Christian based!!!

@shelly8387 - 18.04.2023 00:55

I enrolled my daughter in American Literature lectures and it looks fantastic. We are a little nervous about navigating the program. I didn't see where there were a curriculum set to purchase. I hope I hadn't over look it.

@proverbsacademy8189 - 18.04.2023 17:07

We started with Classical Academic Press for Latin in elementary. My daughter used Visual Latin for 8th & 9th grade & loved it! She is taking Latin all years of HS in order to receive 4 years of the same foreign language (some colleges require it), & to prepare for the National Latin Exam.

@michaelbenzehabe8207 - 18.04.2023 20:12

And Latin helps with breaking down English words. English is my second-favorite language.

@amanda_faithfamilyfitness - 19.04.2023 23:31

Thank you so much! Finally an affordable Foreign Language option from a Biblical Worldview 😁 👏🏻
I saw they even have a Spanish Grammar from Latin Roots course too! I wonder if this would/could be a Spanish 2 or 3 course since it says it is “intermediate/low advanced” 🤔☺️

@michellem.7544 - 19.04.2023 23:55

Hey Mandy!
I just purchased your circle time preschool package! Super excited to start it with my kiddo. Question- I want to get visual Latin for both my 4th and 10th graders. Would you suggest getting one level at a time or getting the complete set of visual Latin (I would like my 10th grader to get a full credit for this course) ?
Also, if I do get the word up course to go along with the visual Latin course would you suggest getting one level at a time or getting the complete set to go along with visual Latin? Thanks for sharing about the sale! I’m just seeing this now and trying to take advantage of the final sale today!

@LMB678 - 21.04.2023 20:46

I'm so excited to try this. Once you buy the course, is it yours forever ( like can you use it for kids down the road)?

@daniellenichols-taylor7553 - 27.07.2023 00:18

Great honest review and valid points! As homeschoolers we don't always have time or knowledge to teach everything. I love your explanations😉

@LMB678 - 19.05.2024 19:29

Would Visual Latin 1 count as 1 full high school credit? I've been reading diff things. It was advertising the rainbow resource magazine as a half a credit but on their website it says one full credit for middle school / high school so I'm really confused. I would love to be able to use this for high school credit!

@Sylcel2 - 09.06.2024 05:27

Hi! Are you using Compass or Generations?

@visuallatin - 12.02.2025 20:11

Hi, Mandy! This is Dwane Thomas, author of Visual Latin. Kinda funny. I was looking for an image of Visual Latin for a screenshot, and I stumbled upon your video. Thanks for the review! Happy you guys are enjoying Visual Latin! Tell your son I said, "Salve!"
