Redhawk-- the Diesel Cessna 172

Redhawk-- the Diesel Cessna 172

Graf Hilgenhurst

2 года назад

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@basiliohernandez5111 - 26.07.2022 21:47

Damn, a 172 or 182 with retractable gear would be the business! I would love to be able to toss in the wife and dogs and run up to see family. I would love to see what the aftermarket would come up with for these, take a Cessna, shoehorn in a R2.8 Cummins, sprinkle in some tuning, and finish with a stupid amount of boost!

@wernerschulte6245 - 27.07.2022 15:26

Thank you for that informative video !

@karrpilot7092 - 27.07.2022 17:46

When I got endorsed in the 182, my flight instructor said that I would not want to fly anything smaller. He was right. A 172 is a nice plane, don't get me wrong. However, pretty much all the issues with a 172 were solved with the 182. You can actually put 4 people in a 182 and fly it. Don't ever try that with a 172. You won't rub elbows in a 182 with a co pilot, and the old saying does seem to ring true. If you can put it into the 182 and still get the doors to close, you'll get it airborne and fly it.

@barbarataylor6867 - 27.07.2022 20:45

The dashing bangle subsequently stuff because fly pathomorphologically long an a fascinated quart. complex, tan crocus

@skipyoder9191 - 29.07.2022 22:28

I love this plane!!! I have everything diesel, even my lawn mower, and I didn't realize I could get a diesel Cessna!!!

@weofnjieofing - 31.07.2022 09:18

I’m sure the cost of the src along with the performance deficiencies from lower power and limitations on climb out made it and unattractive option.

Fuel burn isn’t everything, especially when it comes at the expense of performance.

I’m the end and overall the consumer didn’t get anything better than what was out there already and that’s why it failed.

@htschmerdtz4465 - 01.08.2022 22:32

The conversion price in 2016 was over $250k, much of which is just the price of the engine. Continental is mum about the price of a new engine, but word is around $80k for the CD 155 (155 hp). The price of the CD 170 (170 hp) is likely closer to $100k, so Red Hawk is right when they say the concept was ahead of its time. A largely off-the-shelf Mercedes four-banger shouldn't cost as much as an M-250 turboprop engine. Actually, Red Hawk meant their pricing was price was ahead of its time, so it is not surprising that few opted for the TDI engine. There wasn't enough potential fuel and maintenance savings to offset the huge purchase price. Personally I'd love to have a jet-A-burning 220 hp turbodiesel in my Mooney, because the Continental engine powering it is outmoded, expensive, thirsty and fragile, but unless somebody figures out how to produce affordable alternatives, I'm stuck with it.

Lycoming still trumpets its 205 HP DEL-120, but it is non-certified, drone-only. Continental is selling TDI aerodiesels, but as mentioned, the price is prohibitive. Austro's mercedes-based TDI engines are proving to have good reliability and longevity, but again price is the stopper. While it is nearly impossible to find the retail price online, the only aircraft that uses it, the Diamond DA62 uses two of them and retails north of $1.3 million. And so the dream continues, unrequited.

@davidbrattain1446 - 02.08.2022 20:47

Can you actually find diesel fuel at FBO's? Jet-A I get, but diesel?

@Sku11Leader - 05.10.2022 18:24

With them phasing out 100LL at the end of this decade, Cessna should think about offering this engine again.

@พระโตเทพมงคล - 03.12.2022 04:43

Cessna a. Azimut s. Bell h.
A172 S77 H212 ราคาไม่ตก💎jason

@sabercruiser.7053 - 07.04.2023 07:38

Much greatful thnx 🙏🤲👍👍

@samaipata4756 - 10.04.2023 03:12

Diesel is one of the most environmentally friendly energies with the technology available now!

@123KnowNever - 23.04.2023 19:54

Oh shit I came here to watch a video about diesel engines and I saw a picture of one my flight schools planes (N46188).

@lcprivatepilot1969 - 29.04.2023 15:58

I LOVE the T-handle throttle! Would be awesome if one could convert their avgas Cessna to that throttle!

@akbarshoed - 25.05.2023 15:30

Great video. Very informative.

@crazyc99 - 10.08.2023 21:45

Where can one find one of these to buy?

@avalanche9026 - 12.08.2023 10:03

If such good performance why not good on long distance flying ?? Just don’t make since !! What you hiding??

@Kaefermicha - 17.08.2023 17:02

I recently had the chance to fly the Robin DR401 with this CD-155engine. This plane is wooden and therefore lighter than the C172, so the payload penalty is insignificant. The engine was fantastic. Efficient, the constant speed prop gives lots of power. I believe that now where the engine belongs to Continental, it finally gets the marketing power it deserves.

@louiboi5053 - 05.11.2023 06:36

my flight school air harmony flies about 6 of these and I love them especially the throttle. Its a little bit different in the normal 172 layout but it flies so smooth, would def reccomend this aircraft!

@apathyzen9730 - 12.12.2023 17:40

Oh, and this doesn't dump lead from the aviation gasoline into the air, right?

@mattlf9120 - 22.01.2024 02:18

Built for fuel savings.
If you can afford a plane, you can probably afford the fuel.

@KimWentworth-y8e - 30.01.2024 21:13

Not enough climb rate. Need more power.

@lemons3738 - 02.02.2024 02:34

some of the mercedes diesels can make a lot of power when modified. Wonder if they could get the om606 3.0 6 cylinder turbo diesel to work with it.

@erichildebrandt9490 - 10.02.2024 06:48

Just flew one of them at KJWN. Easy run-up, very quiet and smooth.

@Dakwiinn - 26.02.2024 22:17

Did the first 20-25 hours of my PPL in Red Birds 101-103 ...I didn't know how amazing that fuel burn was until started flying standard 172's.

@paulfilanowski7808 - 11.03.2024 17:52

Just to be accurate it is "injectors instead of spark plugs" the glow plugs are more analogous to a choke for cold starting. Rudolf Diesel Invented timed injection. He did not invent high compression...

@jtuttle11 - 24.03.2024 03:43

Actually, Cessna began production of the 172 in Independence, Ks. in '96

@Dadwithallthecool - 18.05.2024 16:08

Turbo’s about time…

@PaulBKal - 19.05.2024 10:40

What is Jet A1? Isn’t that a kerosene? Why are they not burning diesel in it if it’s a diesel engine?

@RAPR117 - 21.05.2024 05:10

The 172S was not considered the XP. That title belongs to the R172K. It was literally marked as Hawk XP. It came from the factory with a 210hp motor derated to 195hp

@ilganis - 21.05.2024 09:34

Diesel engine isnt suitable for aircrafts

@mp-xt2rg - 26.05.2024 05:37

The 6 popper is not less reliable that's a crazy statement.

@dougkahler7152 - 27.05.2024 05:44

You need a better microphone my left ear got a workout.

@harleycharley8323 - 29.05.2024 06:39

Great video for my deaf left ear

@xc8487 - 03.06.2024 23:39

It would be cool to put Snow watermeth injection on it.

@OhSoddit - 12.06.2024 13:05

I saw a video of a cropduster (air tractor) severely modified to run a V12 diesel TRUCK engine. Running on Jet A, it was a real showpony, and could do a ballistic climb :)

@Cantsaydog - 15.06.2024 04:12

Canada’s producing a V 12 Beaver airplane looks pretty nice

@jtuttle11 - 03.07.2024 05:51

Actually, Cessna stopped production of the 172 in 1986. Production resumed in Independence, Ks. in 1996 and continues there to this day. They also produced the 182 and 206 there.

@RR-kl6sl - 09.07.2024 09:42

Great informative video thanx

@williamobrien3476 - 02.08.2024 17:25

What year did they make this video? 80s?

@grafhilgenhurst9717 - 02.08.2024 17:31

2022. But the music is old!

@saurabhsingh7465 - 19.09.2024 08:26

Stupid decision... Heavy engine in aircraft

@highlanderthegreat - 08.10.2024 16:23

did not hear him say 'CLEAR " before the start of the prop....

@TheMrjetdoc35 - 10.12.2024 05:50

Redhawk tuah

@dwightnix893 - 10.01.2025 03:17

There is a Turbo diesel firewall forward unit in a Wichita warehouse along with the original cessna that I've seen.

@georgeblank2648 - 15.01.2025 02:11

I learned how to fly in a 172

@TheFarmallfarmer - 25.01.2025 03:55

Always liked the Redhawk Cessna 172 always been a favor of mine. I really wish they kept making these. I think they would've done good if they could've figured out bigger jets or any jet liner at all would've been awesome. Maybe a small passenger one

@bubbafatas2588 - 31.01.2025 05:40

Horrible flying airplane! Just a sloppy underpowered boring airplane!

@Hogger280 - 12.03.2025 02:11

I can understand why they would not be popular - pilots who were use to flying a 172 with 160 or180 HP compounded by not being able to use 100% power on take off would not be happy with the power to weight ratio of a 150.
