Thanks Paul, for all your good video’s.👍🙏🏻🇺🇸
ОтветитьThanks for these videos. I have a question for one of your next videos, and it’s something I can’t get an answer for through several lawyers and accountants. IF a home was willed to two people, county has put the deed in both names, can one party buy out the other party with a 1031 exchange if the willed property is not a primary residence?
ОтветитьThanks so much for your videos it really helped me understand a lot as I have just became administrator over my moms estate with no will. The one part I am still having a lot of trouble with though and would love to know more about is how to go about the estate of my grandparents whom pasted before my mother. They left tons of land in multiple areas of Louisiana. My grandmother had about 12 heirs when she passed and some have passed since and they have children. She left a will but the will has never been sign by a judge and my aunt who was supposed to be executive over my grandparents estates is no longer allowed to be due to legal issues. Me and my sisters currently pay the taxes on the property and we would really love to have it divided as my grandmother wished in her will so everyone can be responsible for there own share. In the will she sectioned off the location of the property she wanted each of her heirs to have before passing. The courts stated succession was opened in the past on my grandmother estate but never finalized. Is there anyway I could get the courts to appoint me executive so that I can finally clear this long family mess up? I know this was my moms one last wish before she died and I just want to be the one to actually fulfill that last wish. Hope I broke this situation down well enough. Thank you so much again. -Brandy
ОтветитьHello; my name is Robin Nelson from Columbus, Ohio. I am the youngest daughter of four children my mother passed away June 2020 and I am the executor even though there were two executors on the will we had to have the will validated and during that time the magistrate did only Grant executorship to me. Sister signed a waiver. The will states that each child should get a house and all of its content in #1 and in #3 it goes on to say all clothing ,jewelry ,furs, paintings, and valuables not retained Shell be sold and split equally but I’m trying to gather what to interpret from that.
Ответитьgreat videos, wish i wouldve found these when father was alive to help make right decisions, hope they helped others, these videos have helped with probate issues.
ОтветитьMy wife’s mom was the executor of money left in a trust for my wife and her sister and her half sister … long story short the trust is empty is what she is told by her mom … she needed tge money
ОтветитьHey Paul am I entitled to a copy of the will or trust as 1 of the inheritance persons..
ОтветитьDo you have a video on funds put into an estate account which may take more than a year to settle and how to handle the taxes?
Ответитьwhat happens when a person dies who was on medicaid for many years. she is not in a nursing home but gets letters from them every year that her estate must pay them back upon her death
ОтветитьHello should the executor of the estate hire an attorney to sell the property or sell the property without an attorney. Thanks
ОтветитьI am appointed as Trustee of a Trust that a cousin set up for her son with MH issues. The Trust is empty at this point. The trust is to be funded by the residual funds from the Will.
The deceased had property overseas and bank accounts. The executor has not shown me the list of assets that she listed, but she said she did not list all of the assets, including the house and bank accounts overseas. Can I sue her or do anything?
I live in VA, and I have a question: I'm working on my will and I have a question regarding my house. For background, Virginia law gives an executor broad powers when handling a decedent's estate. I want my house to be sold upon my death, as I have no spouse or children. Do I have to first will my house to the person I name as executor, or can he/she sell it while it's in probate by virtue of his/her executor powers? I want to make sure the house gets sold easily and legally but I don't want to be redundant.
ОтветитьIf the Estate owns stock that has significant capital appreciation, wouldn't the Administrator selling it create a capital gains tax for the Estate - while if the stock is inherited by someone, it's basis is reset?
ОтветитьCan the Executors eviction a tenant?
ОтветитьSorry I need my assets from my inlaws n my husband than u
Ответитьyeah and the named executor has the right to sell it all if he wants to end of story it's not complicated
ОтветитьJust stumbled across your page and I appreciate all the free advice your giving to world.
My brother recently passed and was not married and had one son. My brother had left 6 properties and 11 houses , unfortunately the date for his trust was in august and he passed in March. I am now experiencing the position of being his administrator of his estate while we go through probate. I do not have intention to sell any of my brother’s properties. WHAT can I do to avoid that situation ? I do live in pricey state so I’m sure my court fees are going to be through the roof after all of this so I understand the business. How do I avoid not selling anything ?
Podpálil bytovku aby sa zvýšila cena 😮
ОтветитьUh oh
ОтветитьCan a personal representative buy out the others heirs?
ОтветитьMy sister is executor of moms estate. She didn’t have a reading of the will, two years later i still don’t know how much estate was worth. She gave us 2 checks, don’t know if it was accurate, she decided to pay for my sisters burial even though her husband is worth several million and we r not, she didnt even ask us she just decided to pay. The monies was to go to moms living children. Sister died 9 days before mom. We were not responsible to pay for sister ashes to b put with moms casket. Took 2 years to get a slab and she said she put aside 8000 and whatever was left over she would divide 3 ways. She didnt do that. She paid for sister. I dont even know how much she is to b paid for being executor. Who knows how much she gave herself for that.
ОтветитьCan a executor take every thing and can a none executor take belongings with out consult
ОтветитьThanks for sharing this! This was very helpful to me. I have gotten valuable information from watching some of your videos, much more then what my probate attorney has given me. 👍
ОтветитьWhat if you were an executor and you didn't know and some whent and got appointed administrator and told the court that there's no will and the executor couldn't get a lower because nobody wants to get a lower in trouble dose that mean that the appointed administrator got the right to sell everything
ОтветитьSome one
ОтветитьWhat’s the difference between executor of will vs trustee of estate, can one make the other sell the assets
ОтветитьBest wishes for 2024. Thank you sharing this important information. What happens when the executor and his lawyer has filed court documents that are wrong? An incredibly small amount is US$500,000.
ОтветитьI know an executor of an estate that is currently being sued in a personal injury suit. He is attempting to sell real property to a friend in a private sale for a lower amount than the property could sell for on the open market. Should he be doing this?
ОтветитьDid the sister talk and sound like that ?
ОтветитьHey Paul, ive been watching some of your videos and honestly i have a bfew questions. So my father passed away and left a Will in the well he had left me a piece of property and come to find out the executor of the will ended up selling the property I never got notified of anything happening. What should i do?
ОтветитьAs executor and trustee for my ex mother in law I am I process of completing her wishes. Her son had borrowed monies over the years to purchase 2 campers for him to live in, numerous cars, and money to pay his bills. She kept a record of all or most of what he borrowed and what the purpose was. Now he’s demanding a copy of the will and wants his inheritance. He is a beneficiary for 15% after all accounts, debts, and burial have been satisfied. Honestly, after all is done there will be nothing left, maybe not even enough to pay her accounts. The home was quit claimed deeded to myself as t.o.d. for taking care of her for almost 7 years. I was all she had as her son only came asking for money until he was cut off 2 years ago, then never came back. He is unaware at this point that I now own the house as he is planning to move into the home. How do I handle this professionally without having to deal with his wrath when I mail him the copy of the will?
ОтветитьI’m curious why your response didn’t begin with identifying a) how many heirs and/or beneficiaries are named in the Will and, if applicable, the Trust; and, b) how the bequests are specified?
Setting aside personal papers, journals, writings, correspondence and the “residue of the estate”, when there are multiple, designated Beneficiaries - let’s say, eight (8) - including, but not limited to individuals and charitable organizations, each of whom are to receive a different, percentage of the estate as specified in the Will, doesn’t the estate have to be liquidated/sold, in order to satisfy such % distribution?
I learned that if an old person wants to give you something, you should probably take it. My Uncle offered me stuff that I wanted but hated to take it from him. Like tools, old fishing stuff. In my mind, it would have taken away from his being able to do the things he liked to do even if he couldn't do them. They are all gone now because the executor cleaned out the house. Pretty sure they were thrown away. Why he was in charge is another story.
ОтветитьPeople don't know how to do the right thing no more in this world today. Greedy self in titled People....
ОтветитьHi Paul............... i,m UK ............ sometimes the only way is to "hit the streets" 😞
Go begging outside the lawyers office until the cops arrive !!!!!
My mother in law died 3months ago her sister is handling the estate I think she had a will ,my aunt refuses to talk with my husband ,she will not call or answer my call, she left a car, house ,bank account, worry what can I do I need help and advice.
ОтветитьHow can you argue that a joint account was for convenience only? My daughter passed with joint acct that was set up when she was 18 and the family member on the acct has taken all the money
ОтветитьI am the administrator of my mom’s estate and my sister is still living in my mother’s house. I just started doing some of the inventory and I believe my sister is hiding assets. What can I do? What are the repercussions for my sister if it found out that she has taken assets? I’m in Oklahoma. Thanks
ОтветитьOf course! Haha well he shall be arrested and jailed and all will be returned to me soon I’m sure. Thank you for your service and support. I look forward to seeing you soon! In person communication only still thank you! 🙏
ОтветитьDoes the executor have to get permission from the widow to sell a non residential property in order to split the proceeds as instructed in the will?