This guy looks like the real life representation of someone trying to use anime moves on real life opponents, only to find that they don't actually work.
ОтветитьFerrera was in tutorial mode in SF... trying all kind of moves on that fatty.
ОтветитьHe like please let me do my finishing move buddy 😂
Ответитьwhen you are playing a fighting game and you dont know the controls
ОтветитьThe small guy is like mini mark hunt
ОтветитьIm here because of tiktok
ОтветитьThis is real life Eddy Gordo. :D
ОтветитьThis guy is going to land hard with a foot on his nuts someday
Ответитьdude out here fighting like Spiderman
ОтветитьThe guy he was fighting looks like he doesn’t belong in the cage whatsoever lol.
Ответитьbro thought this was cmll 🤣🤣
ОтветитьGuy got served so hard he wasn’t invited to the decision.
ОтветитьThis guy is crazy
ОтветитьPOV: it's you and ur brother play fighting on the bunk bed
ОтветитьIts so funny how he kicked that fat asian guy in the leg right after trying the back-flip and the dude falls while Pereira stand there motionless watching him
ОтветитьNew rule: Strikes to the head of a downed opponent are allowed, as long as they are preceded by a backflip.
ОтветитьTekken, Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat techniques
ОтветитьHead stomp should be allowed if you flip into it
ОтветитьI want to see this in baki the grappler
ОтветитьBro playing rumbleverse
ОтветитьThis man thought it was a wrestling match
ОтветитьBro countered the forbidden sibling move..
ОтветитьDude laying on the ground is a bi*** idc if you’re tryna do jujitsu get back up and throw hands he gave him time to get up to
ОтветитьMichael pereira VS khabib
ОтветитьLove how he stuck to his counter to the laying down. He was given a warning in case a stomp ever happens and instead of losing his train of thought and hesitating to do the same move, he corrects it to make it work better
ОтветитьThe capoeira kick though was tough
ОтветитьMy man out here spamming buttons
ОтветитьWhen your dad wants you to be UFC fighter but mom's dream having a gymnast
ОтветитьI might be able to beat michaels opponent
ОтветитьDude on the ground coulda lost a leg trying to catch flippy like that
ОтветитьDude out there looking like Eddie Gordo lol!!
ОтветитьMonstro 🇧🇷
ОтветитьWhen Eddie comes to life on Earth
ОтветитьI wanna see real fights but only wwe moves
ОтветитьMan, I'm brazilian and fan of Michel, but he's totally nuts. Hahaha
ОтветитьChris jericho is almost proud
ОтветитьEddy Gordo wins 😂
ОтветитьThis is amazing 😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьHahahahaha fez novamente
ОтветитьQuer só se aparecer esse Michel pereira. Não luta nada
ОтветитьThis is as close to Vega from street fighter
ОтветитьThis is the best fight I’ve ever seen 💀💀
ОтветитьTekken character
ОтветитьEsse é o nosso Blanka! Brasil!!!!!