Many people think caste system is a big problem in India.
Caste system is nothing to do with India's development.
In Ancient India caste system was much prevalent but still India was rich and developed so that
Romans used to come to India and write accounts on India's richness
The real problem is the reservation for dalits and Constitution copied by a dalit which is making India struggle to get developed.
Westerners should think about racism before criticizing caste system
Used to think untouchable meant a high rank that law or peons can't approach. Been there 3000 yrs.wont change in near future
Ответитьthis system exists in other countries just does not have a name for each.
Ответитьim indian and its the british fault.
ОтветитьThat's why we Converted to
☸ BUDDHISM where there is no cast system at all no discrimination and now feeling
Proud to be a BUDDHIST ☸💙😎🇮🇳🇮🇳
Namo Buddhaay 💖
this is all bull shit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,these people are atheists .............
that drainage cleaning thing is a drama.................
You Been blinded by the gods of this world ( Satan ) .... he’s come to steal kill & destroy but Jesus loves u and wants unity and to love each other
ОтветитьThis is DISGUSTING!!! HIGHLY DISGUSTING. Why is no one talking about it???
ОтветитьA correction, please.
I find you are mentioning Sri lanka as a country that follows the caste system as shown in this video. This is NOT true, and it would be better to consider your statement since it leads to false information. Thank you.
ОтветитьDalits and the Siddis are of the lost tribes of Israel. They fit the curses in Deuteronomy 28:15-68 which the Lord said he would put on the children of Israel for breaking his commandments. It’s time to come back to our one true God which is the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and worship him not these false east indian idols such as Vishnu, Krishna, Ganesh, Shiva, etc. It’s time to repent and come back to our true heritage which is the bible.
ОтветитьCaste system is good ..Dalits getting free plum jobs ..they shud thank this system
ОтветитьFrom prebirth to birth till death and post death caste is a reality....
ОтветитьLol this system is not in Pakistan this is only in india
ОтветитьWhere can I see the whole video of this
Ответитьவாழ்க தமிழ்
ОтветитьRIP Hinduism and it's caste system
ОтветитьLet me clear this all was due to Britishers to divide India's native population. There are two different things Jati and Varna . Varna is a way in which people are categorized into Brahmin(priest/teacher) ,Kshatriya(warrior) ,Vaishya(the merchant) ,Shudra(service class like your engineer) on the basis of their ability to work (gunas).And Jati meant your community
eg- Q-you are from which jati(community)
Ans- rajput ,jatt .
Now what britishers did they divide Indian population to create instability as we were connected dam hard to our culture ,they mixed Jati and Varna together .and how were they successful in doing so ? A- they created this division or caste system by imposing less tax on brahmin then Kshatriya and so on ,there were many other aspects also but now I got reach to these only.
Like in west there is no discrimination and nothing in west this was born but what they did they implemented it in India
Let me clear this all was due to Britishers to divide India's native population. There are two different things Jati and Varna . Varna is a way in which people are categorized into Brahmin(priest/teacher) ,Kshatriya(warrior) ,Vaishya(the merchant) ,Shudra(service class like your engineer) on the basis of their ability to work (gunas).And Jati meant your community
eg- Q-you are from which jati(community)
Ans- rajput ,jatt .
Now what britishers did they divide Indian population to create instability as we were connected dam hard to our culture ,they mixed Jati and Varna together .and how were they successful in doing so ? A- they created this division or caste system by imposing less tax on brahmin then Kshatriya and so on ,there were many other aspects also but now I got reach to these only.
You talking about Pakistan
Pakistan is the Islamic country
Islam says there is no difference all human are same no batter Rich,poor etc
Actually those are better human those are actions good helpful,loyel careful, honest humanity has who loves kids respect woman and elder
Shudra and dalit are same in varma sustem , shudra is untouchable
Ответитьshame shame on hinduisim
ОтветитьCaste is spanish word made by chirstian missinary when thry killed native american n birth mixed race kids later british applise that caste to india
ОтветитьGood information bro
ОтветитьRespect your fellow humans! they are not animals !!!
If they could choose where they born and who their parents, they would not want to become dalits.
Do you want to be like them ???
Stupid thinking, what fucking hell....idiot !!!
Actually all Dalits were real boudhhist and hindu dhram stand on destroyed budhism, therefore if all Dalits will know there past they will fight against them that's why Brahmins stop them to do anything thing nd out side of city Village everything I want tell you all Brahmins videshi they are not real indian they were come from out side of India that's why they are so claver nd cheater
ОтветитьExcuse me Sir you are talking about the cast system in Hinduism only where ever they are living they differentiate society in these rubbish cast. In Islam every human being is equal no one is superior.
ОтветитьStone worshipers🏀
ОтветитьSo one side got oppressed for thousands of years and did not revolt even once. Come up with a better story.
ОтветитьHinduism is shit
ОтветитьI’ve been among the leper colonies of India. The caste system does not see individuals.. it only sees tribe/caste… if family member.. if mother have baby and baby develop itch turning to rash.. they know it is sign of leprosy.. will not take baby to doctor.. but will take baby to leper colony…. Abandoned their own.. in the name of CASTE/tribal thinking.. don’t believe for a second that tribal thinking, excluding individual conscience is not still in every nation; in one form or the other… Jesus the only One who came and exposed the evil of it. This is how any of us are able to identify it as oppressive for humanity… only Jesus.. the most critiqued in all of human history.. yet the Pinnacle of human history.
Bless His Holy Name!
cow worshippers will say caste doesnt exist now
ОтветитьPropaganda bullshyt
ОтветитьJai Bhim
All lower caste people should convert to Buddhism or Christianity
আমরা পরমাত্মার সন্তান।।পবিত্র বেদে উল্লেখ আছে আমরা সবাই সমান।পরমাত্মা আমাদের একসাথে চলতে বলেছেন।।আমাদের মধ্যে কোনো ভেদাভেদ নেই।।জয় সনাতন❤জয় শ্রী রাম🚩🚩
ОтветитьHindus have always been stupid and will remain stupid
ОтветитьShame on such a country.
ОтветитьBoycott brahmin who created this!! They will be accountable to the higher adalat upstairs.
ОтветитьDalit is a political term. It has never been used in the scriptures like other 4 varnas. Don't exploit our religion with half religion
Ответитьhow to get dalit girlfriend?
Ответитьmost disgusting culrture ever
ОтветитьAs backaward as these people are- the most backward in all of Asia, imagine If the British didnt rule over india for 200 years how backward these people would be? They'd be like Afghanistan. The progess that they've manged to make, hinges on the fact that they speak english- because of the british. but tey stilll embrace their backward mentality after all of these generations.
ОтветитьWatch origin.
ОтветитьNot Pakistan...
ОтветитьGood video, but damn that was short. :|
Ответить33 million Gods in Hinduism and not 1 God to break a caste system 😂 the religion is false in order to break the curse find the 1 true God of Israel hinduism is a curse religion