Inheritance and tax [#43]

Inheritance and tax [#43]

Money Magazine Australia

2 года назад

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@mindofown - 17.06.2023 07:33

What about the inheritance of a non-residential property that was a weekend beach house?

@nireeburr - 04.08.2023 06:20

What if one daughter got the home and all it’s issues and the other daughter got life insurance & $150k in gold bullion? Both are meant to be equal amounts . One stays in the home with broken heart..& the issues to fix. The other skips to WA taking across state lines? Now living the dream life never to return home.
Who’s going to get tax bill if selling either?
I know who’s hurting a hell of a lot more ..

@paulchilvers5032 - 09.06.2024 10:48

Should probably have been named CGT on inheritance. No mention of inheritance taxation on whatbmay be one of the largest assets, Superannuation!

@silversun119 - 08.07.2024 01:31

I thought someone inheriting a pre 1985 investment property also had a grace period to sell it before incurring CGT?
