An Organized Repair Shop | Start To Finish

An Organized Repair Shop | Start To Finish

Tom Doby Mower Repair

3 года назад

5,105 Просмотров

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@RepairGang - 08.06.2021 05:36

I sent you an email and I hate them tags lol I just add them to my phone with a picture of the machine as the contact picture

@NewVisionLCS - 08.06.2021 05:48

"Schweeet Mowa Doby!" You got a tag for my Guvnah made out yet?😂🤣🍻

@STTC - 08.06.2021 09:19

You gotto love a Tom Doby video, well organised brother Tom. That workshop looks tidy, everything in it’s place. Keep em coming Sir

@fillslawncare - 08.06.2021 09:19

Great tips Tom. Have a great day my friend 👍🏻

@TheRustyRooster - 08.06.2021 13:09

Thats a good system Tom, sure beats my blue horse notebook

@louroberts5567 - 08.06.2021 13:21

9th! hahaha! Better late than never! I categorize items by putting them in order of procrastination. :-D
Stay cool and hydrated. Have a great week, Bro'!

@dr.lmsb4456 - 08.06.2021 18:14

Wow . Thats awesome. But i use those tags aswell . I use an invoice app. On my phone . Keeps track of all the that stuff . No need to scan or transfer anything . + i can email or print it out if they want a hard copy . Thanks for sharing. Hope all is well .take care and talk to ya soon . Later brother

@johnnyreagan1 - 09.06.2021 01:25

Instead of scanning them as pictures, scan them as pdf's. They take up less space and easier to email to a customer if they need a copy of it.

@TLMD - 10.06.2021 15:33

This is awesome info brother!

@kbssmallenginerepair2615 - 27.06.2021 05:22

That’s a great system. I use those Briggs forms and they have a laminated tear off tag on the bottom that matches the number at the top where you write yours in. Great video!

@mr1pearl - 27.06.2021 07:14

You should be teaching at the local High School really professional. I don't think I will ever be this efficient. Great video.

@mols89 - 25.10.2021 14:37

Dude! You sound like Stone Cold Steve Austin!

@philliphall5198 - 18.03.2023 14:25

Tags are a must have and complete fill out information
And est if you give them one
Phone number SS is required to do repairs and correct name

@philliphall5198 - 18.03.2023 14:37

I like the way your doing it
Seems best for small shop who has to do it all

@tomharries847 - 21.12.2023 02:30

Hi, As a fellow repair man, especially on small engine machinery, would you be willing to send me a template of your work/job sheet so I can have some printed here in the UK? Or advise the best place to have them printed in the format that you use? Many Thanks, Tom from Pembrokeshire, Wales, UK.

@VakidaGaming - 24.03.2024 15:05

Got a link to those service tags?

@kevinw693 - 07.07.2024 03:56

I'd buy you a beer anytime

@nativebear3513 - 22.12.2024 23:42

I take pictures of everything in my handyman business should I do the same with lawn mowers so I don't have a customer coming back saying I scratched or dented their stuff
