Added note...William Montgomery is the"shit"...and Redban deserves better....
ОтветитьLove me some Adam Ray solo podcast
ОтветитьHappy DAY!!!!!
ОтветитьI attempted to get tickets to the Dr. Phil Show in San Diego two days after they went on sale. They were sold out. Congrats on doing so well, Player!
ОтветитьWhy don't I have friends this awesome?! Many blessings to you Adam 🙏❤
Ответить"I had an encounter with a man............................and uh........" we'll be right back
ОтветитьYour videos makes my soul sucky cubicle job, less soul sucky.
ОтветитьI feel like everyone who has laughed at the dr Phil stuff still has no idea of Adam ray lol
ОтветитьBet your ass im keeping right here beeeeyotch!!!!!!
ОтветитьAny guests ?
ОтветитьRay, my king of laughter! That cap thing is fairly new, annoying as hell, but you can just twist it and it's no longer in the way :)
ОтветитьI’ll watch it when I’m in a better mindset. Lost 2 cousins in the towers 23 years ago and this week is always hard.
ОтветитьHey Adam Ray. Your parents must be assholes. Cause youre the shit! Cheers bro!
ОтветитьOmg. When you said Gracias to a deaf guy, I just about cried laughing. Thanks for the laughs dude.
ОтветитьDude your such a funny guy and obviously a cool dude who cares what people say about the joe pod. You been on fire taking every shot you get comedy wise!
ОтветитьWhen I watch About Last Night I always wonder how Adam gets all of that hair under that bald cap for his Dr Phil. Must be itchy as heck too
Thank you Adam for your service 😊
I done been saying: stop going into the ocean
ОтветитьLooking forward to some ontario shows!
ОтветитьThis guy is the best all around comedian/performer. Bro can act, dance, sing, rap, do impressions, and improv. AND he might just be one of the funniest comedians out at the moment. You’re a beast man never stop.
ОтветитьSounds like an amazing trip lots of fun things to do. I’m so happy that you had a blast.
Ответитьyou deserve millions of subscribers/followers on alllllllllll platforms!!!!!
ОтветитьFrance: A Lotta B.O.
ОтветитьStoked to see you live dude ❤️
ОтветитьPlease bring the Dr Phil live show to Australia brother, were missing out!!!
ОтветитьMe at first: Adam Ray is great. Adam Ray is hilarious. Adam Ray is crushing it.
Me now: Adam Ray is everywhere. I'm sick of Adam Ray.
T Swift is a threat to our democracy
ОтветитьThat water bottle cap thing is new here. It’s a fucking nightmare
ОтветитьHOW you are not absolutely famous and don't have your own variety show is beyond me. You are awesome.
Ответить" I'm not gonna laugh during yoga" , narrator says " we all knew that was indeed a lie, there will at minimum be a audible chuckle" .
ОтветитьDude people are dumb. As in, you should have at least 1 mill subs on this channel. You’re a gem! Love you man
ОтветитьMan you segued out of segueing there for a bit. Genius.
ОтветитьCongrats on the KT HOF, you are one of the greatest, funniest and most likable comics doing it now, cannot wait to see you in Philly! All the respect, man!
ОтветитьThe ocean is not for people
Ответить100% Adam is absolutely a comedy genius.
ОтветитьThere no way some french museum has more dicks than me and my friend Connor on Chatroulette in 2010
Ответитьyoga is to show off how in shape one is--not for panda express cardholders.
ОтветитьI thought Joe DID NOT give you enough credit for anything, and also just brought up so much randomness, instead of interviewing you about you and your life, some goofing around…like he normally would. I thought ITS ABOUT TIME HE HAD YOU ON!!…. and was disappointed. By him- NOT YOU. YOU ARE THE BESTEST!
ОтветитьCannot wait for you as Phil in DC!! My so much has changed since seeing you at the improv a year ago!!! ….dying to know guests, but also wishing it’s an awesome secret!
ОтветитьAdam is on a MISSION
ОтветитьAdam ray is the fucking BATMAN OF COMEDY I said it!!
ОтветитьHow does this pod only have 51k????!!!!!!!!
ОтветитьAdam, please don't let a Rogan fan impact the direction of your comedy. Stay silly 🤘
ОтветитьHe's back! Do do do do, do do do do, doobadoo badadoo doo doo doo wabalabadada wabaladadada do do do do
ОтветитьDon't know if you read these.
If you are ever in Missoula Montana we would like to take you out on a paranormal investigation.
Highly paranormal 406.
Just a random invite.
Keep up the good work..
What if you didn’t want hair so you had your foreskin grafted to your scalp so you could be bald!