Zatima | Twin Flames | Season 3 Episode 10 | #Review | Recap | Tyler Perry’s #zatimaonbetplus

Zatima | Twin Flames | Season 3 Episode 10 | #Review | Recap | Tyler Perry’s #zatimaonbetplus

Reel Choc Reviews

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@bobbieray8959 - 04.11.2024 08:38

Great review,

@francinestanfield4184 - 04.11.2024 16:56

Is that detective Morgan from Sistas that arrested Zac🤔. Jeremiah may not be dead, they may be just saying that to get more information like they did Gary's suspects 🤔

@stillirise.954 - 04.11.2024 21:13

Finally someone reminded Nate he has a wife and 2 children! No, Jeremiah is not dead

@raynawatkins4542 - 05.11.2024 22:07

When is season 4?

@ShellysHomemade - 06.11.2024 05:36

I am lost with the timeliness between zatima and sistas

@HannahDanso-j8x - 06.11.2024 06:30

Ooh friend tima

@Msshashad - 06.11.2024 13:14

Jeremiah definitely isn't dead, there was definitely a mix up.

I was glad someone talked to Nate about the fact that he has a whole wife and kids but he is running behind Belinda who is only with him because of Zac and his proximity to Zac.

Glad both Fatima and Angela had that talk, they both needed to hear it, I'm gonna need Fatima to stop worrying so much about that grown man she's with and start worrying about herself and that baby she's carrying.

@Mz.B_85 - 06.11.2024 15:05

Great commentary….Sis

@Mz.B_85 - 06.11.2024 15:06

Glad I found you and I just subscribed to your channel 😊

@bobbieray8959 - 09.11.2024 20:27

Jermeriah is a live,

@SweetPeevy - 10.11.2024 21:51

Thank you for finding you 😁😁 to tell the esp thank you

@url0veang3l - 10.11.2024 22:37

I've been looking for you on Say What's Real this whole time. About to subscribe now.

@KeishaBellamy81 - 11.11.2024 04:03

I find that interesting too that neither Connie nor Nathan called Zac to give him a heads up but maybe they tried and he was downstairs with Fatima 🤷🏾‍♀️ Cause the cops came so quick to pick up Zac for murder, but Deja was still waiting for a response to call for Fatima’s vandalism 😂 I’m sorry not fun🤭 but kind of is lol.

@brenwinkie51 - 22.12.2024 03:36

i only see 1 video on reel choc reviews
