Nicole Emma: Can Sex Work Be Therapeutic?

Nicole Emma: Can Sex Work Be Therapeutic?

Holly Randall Unfiltered

3 года назад

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@davidddelgado - 16.08.2021 03:11

Hi Holly love your show but I would like if I can make a suggestion but your room needs some color because it looks like you are in an invisible room 😂😂😂

@TheThompson425 - 16.08.2021 03:11

I feel pretty calm and relaxed after SAX I think it is very therapeutic.

@lennykoss8777 - 16.08.2021 03:12


@bobbygzzz7116 - 16.08.2021 03:16

Holly u r so beautiful..

@Dan39644 - 16.08.2021 03:18

Someone should make headphones for women that don't want their hair messed up!

@Mike583 - 16.08.2021 03:22

After some very intense sexual activity, I've always been thoroughly relaxed & satisfied, the point I needed a two hour nap!

@artint.1519 - 16.08.2021 03:26

she’s been in Ted talk ? or I’m mistaken

@arturoalmazan5262 - 16.08.2021 03:53

who is this woman?? I dont recognize her. I thought this podcast was all about interviewing adult film stars. holly I like your interviews but lately I havent seen more adult female models in your podcasts. what's going on? no emily Willis, No aj Applegate, no keisha grey?

@extract8058 - 16.08.2021 04:36

LoL "sex work" more like prostitution

@shadmanabdulkalamkalam2261 - 16.08.2021 05:02

So nice good to watching

@shadmanabdulkalamkalam2261 - 16.08.2021 05:02

So nice good to watching

@thegentofculture - 16.08.2021 05:44

It definitely is.

@mehroseemehrosee3887 - 16.08.2021 06:09

by far ‘the best’ podcast/channel when it comes to availing greater insights on individuals associated with the industry. Thank you holly for this and keep it going!

@antonycepernic6906 - 16.08.2021 07:14

Hello ladies 👋

@jamescooper1968 - 16.08.2021 07:49

Half way through, I went and found it online: Adult Film School (2013) S01 E01. It was absolutely great, almost didn't recognize Holly or Nicole in the first few seconds. It was funny when the crew wouldn't actually say the word "sex," they would use an euphemism, and the guy holding the table--or Holly holding the table and trying to film. Ironic that the whole show was so interesting, except the actual scene, which was just generally porn. (No offense, but porn can be pretty boring--see: Meese Report.)

@bangslamwham88 - 16.08.2021 08:36

Hey Holly, I don't know if you'll bother replying, but I have noticed that two of your videos in the podcast list are listed as private. Why? I am curious.

@JRCSalter - 16.08.2021 10:16

As someone who lost his virginity to a sex worker, I can absolutely say it was more therapeutic and less about having sex.

I was so nervous that I asked if we could just have a cuppa and talk for half an hour or so before we started. I couldn't even find the courage to undress myself. If this was my first time and she wasn't a professional, I can't guarantee that she would be as understanding as she was.

Before I did it though, I had many people online tell me not to go through with it because I would regret it. Not one of these people had been in that position and took that path. Furthermore so many people regret their first time, so if I did, then it wouldn't be so different from other people's experiences.

As it happens, I don't regret the experience at all, and always planned to do it again, but then Covid hit and I had to put it on hold.

@morleychallenged - 16.08.2021 14:13

You have a doppelganger, Holly. She was at the Mariposa Gentleman's club here in Calgary, and I had to ask, "Are you...?" She replied,
"I wish!" I simply said, "I thought maybe you were escaping the wildfires in CA. I've seen it before here, but the smoke just runs up the rockies and down the other side." Oh well.

@bendolinko6315 - 16.08.2021 16:06

I once thought of being a sex worker for women. I did a free trial as a women's camera stripper. It was fun!

@Damianek-xx3jb - 16.08.2021 17:49


@brayansierra1954 - 16.08.2021 19:13

Great podcast

@cecilxcx4540 - 17.08.2021 08:02

which scene are they talking about?

@itiswhatitis1592 - 17.08.2021 16:32

Hi can you please bring peta jeensen

@beelzebitchh - 20.08.2021 14:40

I looked up “learn Japanese” and this popped up lmao

@BuzzKirill3D - 23.08.2021 08:06

Hmm, are you releasing clips before the full video now? Interesting

@indigoroots - 12.09.2021 04:00

America is not a free country if sex work is against the law. It actually keeps women down. It would give women an opportunity to empower themselves. It also is a frustration for men. In her Ted Talk she talked about men who do violence or acts of terrorism because they can't get sex. If sex work was legal the prices would also go down and become more reasonable.

@kowoh - 13.11.2021 21:14

I highly recommend her TedTalk, very inspiring person 👍

@asbury29 - 28.01.2022 01:13

Again, Holly takes on the tough subjects that people in the "industry" would love to avoid. I applaud you for bringing on people like Nicole and for asking the tough questions.

@drumbum3.142 - 21.02.2022 16:55

*Damn (Apologies) Goode Interview as always. 🎨

@99iwaena - 05.04.2022 11:48

Love this podcast with guest speaker Nicole!

@jamessanto9745 - 26.09.2022 14:30

Nicole is beautiful, ❤️ sex iss very important in life, people need to stop being uptight about sex and nudity in America. Emotional feelings is important too , and kissing, hugging, talking. But people need to be embrace sex more instead of being negative about it.

@nononouh - 13.11.2022 01:02


@FM-tx5es - 19.08.2023 16:01

Holly and Nicole… this was one of the best podcasts I’ve seen. Holly, I watch your podcasts all the time and enjoy watching. But Nicole adds such a fresh, insightful, sincere, honest point of view from her life!!
Nicole, hope you have found your personal happiness in life.

@julioavalos2936 - 22.10.2023 19:25

Hey I got those …

@dave23024 - 30.10.2023 13:59

Nah, "therapeutic" is just cope cranked to 11.

@MisterTourmalet - 11.03.2024 05:33

One of the reasons men are uncomfortable around other men, maybe their close friends, who are deep in emotions is because it's extremely difficult to hold the space.

@MisterTourmalet - 11.03.2024 05:37

Nichole, thank you for normalizing a man's sexual needs. 😊

@MisterTourmalet - 11.03.2024 05:46

THANK YOU, Holly & Nichole!

@disgruntledvet28 - 03.12.2024 04:06

Dam I see that wedding ring off her finger now 😢😬

@johnhaas3270 - 03.12.2024 18:25

One point she misses is that even though she provides a lot of emotional support there is a downside to that for the client and her.

Clients can become addicted and obsessive as this has the dynamics of a regular dating relationship.

@pekkakanniainen9005 - 06.12.2024 23:12

An interview with the interviewer all the time vocal. LISTEN AND ASK QUESTIONS AS AN INTERVIEWEE Thank you

@roygrose3488 - 07.12.2024 19:55

As the father of an adult Autistic son, I can only say I wish there was someone who could school him. He will never be able to have a normal social relationship with a woman because he just can't allow communication and change to interfere with his rules.
I should also mention that while his mother and I are still together, it is almost impossible to have intimacy with him around.

@tom97009 - 09.12.2024 21:40

The preparations and all that goes into it is what kills the mojo

@tom97009 - 09.12.2024 21:54

Its funny. The same traits women like this keep saying are somewhat harmful to men are the same triats that civilized the world and protected women for centuries.

Society isnt why men seek money. When you have a family and are seen as the provided money is the the essential componet in taking care of your family

Men work out not cause society said so. They seek to gain the muscles because that is how you stua in physical shape, it cathces the woman eyes, your brain functions at a better rate and when it comes to combat being in physical shape helps with that when conquering an adversary.

And then these would be the same females who then complain about why men are so weak. Theres nothing wrong with showing emotions. As a man (or male) you understand from a logical view point theres no time to wallow when shit has to get done. Thats a female trait to wallow where as a man understands if i have time to cry i have time to fix the issue

Lol thos chick said why men don't cuddle? See this is why I'm saying chicks like this just Want to effeminze the males. We don't cuddle cause we don't think like that. Tf I wanna cuddles my 6'2 home boy? Lol smfh I've seen enough

@stephenarmiger8343 - 02.02.2025 07:45

Wow! Thank you so much!

@devonjames9 - 06.02.2025 00:25


@roykay4709 - 24.02.2025 20:55

Another very reasonable commentary, which I have always been expecting and never disappointed by.
