HOW STUPID DO THEY THINK WE ARE? Housing Market Crash 2024 -Tall Mike Talks

HOW STUPID DO THEY THINK WE ARE? Housing Market Crash 2024 -Tall Mike Talks

Tall Mike Talks

5 месяцев назад

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@jeffreyguliman5696 - 20.09.2024 18:26


@jeffreyguliman5696 - 20.09.2024 18:28

And just cause we're early to the recession party doesn't mean we're wrong. I'm just gonna greet people as they come in.

@atarilegend1907 - 20.09.2024 18:29


@gabrielw7773 - 20.09.2024 18:39

Dollar got to take out recent lows while HYG has got to keep going up before this market can keep going up higher. Fed liquidity tap for stock buybacks is turned off today. Notice how they cut rates but bond yields keep going up. Inflation. Sure wish the internet in 2000 made us more productive like they said.

@williamjackson8288 - 20.09.2024 18:48

Miiiike, I love your channel, but nobody is selling bitcoin to buy gold....your riding the crazy train.

@jorgecasamiquela1186 - 20.09.2024 18:57

Great job as always 😊 Thanks and have a great weekend Tall Mike

@BillRussell-wp6un - 20.09.2024 19:01

Thanks mike I hear ya, have a great weekend 👍

@PrashantN-w5z - 20.09.2024 19:03

Inflation, job loss, stockmarket is not conected to housing market as it has been blown up by rich people i dont think it will come down.who is buying 7% interest house no one but rich class.

@danielvillareal2569 - 20.09.2024 19:32

Spot on!

@joemama-tn7zl - 20.09.2024 19:52

Rate cuts to save the banks on the debt they owe has nothing to do with the common folk.

@BCisme111 - 20.09.2024 20:17

Butttttt Miiiiiiiikeeeee no one's uttered the word cattywampus since 1987, it's different this time.

@ВесельчакУ-ъ9ш - 20.09.2024 20:40

HOW STUPID DO THEY THINK WE ARE? This is probably Einstein's citation: "There are 2 infinite things: the Universe and human stupidity. And actually, I am not sure about the Universe."

@danieldevito5223 - 20.09.2024 21:00

Tall mike i listen to you every week, keep coming with the truth my friend

@davidlaramore1359 - 20.09.2024 21:10

You can lead a horse to water Mike, but you can’t make him ride in your bass boat!

@ownsilver - 20.09.2024 21:29

We bought our house at 8% interest paid $116,000 in 1995 at that time thought the price was high but we liked the house today our house is worth $525,000, in our opinion interest is not to high the prices are way to high

@eemapalmer530 - 20.09.2024 21:38

Thank you Mike for great reports. Jamie Diamon of Chase says we are heading towards stagflation.

@yavor19121 - 20.09.2024 22:54

Mike, you better buy a house 🏡 now or just keep your money in the bank for 3% annual return. This is free money 🤑

@gailcoates3432 - 20.09.2024 23:02

Thanks for the update Tall Mike enjoy your weekend!

@Joshua-iv4uj - 20.09.2024 23:25

Love watching the videos Mike!

@jonmurphy776 - 21.09.2024 00:06

Stay frosty Tall Mike ⚡️

@jayneweaver8695 - 21.09.2024 00:11

What is shocking is that most Americans have zero idea we are $37 trillion in debt and counting, that we SELL that debt to everyone and their mothers and IF we fail to sell our debt the entire system will crash down. They also do not know that our debt is sold in the form of Treasuries, and CHINA unloaded $114,500,000,000 that is BILLION. THIS does not include Japan or the Saudi's. CHINA is buying GOLD at unprecedented amounts which you've told all of us for the umpteenth time. I appreciate your channel and your opinions, thank YOU TM!

@aarongraves8910 - 21.09.2024 00:30

Tall Mike, Housing is down big time in rural areas in the upper mid west. Find a remote job and join us in a safe small community and keep far away from the crazies in the big cities.

@awisniewski6290 - 21.09.2024 00:34

Tall Mike! You should consider doing interviews. I’d love to see you talk with Peter Schiff!

@goobertgoobert - 21.09.2024 01:03

Do a video on the paper bitcoins that all the Bitcoin ETFs are holding 😊

@PhoenixCrown - 21.09.2024 03:05

Love the energy today. Get out there and enjoy yourself while you can =)

@Pelican5077 - 21.09.2024 03:09

I’d like to see a pullback to 2100, then a consolidation around 2400 for a few months. Let all the MAs catch up where we get the 10-50-100-200 in line. That will get us into SuperNode and then we rocket higher. Right now we have a bull market but not a bull era. For that we need the equity markets to fall by 40-50% to drive the capital rotation. The bull era can last a decade as it did from 2000-2011.

@PhoenixCrown - 21.09.2024 03:11

I wonder if this incredible AI that's going to change our lives will find a way to steal all the Bitcoin. It's value is "in the formula," and proponents argue how this is infallible because it's math. Previously, the obvious weakness to me was in the case of an EMP or otherwise losing the electrical grid. That would be a catastrophic event and a dystopian future in which I think we would have bigger problems, though... But the AI thing, makes me think there are many other potential scenarios these geniuses have not considered.

@xavierrodriguez1455 - 21.09.2024 04:02

What are today current mortgage rates and interest rates on house.

@jjwilson8047 - 21.09.2024 05:14

I love it 😅😂 “you can put a donkey in for the president” Great content Mike! Keep up the great content!

@Xp200dr-gj8lz - 21.09.2024 12:48

We have had a Donkey for the President for many years...

@nyleslehnen4751 - 21.09.2024 21:09

Totally agree

@michaelodonnell8209 - 21.09.2024 22:36

BofA is by no means the only mega bank with a very troublesome balance sheet. Well's Fargo has a 21.2% exposure to commercial real estate in terms of its net loans issued, and we already know WFC increased loan loss provisions for the commercial real estate sector by $949 million way back last January of this year. For all we know, those WFC loan loss provisions are $1.5 billion today, but since mark to market accounting is suspended for the banking system, and that phony accounting actively encouraged by our government, precise figures are replaced by guesses. Here's a list of mega bank commercial real estate exposure in percentage terms of net loans.
BofA: 6.9%
JP Morgan Chase: 12.6%
Citigroup: 4%
Wells Fargo: 21.2%
In pure dollar terms JP Morgan Chase has the largest commercial real estate exposure at a stunning $1.4 trillion.
Tall Mike, you are the best, and of tremendous service to those seeking truth.
