Did The Dodgers RUIN the Spirit of Baseball?

Did The Dodgers RUIN the Spirit of Baseball?

Gomer Simpson

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@roseberrytreeservice6712 - 28.11.2024 14:27

Boo hoo hoo my team sucks

@aznpikachu215 - 28.11.2024 16:26

Plenty of owners have money to spend, they just refuse to. They want their profits and that's it, they could care less about titles, they just draft decently, keep the team profitable and let stars walk in FA while never attempting to go after FA superstars.

@tyray6180 - 28.11.2024 18:08

Reminder everyone. The Dodgers were 5th in payroll in 2024. The 2000s Yankees averaged a 50% higher payroll than the 2nd highest paid team. The Dodgers would have to be at $450,000,000 with the 2nd highest payroll at $275,000,000 to be in the same spot as the 2000s Yankees.

@theaverageDon - 28.11.2024 18:16

Yes, and until MLB finally comes down with a hard salary cap to bring parody back to the game, MLB is less relevant than NHL or even MLS

@Kinghunter182 - 28.11.2024 18:35

Out mariners owners are so cheap. We are not even make to wild card game 😢

@johndurrer7869 - 28.11.2024 18:59

Lame, it only requires three good starting pitchers to be a real force in the playoffs and now almost half the league makes the playoffs. If this was the days where only eight teams made the playoffs then I could understand everyone being upset.but 14 teams make it now. Dodgers are currently 3 to 1 to win the series. The Warriors were 1 to 3

@johndurrer7869 - 28.11.2024 19:05

Dodgers also have the #5 farm in baseball

@snowman9642 - 28.11.2024 19:20

Dodgers have won 1 World Series in the past 35 years, overreaction. You can say the same about the late 2000 Yankees, they were stalked and still didn’t win.

@OJE10_1 - 28.11.2024 19:28

I don’t think it’s a dodgers issue it’s a owners issue every team can do that if they want SPEND MONEY

@misterthi - 28.11.2024 19:41

I’m a Dodger fan. Half of me is enjoying the ridiculousness of it all. The other half feels pretty darn guilty.

@Seigerootz - 28.11.2024 19:49

They figured out a new way to wage war and every other team is pkaying catch up. Problem is theyre a decade behind in establishing the foundation to fight on their level.

@ndrwsrcht - 28.11.2024 20:33

I think people just need a boogie man. Sure the dodgers have a lot of money but if the other billionaire team owners want to sign someone they can

@Trishisinthehouse - 28.11.2024 20:43

The Dodgers are taking huge risks by signing these contracts, and some probably won’t age very well. But good for them because they are trying to win. Buying players in free agency and building a team around your DH isn’t going to work for a majority of teams because it’s a backward way to build a great team

@bobdylan-t1r - 28.11.2024 21:25

Meanwhile the Yankees have done this but because they spend like gen z they are broke and if they spend they are broke. Dodgers smart business. Saw it coming when they sign Mookie.

@heavensroyalty9896 - 28.11.2024 21:42

The Dodgers have put a lot more eyes on baseball. What they're doing is good for the overall bottom line in baseball.

@airtioteclint - 28.11.2024 23:40

They aren't ruining the spirit of baseball. They're ruining the spirit of their opponents. 😁😁

@mikael5079 - 29.11.2024 00:05

If buying talent would get them World Series, the Yankees would have 5 or more trophies by now. They are a combination of both, they know fundamental baseball (unlike a certain team), and they have money to spare

@chrstian3893 - 29.11.2024 00:27

Imagine they were the team to decide to sign Bauer for a min deal

@abraham115 - 29.11.2024 02:42

The Dodgers didn’t ruin baseball it actually gave them more views regular people who don’t even watch baseball, started watching it

@AP-qd9il - 29.11.2024 03:13

If the dodgers lost to the padres - easily could have happened - would this signing be an issue? I don’t think so

@jdsthird - 29.11.2024 04:07

They ain’t laughing at the Dodgers anymore. Calling them chokers and bullying them about having a Mickey Mouse ring. They ain’t laughing. They crying.

@thelowgradehero4361 - 29.11.2024 05:20

Where was all this energy during the mccourt era? Dude was the cheapest owner in baseball and we absolutely were dog crap. Now we spend money fans like the yankees are crying????? Really???

@デンジュモク-c4i - 29.11.2024 07:25

I don't like the Dodgers, but I want to make this clear. They are just the Neo Yankees. Stop acting like we are seeing this for the first time.

@bench-clearingbrawl7737 - 29.11.2024 11:20

No. It was the Yankees and Astros that ruined the spirit of baseball. The Yankees were buying World Series in the early 1900’s. Several of them. And the Astros were cheating like crazy in 2017 that ruined several pitchers careers.

Just because the Dodgers beat the Yankees in the World Series, now every fan seems salty about it? Where was this saltiness when the Yankees were winning them in the 1990’s?

@Imold498 - 29.11.2024 12:20

It's fumny how baseball fans are haring the dodgers when every other baseball player want to go tonthe Dodgers. I bet every big players thats on a horrible team would love to go to dodgers even on a salary cap.

@DixInsideHer - 29.11.2024 12:57

Cope harder Padres fan.😂

@otani928 - 29.11.2024 13:55

how are dodgers ruining baseball in a capitalist society …the dodgers are actually role modeling what other clubs should be striving towards…yet other billionaire owners are pocketing funds instead of improving teams to be contenders… the only thing ruining baseball is Yankees lack of fundamentals…making it cringe worthy to watch …& shameful to play …

@Objectivity-w5j - 29.11.2024 16:43

Did they ruin the "spirit" or was this the most watched World Series in forever????

@ktbeatty - 29.11.2024 19:26

Well, that’s a channel block for me. The breaking baseball, checkbook baseball stuff was tiresome, but expected. Now they’ve ruined the “spirit” of baseball too. Wtf? Here I thought the spirit of all athletic competition was for each competitor/team to do the best they can, within the rules, to win. Apparently the spirit is now something like try to win, but don’t try too hard so others have a chance to beat you.

@williamc.8256 - 29.11.2024 20:29

They’re not cheating like the Trashtros/Asterisks**. 😂

@floridasportsworld - 29.11.2024 22:32

The Dodgers are EXPOSING Other BILLIONAIRE Owners Who REFUSE TO SPEND MONEY on their Teams! That's what they are doing. Many Owners like the Miami Marlins, Pitt Pirates, TB Rays use their Teams as PIGGY BANKS! Expose them all!

@chuyster8180 - 30.11.2024 00:02

Fans caring about financials is kinda crazy it’s not your money you should want your team to spend have something watchable on the field.

Dodgers went from owners just pocketing money and being bankrupt
New ownership came in and first thing they mentioned was winning and they’ve kept their word since their arrival

It also has taken the dodgers 10+ years to finally get here

@moonknight2865 - 30.11.2024 02:20

People are gonna hate us anyways. Fuck’em. We building the evil empire at this point.

@GlubGlubFishOG - 30.11.2024 03:51

Dodgers haters: haha Mickey Mouse World Series bums! 1st round chokers. You only won in 2024 cause you bought a god squad.
Guess what? Not our fault we’re spending money correctly. Even with the injuries we won. Cry make all the excuses you want you can be a baby all you want we win games and actually have a good front office. Gg were the best team

@Sick_Boy. - 30.11.2024 04:09


@mayo2265 - 30.11.2024 04:38

Dodgers is the worlds team right now, baseball is bigger than ever because of them. This dynasty will cement that and we are watching history in the making.

@edomarpez1840 - 30.11.2024 09:39

Great analysis!! really enjoyed you video.

@MatthewVasquez-x9s - 30.11.2024 13:43

its called being smart deal with it people

@kevinthoma967 - 30.11.2024 17:23

8 chips in 150 years? Stop it and admire what Friedman built!!

@WildWolfGT - 30.11.2024 18:14

Having been a fan of the Dodgers since the late 90's, when I was old enough to remember, the team now is such a breath of fresh air. We had an owner literally taking team money and spending it elsewhere and the league actually got him to sell. This new ownership group immediately went on the attack to rebuild everything. Now Dodgers fans see the fruits of their labor.Postseason runs every year, players want to play for the Dodgers, 2 championships, and stay top 10 in prospect capital without having high picks. Really the Dodgers exposed half the league is full of owners who just penny pinch. Many have the assets but choose not to improve. Be mad at the Dodgers all ya want, if the Yankees won't take the mantle of evil empire, the Dodgers will gladly take it.

@JVe-o5l - 30.11.2024 18:36

It's only ok when the Yankees do it, right?

@mando-hondadc2992 - 30.11.2024 19:34

Dodgers making baseball great Again

@uthinkuknowme2649 - 01.12.2024 00:34

Pay up or shut up. Time for some of you lazy cheap fans to actual attend games and buy a hotdog. Boo-hoo 😂

@wills.e.e8014 - 01.12.2024 02:39

The Spirit of Baseball was already ruined a long time by one person: Arnold Rothstein.

@paulhicks7387 - 01.12.2024 04:53

Do you have your Brian MCann vid on the unwritten rules of baseball? Since your title reports something about "spirit". Hopefully, the log up your rear is not as big as the log up his.

By the way, who wants parity? Why I loath and detest the NFL. Gonna buy me a jersey and a cap, then 2 years later my fave is playing for Carolina owing to the cap. F that. Is not competitive parity but more merchandise sales that they're after.

Lastly, are you so not aware (dementia) that you cannot recall that the WS before this last was Rangers v Diamondbacks?

For the bonus freebie, perhaps a vid on our societal separation, as best evidenced by the separation of elites from the proles by way of the luxury boxes in sports stadiums. I know, you missed that too. Try not be one of Animal Farm's bleating sheep. Thanks.

For one more, how about Tampa's Rays? In the WS against the Phils and then against the D's in the SARS 2.0 WS. And competitive when not in the WS. Not the D's fault that Wander played the pedo. Had him signed for 11 years.

@cooperhaaland - 01.12.2024 08:09

I’m sorry I’m tired of this “not having enough revenue” part of the conversation. There is revenue sharing! Obviously some teams make more from TV deals but please just look up the revenue to payroll ratio for every team. The Dodgers and Mets simply spend a larger amount of the money they make, percentage wise, than other teams do. Every team DOES have the ability to have a solid payroll but they choose not to because they are greedy.

@sierrabrew7759 - 01.12.2024 09:19

No one wants Owners that don't put the best product out on the field.
And the times where things cost more and more people Pay for tickets, parking and food.They want the best product a competitive team.

I feel like if Owners aren't spending money on the best possible team.There should be a relegation system where if they are not rewarded for doing well they need to be out of the league. Teams who want to win fet better. teams need to compete and put out a better product on the field!!

The dodgers buy stars but they are surrounded by talent. Some of which they've developed in house, some of which they've traded for and some of which they have bought contracts.

@johnchieze530 - 01.12.2024 12:55

not after world series loser j.soto re-signs with the yanks for $1.7 billion, lol

@djimenez789 - 01.12.2024 14:41

Everybody just making these vids for the views

@romanhernandez2985 - 01.12.2024 17:47

Dodgers were mocked for two first round exits, a bubble World Series and for being cheated by the Astros. Mocked! Now you’re crying because you pissed them off.
