Horrible seasons back to back. Not watching anymore
ОтветитьThis is the worst season everrrrr
ОтветитьIm betting this all about adrenochrome and rhe vampyre elite of the entertainment industry. Also theyre drinking red liquid. Hint hint
ОтветитьDex's mums lawyer is called Luther 😮
ОтветитьIt left me soooooo confused! I love the original Rose Mary’s Baby, I loved that it’s shot just like it! ❤️
However I felt so bored and felt they needed to up the gore! They should’ve went all out distributing with Anna’a competition, enemies, friends meeting unfortunate, gruesome deaths!
Am I the only one who thinks this has to do with the antischrist or maybe witches cause throuout the series these woman in black seemed to be satanists
ОтветитьShioban had a miscarriage right ? I think she did something to be successful too. Dex seems to be the big evil.
ОтветитьI'm actually starting to feel that just maybe if things start to get more "Old Skool AHS-ish" this season might be able to pull our beloved show out of the Poop house? I never thought Ms Preecher was going to be a bad person, because they made it seem like it so much, IMO. Just like I would be surprised if Nicolette is also a RH, but maybe helping Ms P, watch over Anna? U seen how if we leave her alone for 2 seconds, she's making me dry heave by devouring a maggot-infested raccoon? 🤮
I'll admit that it's always been difficult for me to warm up to Emma Roberts because of how much of a nasty person a lot of ppl have said she is? As Anna, I find her weak and annoying but I actually think Kim K is doing a really good job. I know a lot of miserable folks who walk around hating ppl for no reason(although, I don't care for ER, I'd still never wish her harm)but IMO, Kim is actually believable? 🤗
I feel like Siobhan has good intentions towards Anna. But her husband don’t
ОтветитьThis season was like a modern take of rosemary’s baby
ОтветитьWhy is the rest of the season airing only in 2024😭 had i known i wouldnt had started watching, now I'm invested and have to wait 😤😤😤
I was also hoping to see more of Billie Lourd but I'll take what I can get lol, I love her ❤
so was that last episode of the season?? i'm so confused and honestly disappointed
ОтветитьI love Conrad,Dex etc.. (matt czuchry) I’m so hurt to see him as a villain and I believe HE IS IN SOME WAY A VILLAIN idk how yet because being an Arsehole doesn’t make him one 😂 but I have so many theories I don’t want to spoil anything but if anyone has theories please share some with me I’m all ears ❤️ since we have some time before it’s return and this can help us all through it 😭😢
ОтветитьIn Rosemary's baby, the husband and the neighbour who gives the concoction is involved so i think Siobhan and her husband are 100% involved
ОтветитьThis show was on t.v now its not their im been checking every wed and its not their on fx so what channel is it on
ОтветитьSorry but I think this year's series SUCKS!! I hope this isn't a start of a new trend!! :(
ОтветитьThe reason American Horror Story: Delicate's hiatus may be long isn't down to strategy, but rather the ongoing SAG-AFTRA strike. This is what caused the season to be separated into two parts as it brought filming to a stop until the issues could be resolved.
ОтветитьThere was no episode this past week, am i missing something?
ОтветитьWill there be more episodes of it ? Seems incomplete
ОтветитьJust watched on Hulu….I am still in the dark. Was hoping this video explained it. Thanks for nothing! 😒I’m seriously over this series. I’m having to think way too hard. LOL
ОтветитьI’m so confused! Was this the last episode?!
ОтветитьDon’t forget, she sang that Vanity Fair magazine
ОтветитьI KNEW Siobhan was the villain from Ep 1. It’s in her name! It’s a distinctly Irish name, and right below that Preecher article about Queen Mary was one about CELTIC witch rituals. not a coincidence in this world.
ОтветитьI didn’t get this shit and it sucked balls I mean huge ass balls! Wat a stupid show this was! Of course they show Hollywood and their disgusting ways but we already knew that! This whole thing was so weird’ these cult ass celebrities doing weird shit this is real life in a show and ppl will never believe it cuz it’s too crazy! But it is real’ they get these from stories’ interesting that the running theory is that Kim kardashians family all have serogate babies and have been known to be apart of a long line of witches’ I made the connection immediately when I saw Kim kardashians in it we all know what they do out there’!
ОтветитьWho else cringed on episode 5 when preech was having her baby and they pushed down her stomach to get the baby out 🤦♀🤦♀🤦♀🤦♀
ОтветитьWill there be a episode 6??
ОтветитьAssuming that the real history of Mary I is canon in the AHS universe, then Mary’s reign was anything BUT FRUITFUL. There’s a reason she was known as Bloody Mary.
Ответитьwouldn’t it be great if when we finally see Siobhan as a witch.. we see the Kardashian Jenners as part of the coven .. would be such a slap back at all the people that criticized them for years calling them witches.. it’s like them sarcastically slapping all those rumors and being able to laugh it off .
ОтветитьI've never read the book "Delicate Condition" that this season is based on. Is it similar to the book?
ОтветитьI like the AHS tht are more based around a dwelling than the others. Murderhouse, asylum, freakshow, motel, Roanoke, covenant
Ответитьkora is the stalker because she works out of ana/dex's building and no one was seen entering nor exiting
Ответитьis babette queen elizabeth?
Ответитьdoes 21 year old babette symbolize youth that ana doesnt have? sucking her pastries dry. winning the award and thanking her fellow nominees for paving the way
Ответитьkamal is potentially getting anas signature to forge it?
Ответитьif sonja is adeline-back-in-the-raven/goat-group, then perhaps ivy is living life as her less evil self defecting from the group?
Ответитьdid ana give shioban the pastries, then take them with her as she left?
Ответитьkamal being married for 5 years, means he has been with his wife the same amount of time that dex has been with ana right? kamal and dex are in kahoots
Ответитьyo should kim k go into acting??!!!! so good
ОтветитьI can’t believe this season was green lit
ОтветитьPOSSIBLE SPOILER FOR PART 2 (not 100% sure)
There have been photos leaked of Cara aka Ivy the mystery girl on set wearing the black raven outfit that the witches wear. I am really confused because I honestly thought she was a good guy in this show but now I have no idea. Also I am not 100% sure on any of this I just saw photos of her wearing it.
So Siobhan didn't miscarry and she gave her baby up, in return for money and fame. Also nicolettes baby i wonder what she did?
ОтветитьShe had to give birth to a baby she didnt want and then give it away for success? She was already gonna do that shit
Ответить“A cable of witches”
ОтветитьWaste of F$&$ing time!!!!! All of that, and I'm still sooooo confused!! And the ending!?!! That's it?!? I hate shows like this and I love Ahs!!! Dont waste your time watching this 💩.....I'm pi$$ed I watch all this and don't understand wat the hell is really going on ..bad show
ОтветитьThank you for making these so I don’t have to watch it.
ОтветитьHell I thought Kim Kardashian did a fantastic job I'm proud of her for that but that's not my problem with this this episode or sorry this this scene sorry this f**** show rather my problem is with the scene where the literal dude who's had a sex change to try to be a woman want to be a woman the want to be a woman standing there singing Rock-a-bye Baby and turns around with a f**** breast pump on as if he's a f**** woman as if he can ever have a baby you're not a f**** woman you'll never be a woman you're not going to have a baby because you do not have a uterus no matter if Dr Frankenstein's no amount of you know governmental created alleged just hormones hormone therapy or fake titties is going to make that change Sorry Charlie but you're a dude Maury you're never going to have babies you're not a ever going to have a baby you're sorry you can't take everything from us I know where women and your men and it must be so frustrating to know that you can't push a baby out of your little pee holes well that's too tough titties isn't it you're never going to have babies you're a dude you don't have a uterus and no amount of you know scientific experimental bologna is going to change that you can't just shovel a uterus inside of a dude and call him a woman I'm so sick of you pushing this b***** it's so evident to me it's not about I thought it was all about your superficial nonsense but I think it's about jealousy that's what I think I think men are so f**** jealous of women they can't even see straight anymore stop trying to be a woman and be proud of being a man for once stop trying to think that you could take everything from us as females is nothing f**** sacred dude God damn frankly I don't give a flying f*** if you delete this Nazis I really don't give a s*** if the snowflakes see it I don't care if Satan knows it it's the facts facts are facts Felicia you're not going to make us irrelevant you're not going to get rid of us you're not going to end female race so that you can all go and suck each other off and push babies out of your bodies and decide who's going to be the man to turn into a fake woman to have a f**** baby it's never going to happen so go ahead and wake up get your fat heads out of your asses and stop being so freaking God damn controlling that you think you can eliminate us we're not going anywhere motherfukers we outnumber you
ОтветитьSiobhan is the head of it all. She is Hecate or Lilith..
ОтветитьThis series wasn't my favorite. I enjoyed the book more.
ОтветитьWhat did you think of AHS Delicate's Mid Season Finale? Comment your thoughts below!