DMK rejects Hindi imposition | India Language war | Tamil

DMK rejects Hindi imposition | India Language war | Tamil

Ask Raghulan

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@AthiraHindustani-k1p - 01.03.2025 12:12

Then why not introduce 3 languages in govt school ?

@AthiraHindustani-k1p - 01.03.2025 12:16

Palaya illa , pazhaya . Learn tamizh first .

@AthiraHindustani-k1p - 01.03.2025 12:17

Muttal UPSC language is conducted in so many languages. Dont spread false dravida propaganda 🤮

@One_Year_MLA - 01.03.2025 12:28

Why Hindi people and urdu people have same number names.. ek, dho, theen, chaar... why not different..

@alen758 - 01.03.2025 13:12

Small correction bro, Jayalalitha died on 2016 but you told as 2020.

@saleemhaneef3036 - 01.03.2025 13:22

Brother really useful video. Thanks

@rajusitharthan4486 - 01.03.2025 15:52

Language is the physical (visual-audible) implementation of this system.

Concepts and, therefore, language are primarily a tool of cognition — not of communication, as is usually assumed. Communication is merely the consequence, not the cause nor the primary purpose of concept-formation — a crucial consequence, of invaluable importance to men, but still only a consequence. Cognition precedes communication ; the necessary pre-condition of communication is that one have something to communicate. (This is true even of communication among animals, or of communication by grunts and growls among inarticulate men, let alone of communication by means of so complex and exacting a tool as language.) The primary purpose of concepts and of language is to provide man with a system of cognitive classification and organization, which enables him to acquire knowledge on an unlimited scale; this means: to keep order in man’s mind and enable him to think.

@Raju1993Reshma - 01.03.2025 17:30

I feel very ashamed to call myself a Tamil when I see hatred against other languages. If everyone behaved like this, India would be divided into pieces. People from other states are watching how you treat other languages.

Imagine this: You are a Tamilian who knows only English. But when someone deliberately refuses to speak with you in English or even in Hindi, and you ask them, "Anna, you know English, so why don't you speak?" They reply, "I know a little Hindi, too, but I still won't speak with you."

You then ask, "Why? You know both languages, so why aren’t you speaking with me?" And they say, "Because you are a Tamil, and I have seen the hatred Tamil people show towards other languages."

Now, think about how you would feel when you realize that your hatred towards Hindi has started affecting you. The boy who refuses to speak with you is not a native Hindi speaker. His mother tongue might be Odia, Gujarati, or Assamese. But he knows how Tamil people behave with Hindi speakers. Many Tamilians assume that all North Indians speak Hindi.

You should reflect on how Tamil people treat outsiders. When someone comes to Tamil Nadu for work, they meet others from different states who also work there. You may not know their language, and they may not know yours, but both of you know Hindi. That kind of privilege is something Tamil people don’t get.

This is why, when outsiders come to Tamil Nadu for work, they don’t feel that Tamil people are their own. An Odia person has Bengali and Assamese friends, and they feel like their own people because they don’t discriminate against each other based on language.

@jennymarx9228 - 01.03.2025 17:32

One of the best video bro 😺❤

@Raju1993Reshma - 01.03.2025 17:39

Tamil Nadu has historically been home to several languages and dialects, but due to the dominance of Tamil, some languages have declined or disappeared over time. The exact number is difficult to determine, but here are some notable cases:

1. Irula Language – Spoken by the Irula tribe, this Dravidian language is endangered due to the dominance of Tamil.

2. Toda Language – Spoken by the Toda tribe in the Nilgiris, it has very few speakers left.

3. Badaga Language – Though still spoken in the Nilgiris, it has been heavily influenced by Tamil.

4. Kurumba Language – Another tribal language that is at risk due to Tamil’s widespread use.

5. Pali & Prakrit – These ancient languages, once used in Buddhist and Jain traditions in Tamil Nadu, disappeared over time.

@SumathiRaman-l9k - 01.03.2025 23:30


@mufasmohammedmydeen1012 - 02.03.2025 04:21

Great video 👏👏
English and Tamil - TamilNadu succeed with two language policy.

@padminithiruvengadathan9043 - 02.03.2025 07:58

தமிழ்நாட்டில் இந்தி திணிப்பே கிடையாது எங்கே இருக்கிறது என கூறவும் திணிப்பு இருப்பது போலவும் வந்துவிடும் என்றும் கற்பனையில் புலம்புவது ம் அரசியல்தான் மும்மொழி உள்ள சிபிஎஸ்சி மெட்ரிக் பள்ளிகளை மூட வேண்டியதுதானே இருமொழி பள்ளிகளே போதும் வருமானம் போக விடுவார்களா ஓட்டுக் கேட்க வாருங்கள் அப்போது குத்த ரோம்

@s.kaushik - 02.03.2025 09:48

The good thing about Anti Hindi Imposition politics in Tamil Nadu is it is almost a bipartisan issue with common understanding between DMK and ADMK. Even TN BJP leaders are hesitant to totally back the Union Govt on the implementation of NEP and Trilingual policy.

Also, as I noticed there is absolutely little to no counter-arguments to TN CM Stalin's assault on Hindi imposition. National news channel are totally taken over by TN CM's pointers and bytes.

The Union Govt is overwhelmed by the resistance put forward by Tamil Nadu and its allied states.

@harishankermenonp1530 - 02.03.2025 10:22

Sanskrit, hindi please make vedio.
How Sanskrit devanagari lipi adopted to Hindi.
Is this a cheating?

@devilsubi9701 - 02.03.2025 10:31

This is Tamil vs Dravidam vs Aariam issue don't make it look like Dravidam issue Dravidam and Aariam both are equal We Tamil people hate and opposed both 👍🏼

@premkumar-ftic - 02.03.2025 10:56

Way more professional 👍🏻

@srisudharsrinivasan8336 - 02.03.2025 15:17

I'm from Chennai,
But I've spent a lot of years in Mumbai, so i hope i can give a more balanced view on this as I've spent almost equal time in north and south India

Point 1 what i think of Mumbaikars:
Mumbai has become a place where you'll find people from all other regions, from himanchal to kerala you'll find people of different cultures travelling and working together.
What impressed me most was the pride marathi people have for their language.. its almost equal to pride us tamizhans have... They celebrate their king like a god, follow marathi traditions like its their life breath, they'll share in with culture and take part on festivals of bengalis and tamils equally and still have complete faith and devotion to their language and culture.(Cause of this i often consider mumbai as seperate from the north south divide...keep it western india if you'll)...
This often made me wonder, why cant southern states adopt this. Show our devotion to our language..treat tamizh as our mother(which she is) but without alienating the rest of india, we can have a peacefull coexistence...

Point 2 what I think of Hindi:
There's a huge similarity between hindi and hindutva... Hindutva brought other religions under its banner like Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, shaivisim, vaishnavism etc... those religions became a branch of hinduism (or sanatana Dharma as they prefer it as they believe the term hindu was coined by british not us, thats different debate)..
Similarly hindi became a melting pot for many languages like rajastani, pahadi, urdu, parsi, bhojpuri, konkani, tapori etc... with base from sanskrit, it started taking words and phrases from all north indian languages and became a new language that changes itself based on the location (hindi in Maharashtra is completely different from UP... Its so different I'm almost unable to understand the Hindi words spoken by people from punjab-Haryana or Jharkhand-Bihar people...) So it often feels like its not a single language, but a middle ground forged my the intermixing of all languages so that they can communicate with each other...

Point 3 So the main question:
Does hindi destroy the languages and culture of the region?
My answer: 4 states pop out to me strongly that are against this view: Maharashtra, Gujarat, West Bangal and North East(its 7 states, but for sake of argument I'm considering them one in this case, sorry)... These states have huge populations of hindi speaking people, including 4th to 5th gen immigrants from other states like UP,MP etc... but despite the large Hindi population, their respective languages like Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Manipuri etc have stayed intact with them... These languages have had a huge history with deep rooted cultural ties to their life that despite using Hindi for day to day conversation on the outside, in their homes and their communities they only speak in mother tongue, promote and protect their culture strongly,
But I wont say there has been no influence of Hindi, but the effects are offset by their sense of cultural belonging.

These are points from my personal experience, and the points above are my personal views as observed from my viewpoint.
My conclusion is that, has Hindi "destroyed" cultures and languages? Mainly in UP, Bihar, Delhi, MP, yes...yes those people have lost their sense of identity, their sense of community, but these people didn't have the deep historical roots or sense of patriotism anyway, so they quickly became a part of a larger amalgamation of various cultures that they're now confused of their origins. But communities that already had a deep cultural ties have endured amd also became stronger bu taking on the strong points from other cultures to adapt to the modern times and the young generation.

In case of tamizh, we've a very long history, much longer than any of them, we've much deeper respect for our culture and devotion to our tamizh thaai, my belief if that Hindi can in no way affect our way of life and culture and cant shake our identity as tamizhan or reduce our pride of being born in Tamizh Mann...

But despite all this, I am AGAINST the NEP for the following reasons:
1) Hindi SHOULDN'T BE COMPULSORY... We're not exposed to the Hindi language like northers state, the grammar and thought process for hindi is completely different than Tamizh and other southern languages, its not easy for us to learn as its not easy for them to learn tamizh
2) Keeping it optional is ok as long as it includes other languages like Marathi, Gujarati or Bengali etc...BUT similarly North indian states SHOULD take up a South indian language like kannada, Tamizh, Telugu, Malayalam etc
3) Keep the 3rd language only for 6th to 8th students.. This 3rd language ahould serve as a bridge between north and South, not a divide... It should promote transfer of knowledge and news between north and south so that everyone can understand each other while still having their own language and culture, instead of bringing everyone under the Hindi banner...

We are a country of myraid languages and cultures and that has been our unique strength...
Lets not fight among ourself and make it a weakness for a single language among the hundreds..

@beauty-sweety - 02.03.2025 18:25

Bro, 22 language only recognized, but other languages not unrecognized bro. Only majority based politicians recognized language. Hindi belt politicians not ready to protect other languages. Many people mother tongue languages are recognized by india. Now they feel this is my country.

@Sankar1670 - 02.03.2025 20:42

DMK leaders mattum avangha pasanghala govt school la sekkatum bro i accept with you

@sdranjith - 03.03.2025 10:02

English is not our language but we are study that... But no use for in India...! Bcz many indian people are farmer,server, serviceman,salesman,employs ect., To be like this.. How can we talk to them english ? What's wrong with speaking Hindi to Hindi-speaking people? so learn hindi.. thats just language..! But respect the mother tongue..! Teach Tamil to people of other languages ​​who come to Tamil Nadu..!

@kz.kayzee21 - 03.03.2025 13:51

Learning hindi is useless in this competitive world unless hindi is your mother tongue. My parents forced me to learn Hindi for almost a decade because they though that KV students exceed in academics because hindi is in their syllabus, tbh i was not interested in learning hindi. Now I do not use hindi language anywhere and even my colleague from north india in IT industry talk only english, where am I am using it and what positive outcomes does it provide????? This is a subtle way to brainwashing parents to believe that learning hindi is beneficial but hindi is just an another language. I wonder now that if i had gained any other valueable skill or language instead of hindi, it would have given me access to opportunities in my earlier stage of life. And i see parents now a days forcing kids to learn Hindi just for their pride to tell others that their child know other languages other than their mother tongue. I can surely say that their child will hate hindi like me and even though i do not want to hate it but if you impose it, the other party will hate it.

@vishalinfantraj1744 - 03.03.2025 13:52

Bro Mumbai la work panrappo even the English from higher in hierarchy officials oda mail padikumbothe sirippa irukkum because of their English but they send the mail even to clients, our client was a major governing body under Mumbai development authority i dont want to reveal which is it but even at their stature the English vocal communication and digital communication is pathetic. They make the same mistakes that we did in out 2nd Standard, i know we must not make fun of others' inability but seeing most of their castist egoistic behaviours in meetings and other times, we can laugh at it atleast seeing us they will try to learn

@gbgnygtfvr5v114 - 03.03.2025 14:57

Nice vid our peoples mindset are for some reason critically flawed. Instead of supporting idealogies they go with emotions . Its just sad really . And ppl who dont even know anything about politics are in power because of dynastic succesion caste and religion pathetic

@DanielReuben_14897 - 03.03.2025 15:11

delete north from india

@ReMo_. - 03.03.2025 21:45

2 languages are enough
Best example tamilnadu Comparing with north
3 language system is already used in north states but still our pm modi doesn't know Hindi and keeps silence in USA press Meet and saying us to educate Oru selfs lol
Even annamalai says to choose 3 language system just for bjp!
Bjp supporters making childish move just for central government sake 😢
They doesn't care about future of tamil and tamilnadu
They need just bjp and Hindi to be installed in tamilnadu
So that later on they can further move Hindi as national language and every one knows whats bjp and what their supporters are doing in North surely same thing will happen in india
Even Hindi destroyed many north Indian languages but our tamil bjp political leaders doesn't care about it just need another language to study !

@ReMo_. - 03.03.2025 21:46

Why wont they keep tamil as national language? Oldest language Tamil ❤
But they will not accept because they need Hindi to replace tamil then who knows Sanskrit also get involved in this and will catch up the tamil place

@sasi_4395 - 04.03.2025 02:04

Two language policy is more than enough, nan vandhu, German padikuraen, enaku germany pogaradhu thevai... It must be optional depends on their needs , shouldn't be compulsory.

@syedchennai16 - 04.03.2025 10:18

This is why I love you anna 😁 your old brother from alandur

@Raghavasview - 04.03.2025 10:36

“சரி அண்ணா நீங்க சொல்வதை புரிந்துகொள்கிறேன், ஆனால் ஆர்வத்தில் கேட்கிறேன்—எப்படிப் போல ஹிந்தி ராஜஸ்தானில் பல பேசுமுறைகளை அழித்ததோ, அப்படியே ஆங்கிலம் தமிழ் மொழியை அழித்துவிட்டால் என்ன ஆகும்? நம்முடைய மொழியை உயிர்ப்புடன் வைத்திருக்க என்ன செய்ய வேண்டும்?”

@sumanchatterjee2480 - 04.03.2025 13:55

There are two side of the story -
1/ If a state has it's own language and doesn't want hindi or urdu to be a part it's a completely sane demand and I don't see any harm in it after all the people want there culture.
2/ It's well and good when people and parties want to protect there culture but when it's start coming into streets and beating people who speaks other language (2022 Tamilnadu with West Bengal workers ) it's hooliganism .

So it's complete sane demand to have your own language and protect it where it's a radical mindset to beat people over language 😅 the authorities who is showing concern on imposition should also look into the mob attacks over language because I saw many many people ( including me ) taking a stand with them .

@shyamsundhar7442 - 04.03.2025 15:49

அரசியல் வா தலைவா

@shyamsundhar7442 - 04.03.2025 15:50

அரசியல் வா தலைவா

@surendarvijay2520 - 05.03.2025 08:58

Ellam ok but English kum Hindi kum vidhyasam therinja konjam nalla irukkum

@johnpaults - 05.03.2025 09:38

If learning a new language makes one smarter according to NEP. lets request union govt to split the 22 languages as 2 reginal specific groups. 11 language of choice for northern group of language and 11 for southern group of language. Let the south pick one of the northern languages and same for north to pick one of their choices of southern language where you force all the children to learn the same effort. And then you will see the Language impositions slogans from other side of our country as well.

@jaculind4771 - 06.03.2025 11:46

Well explained 😊

@shugavaneshwar3801 - 07.03.2025 08:10

We can say that 2 languages policy is better and i agree that, the northern part of India is not well educated. At first i was frustrated by them and started to stereotype them but I started to see them from different perspectives. They didn't have the exposure like us ig. Fortunately we have some good politics here. And i believe that it's our duty to educate them. We need to take our politics there in the North to educate them. Yeah 😅 it's seems impossible. We never talk about how to educate them or uplift them.
Maybe we should make a party in central that has our ideology. Again it seems impossible 😂

So someone tell me a way how we can educate them

@brightkalaiyarasan5202 - 07.03.2025 20:35

அண்ணா நிறைய புரிய வச்சீங்க

@DharshiniPraba - 08.03.2025 06:15

Bro naga gujaratku oru finance company ku velaiku vathom , Inga vantha pinnalatha namma ooru sorkama theriuthu . Inga yarukum konjam Koda English therila 🖥️ centre enga irukkunu keta aptina ennanu kekuraga .

@Jothika2411-j - 15.03.2025 22:16

Omg Anna you spoke everything I been thinking lately 😮🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

@Naresh_nj0 - 16.03.2025 01:14

To be honest, hindi is a language created by British so they can use a mixed of industani language as one to learn and rule us😅 (that's the reason why hindi and Urdu are similar) well if they? Don't need english then why those stupids are still clingy to the Hindu system and Hindi ? Matter of fact we ppls never try to learn or understand our 🤦 history and culture is the main reason for our draw back ! Remember this we had the 7ckng unique language and culture which had so many unbelievable history with our 3 kingdom just think abt we are the civilization who had potes (even female) and rich in language then we had conquered and trade with other civilization through out the sea where those so called westernz are seeking the cave and eating the raw meat 😅 why should we need to compromise our language for some stupid language made by the British to rule us 🤦 are ya willing to be a slave ? Again think abt it ! A language is the main anchor for civilization 😂be mature and learn out of box

@PremDhayal-f9j - 16.03.2025 15:13

Ketta vaarthai paesubavargalukku sariyaana adi!

@Preetham84 - 20.03.2025 12:05

If someone thinks DMK is handling Hindi rejections now, ideally they should have fought for Bringing Tamil as a written exam for various union Govt exams. They didn't even utter a single word in favour of this when they were part of the union Govt.
It was TR Balu, DMK minister, who was part of union Govt for Highway approved Hindi in the highway sign boards. Why don't some one questions this.
Tamil Nadu is one among few states where one can, graduate without learning Tamil even a single word through our school and college. And where is the Tamil favourism here.
