10 Games With INSANE Boss Fights We Can't Get Enough of

10 Games With INSANE Boss Fights We Can't Get Enough of


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@BisexualTeleriGirl - 13.07.2023 21:05

Im surprised y'all didn't show NKG or Absolute Radiance in tvw Hollow Knight section. NKG has me banging my head against the wall trying to beat it

@G.I._Jose - 15.07.2023 06:40

ASURAS WRATH. How did that not make the list. You guys have to do a part 2 and put Asuras Wrath at number 1

@lennyuncle8359 - 19.07.2023 00:11

Hear me out elden ring and other souls game boss fights are trash…BUT the bosses are dope what I think the criteria for a good boss fight would be what YOU and the BOSS do. Since when you evaluate a fight you have to look at what both sides contribute to said fight. I’m not going to give a whole list but I believe souls/ring games don’t even make top 10 sekiro is sensational tho and deserves its spot and I believe darksiders 2-3 should make top 10 instead.

@Traumvita - 08.08.2023 20:57

lol Final Fantasy XVI just showed all these up

@datweirdcat - 18.08.2023 22:25

Jeeez... as usual fromsoftware. Too much of a fanboy. Skipped it, getting bland and repetitive with your lists 😂

@wellnerxd4337 - 03.09.2023 14:43

Bro forgot to add cuphead to the list

@KupiecKorzenny_EmhyrVarEmreis - 08.09.2023 08:57

What about arkham origins/city?
Arkham origins has Deathstroke boss fight (deffinetly my favorite) and Bane boss fight which is surprisingly good and difficult for such a basic boss fight
And Arkham City has a Ras Al Ghul boss fight and Mr Freeze boss fight which are also considered one of the best boss fights of all time (especially the Mr Freeze one)

@Jim-pq9pm - 10.09.2023 23:32

Isshin Ashina is the greatest boss fight ever

@babysawane2465 - 14.09.2023 17:39

Shadow fight 2:Allow to introduce us💀

@azm01 - 07.10.2023 12:43

The GOW franchise is one of the best even FF franchise has amazing boss fights

@TeacherVincentESL - 09.10.2023 17:42

Awesome list but I'm surprised Cuphead didn't make the cut

@6man_AdriaN - 12.10.2023 17:05

I love that FromSoftware is top of the list🔥

@jesusdiaz270 - 15.10.2023 17:01

"Character action" is like the most stupid genre name ever. Hack n slash, action game, whatever suits you. But "character action"? Wtf

@marionlukecastillo - 30.10.2023 15:34

Early GoW will wreck other games if it had today's graphics.

@Slothhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - 02.11.2023 09:19

FromSoft truly is the epitome of great bosses in videogames

@rogerstalder7184 - 03.11.2023 18:02

For me FF16 took the Nr1 spot now. I dont think even EldenRing looked that awsome ^^

@jeffreeves3137 - 04.11.2023 14:34

Good list. The yakuza series/judgement has some great bosses though

@WarriorofSunlight - 22.11.2023 03:41

All the FromSoftware games have great bosses, but the one with the best bosses in my opinion are Dark Souls 3, Elden Ring and Bloodborne. Even Dark Souls 1 and Demon’s Souls have insanely good bosses too tho. Other games with insanely good bosses are The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, The Evil Within 1 & 2 (for the horror and third-person shooter genres), Batman Arkham, all the other Monster Hunter games after the second generation, TLOZ Skyward Sword, Dragon’s Dogma and Dante’s Inferno.

@mattlevz17 - 26.11.2023 02:22

Wow final fantasy 16 had the most epic boss fights I’ve ever played in a video game and it got absolutely robbed not being on this list

@blahblahblah8041 - 27.11.2023 01:27

Gameranx is my go to channel for long drives!

@Zakkleberg - 27.11.2023 15:21

I know this video came out before Final Fantasy XVI, but damn, that game freaking delivered on spectacle boss fights

@Zakkleberg - 27.11.2023 15:26

Speaking of Metal Gear Solid 3 with the puzzle like boss fights, my favorite is The Fear. I always loaded up on poison dart frogs before his fight and spent the time during whittling down his stamina and removing the food in the level he'd eat at low stamina, tossing out the frogs, so he'd eat them and have to vomit, which drained his stamina even more

@HeliosRazer - 04.12.2023 05:05

Kratos vs Thor fight was incredible!

@michaelra4220 - 04.12.2023 08:37

I've always thought the Four Kings boss battle from Dark Souls was something special

@Smabverse - 16.12.2023 01:25

For me, Boss Battles are the PEAK of most videogames 💪😎

@lunarei5896 - 07.01.2024 08:33

now add ffxvi to the list

@Truhsty - 15.01.2024 02:20

Bring back GoW 2-3 style bosses/fighting to the series. Ragnarok sucked imo. Not because of that tho. The story sucked but that just me

@HotPotating - 17.01.2024 18:43

To my opinions, every game except Undertale boss fights are resamble with each other. I know, they can be amazing but i think not take much the attention. They have amazing bosses but their gameplay is similar with each other. But Undertale has a different gameplay, different styles of fight in every boss. So, Undertale is in a special place for me

@lordhawkanimates - 18.01.2024 13:24

Ah yes, the good ol' Metal Gear Solid Revengeance.

@gregkoster-fireberg8573 - 31.01.2024 02:41

What about Resident evil? I think there is a lot of cool gigantic bosses that also look great.

@XaayRoles - 17.02.2024 08:35

Boss Fights Without Finishing Move Sucks

@TheJrl420 - 21.03.2024 02:57

I got a lil scared there wasn't gonna be any from fromsoft once we got to the top 3 w 0 games mentioned

@Gamespectives - 02.04.2024 10:52

Shout out for Returnal' Nemesis & Hyperion? And Bramble King

@Aydi_2055 - 16.04.2024 22:54

Asura's wrath should be on the list

@snzsentenzaxd - 07.05.2024 01:04

Bayonetta bosses > dmc bosses

@edvino1230 - 14.05.2024 16:15

I'm the 1000th person to comment

@nafiziqbalmugdho8791 - 03.06.2024 20:25

I came to see if Isshin made to the list.

@Chadagon47 - 09.07.2024 17:59

Suda51 still created some of if not the best bosses I've ever fought like Henry and Alice from Nmh and Louis in lollipop chainsaw. Not to say he's made the hardest bosses but omfg they're entertaining. His work needs more love, so does Mad World. The game's stuck on the Wii but still offers a one of a kind gaming experience. Play any of platinum games titles or something from Grasshopper manufacturer and you'll understand why we need more companies like them

@tamfatale - 17.07.2024 16:29

Im sorry but where is asuras wrath?

No matter how many people say oh its all just qte

Its not?

It has a good chunk of qte sure but it also has an imo fun fight mechanics be it against bosses or enemies and while the number of bosses may be lacking compared to most games the pure unadulterated spectacle of the fight is still unmatchable

One of the few games where fighting a god feels like fighting a god

@GregMeije - 30.07.2024 10:05

"Metal gear solid revengeance"... Ah yes, with its hero Solid samurai

@GregMeije - 30.07.2024 10:08

"Monster hunter world has the best monster variety"...

@Lead-Farmer - 04.08.2024 19:30

Honorable mention: Koshi & Roshi from Nier Automata

@rukakuu_onedaybloodborne_PC - 22.08.2024 14:07

Why fromsoftware at 1?

@markushansen3064 - 04.09.2024 18:15

terraria should be here

@Celiodmc - 24.09.2024 19:09

This list without Mega Man X is just a wrong list.

@ggwp8445 - 06.10.2024 07:01

Shit list

@vagabundorkchaosmagick-use2898 - 19.10.2024 06:00

And in the case of Sekiro, not a single bad boss. Every single one was excellent.

@1003JustinLaw - 28.10.2024 21:17

The endgame bosses in the more recent Monster Hunter games also has dynamic soundtrack, especially the ones where, when the monster is in panic mode, the Proof of a Hero plays in the style of the game and mixes with the monster’s own theme. It’s not just taking one piece of music and flat out replacing another piece, the two pieces intermingle, struggle for supremacy, and if you’re owning the fight then eventually Proof of a Hero starts playing using the instruments of the monster’s own theme, or you cart your final time before you get there.

@diaryofarobot - 30.10.2024 00:04

Hot take but the Monster "boss" fights in Monster Hunter (World/Rise) aren't that good. They are all pretty much just as "good", as in, like a 7/10 or so

This comes from someone who loves boss battles by the way

@wearwolf4202 - 29.01.2025 08:12

Where was doom in this list? 😂
