Gerrard Williams: Dawn

Gerrard Williams: Dawn


3 года назад

316 Просмотров

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@juliatalk3803 - 05.02.2022 00:27


@Piflaser - 05.02.2022 01:24

What wonderful saturated colors. But also Impressionism! Remembers me the wonderful Anders Zorn pictures. Thanks!

@pixibelle3282 - 05.02.2022 04:45

Those chittering sparrows 🤣😂😅

@lydieducote3083 - 05.02.2022 10:23

Belle peinture impressionniste magnifiquement interprétée ! Merci Phillip.

@michelletan6219 - 05.02.2022 16:44

A breathtaking and enchanting piece heralding the arrival of dawn and the promise of new beginnings and horizons. Splendid music and performance Philip!👏👏👏🤩

@antoniavignera2339 - 05.02.2022 19:34

Interessante brano eseguito con aderenza a schemi impressionistica,complimenti per l’esecuzione brillante.Buon weekend meritano!

@wolkowy1 - 05.02.2022 21:34

What a unique beautiful upload - all of it: the piece, the performance, the Shelley's verse and... the title - yes, I like the title also, maybe because I know an English woman whose name is "Dawn", and I thought to myself: "what a beautiful name, depicting beautiful hour of the day". By the way, we have this name (for boys as well for girls) also in Hebrew. Thanks!

@michelletan6219 - 06.02.2022 18:23

I am totally awe inspired by this unique and dazzling piece of music each time when I listen to it.

@mumpierre-freytes7086 - 08.02.2022 04:25

Brilliant interpretation of such exquisite melody. Thanks for sharing, Mr. Sear!

@caoilfhionnrowan3453 - 05.03.2024 03:42

I'm so happy to find your recording. This was the first piece selected for The George Memorial Cup at The Feis Ceoil in 1919. George O'Neill L.R.A.M. , L.T.C.L, was a young gifted Irish Pianist. He died of the Spanish Flu in 1918, aged 24. His 15 year old brother Harry, died of on the same day, just hours before George's passing. The two beautiful brothers died Oct 20th, months after this piece was composed.

George's teacher Miss Patricia Read presented the Cup in his memory for a quick study of a pianoforte read. George and Harry were my Great Great, Grand Uncles and we have a scrapbook created by their heartbroken sister Margaret. She collected newspaper cuttings about George and Harry. She also included some of George's concert programmes. Inside the front cover of the book, she writes her message along with a prayer....

"In sad and loving memory, of my darling brothers George and Harry died Oct 20th 1918.
When the scenes of this world,
shall vanish and flee;
When sunshine, and shower alike pass away,
Then merciful Jesus, have mercy on them"

Margaret Mary O'Neill
