You mean SMALLER
ОтветитьAre you sure this time or are you clickbaiting again?😂
ОтветитьCan we just let bo6 be the last one? We can just update or add more maps to 6 like come on
ОтветитьWhat if dlc 5 isnt a map, but a transit style game mode using the smaller maps like liberty, mansion, and janis towers
Ответитьanother reason to NOT be on a console in 2025 still don't understand why people are on console pc you can use any remote you wish console exclusives you can get both Xbox and PlayStation exclusives on pc better frames better latency better everything not one reason to be on console anymore
ОтветитьGonna be hyped if maps carry over
Ответитьwhile i respect everyones opinion i wouldnt want to see zm chronicles 2 with this game i hate the mw engine on zombies. i dont hate the mw engine as a whole i just dont like it with zombies it feels alien now
ОтветитьDLC 5 will bring back Primis or Ultimis. Black Ops 7 will have all the old zombie maps. Just watch.
ОтветитьI been playing on PSN for the past 7 days on PS4.
Was it down on PS5?
Just a thought could the mansion and Janus towers be one map? If there’s tunnels connecting them like you said it could be
ОтветитьGuys its not really carry forward, your just buying a $60 expansion to bo6
ОтветитьThey are pretty much taking the idea of older maps with a new spin on each one. Liberty falls-town(small suburban town map), Terminus-Mob of the dead(prison island map, Citadelle-Der eisendrache(mid evil castle map), The Tomb-Origins(Dig site map), Janus Towers-Die Rise(destroyed sky scraper map), The Mansion-Dead of the night(old haunted mansion map), etc.
ОтветитьTurns out bo6 maps are the chronicles 2 an they just have whoever didn’t purchase bo6 buy it as a map pack
Ответитьdid anybody else lose cod points after the psn servers came back online?
ОтветитьIf they carry all the zombies maps from bo6 to the next game they better add every zombies map to exist to bo6 cause most the bo6 maps are trash compared to the old one
ОтветитьMy biggest “theory” is that DLC 5 if we get it will be an outbreak style map where we can play Liberty Falls, The Mansion, and Janus Towers. This is mainly my thoughts because at the end of The Tomb it has the entire area of the Liberty Falls/Mansion area.
ОтветитьWe need just a live service cod game thats like destiny so we don't have to keep buying the same dam game. Or we just need a stand alone zombies game. I'm tired of buying different cods for zombies just for them to throw it away and make a whole new cod with different mechanics. Waste of money.
ОтветитьI just want my black ops 1 back
ОтветитьCOD is its own competition atp...
ОтветитьTrasit more then likely is my guess for dlc 5 if next two maps finish this story
ОтветитьThe tomb sucks
ОтветитьJust sad to see that zombie is not fun anymore after using AI
ОтветитьI swear every cod creator uses the SAME EXACT thumbnails, I'm begging someone to please get original. Cod is like the only game that all the content creators do this lol
ОтветитьThey just need to stop lying to there biggest fans quit using remakes because they can't come with something new and the game is so broken you want fix it to get more players more money
ОтветитьEven if bo2 remaster comes out gta 6 is still gonna blow it out the water
ОтветитьI don’t want them releasing any maps the tomb was very quiet they need to get their actors rightfully paid and then release a new map
ОтветитьWe need Outbreak or something like that
ОтветитьI would love to see outbreak to come back!
ОтветитьStop buying cod it's not a overpriced chatroom/therapy seasion. Especially zombies. 90 percent of the player base can't get passed 20 without struggling
Ответить“Don’t take anything for certain” so that means don’t take double tap for certain even tho your words you say “double tap is returning in black ops 6” dudes bout as much of a hypocrite then any type of person who strikes for reasons they already do☠️☠️☠️☠️
ОтветитьI’ve only bought CoD for Zombies for years. Multiplayer fell off hard
ОтветитьGTA 6 will dominate 💯
ОтветитьHelll yeaaaa
ОтветитьLast map will be a transit style map connecting liberty falls the mansion and Janus towers
ОтветитьVery hard map to game to.
ОтветитьYou talk to much for not saying anything interesting
ОтветитьRemaster tranzit
ОтветитьIf double tap and or widows wine doesn’t come back in the next 3 dlcs im writing treyarch a letter
ОтветитьWould it be absolutely crazy if the final map was Janus Towers…BUT it was structured like Transit where now you can play each one individually as they are now, or the Janus towers map but then it’s an absolutely huge map that you can travel between the mansion, Janus towers, and Liberty falls in one big map. Sounds crazy but the way it’s laid out in the same location… is it??
ОтветитьFK GTA6 go woke go broke
ОтветитьWell, i'm hoping this year.They come out with outbreak
ОтветитьBlack Ops 7 Zombies 😂😂
ОтветитьId rather have no voice acting in zombies because the characters lines are so mega ass and cringey it might be better for them to just accept defeat and look for something else to do
ОтветитьIt feels so silly to just have a bo7 if it’s right after 6. Instead of having a carry forward just… have a year 2???
ОтветитьIt wasn’t shit
ОтветитьOutbreak was trash
ОтветитьZombies rn is alright nothing amazing
ОтветитьIt'd be nice if we got a "secret" map added for players that have successfully completed each map. It would add much more incentive for players to actually beat these maps, rather than just unlockable skins