How to Get a Strong Recommendation Letter to Get Accepted to Your Dream University

How to Get a Strong Recommendation Letter to Get Accepted to Your Dream University

Iris Fu

4 года назад

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@Hannah-hn9qw - 07.09.2020 07:27

nice video! it really helped! :)
just curious, what should i do if all my teachers hate me 😳 😳

@gheedbizri - 11.09.2020 14:39

Should we write a recommendation letter for each university? Can’t we use the same one to all universities? (And maybe changing a few things)

@GP-uo1mv - 12.09.2020 04:07

Is it okay to ask a college forward counselor instead of a schools counselor? What would you suggest?

@tinatessema1860 - 13.09.2020 23:34

HI! I recently got a letter of rec from a Stanford professor after completing a summer course with them and I was wondering how/if I can submit it through common app? It's a really strong letter and I'd love to be able to use it but i'm not sure how the process of submitting it would work. If you know anything that could help I'd really appreciate it, thank you so much!

@garvarora8343 - 20.09.2020 11:27

hey can you make a video from international student's perspective

@CoolCrescendo13 - 23.09.2020 22:43

I saw many videos about letter of rec, so far your video was the most beneficial one, thank you for you great efforts!
wish me luck to get into my dream uni!!

@_taniaee_13 - 25.09.2020 19:48

How long should a recommendation be?

@angiolinallibre7340 - 27.09.2020 22:02

What are your thoughts on submitting an optional letter of recommendation from a coach? I was a part of a small team, practiced throughout the year, and got to know the coach really well.

@yukiw3951 - 03.10.2020 07:38

Hiiii, what do you do if you are quite scared to talk to teachers? I am quite shy and I just started high school. Thank you xx

@destinyrush7918 - 13.10.2020 16:02

what if you weren’t close with any of your junior year teachers. i wanna ask my honors english teacher and by algebra 1 teacher bc i was very close to them and got excellent grades in there class. Is that okay or should i ask another STEM teacher for a recc??

@seyitkasyminspirations2388 - 14.10.2020 08:14

I am going to pursue my university education in the sphere of humanities,and during school i was really close to humanities teachers, may i ask both humanities teachers?

@ky1483 - 15.10.2020 10:16

If I'm emailing my teacher for a letter of recommendation, do I have to tell them all schools I am applying to that needs the letter, or should I just tell them the college with the closest deadline?

@anisingh8224 - 26.10.2020 04:28

Hey iris I love your videos and can you please respond to this. I have a letter of rec from a congressman, and a Vice President of a really big company, would this help me on the application process and would this go far for admissions. Btw they wrote really good things about me in it.

@abigailnaicker3624 - 04.12.2020 13:28

Hi,Does our rec letters have to be sent through email or hand written?

@jingwang3344 - 13.12.2020 19:56

How do I tell teacher the deadline of letter recommendation? is it the data the college application deadline or the data after you submit the application?

@tiencandle7329 - 16.12.2020 06:11

I’m an international student Your Chanel help me a lots through all the confusing process lol Thank!

@itszainab1373 - 01.01.2021 23:10

Thank u so muchhh I watched this video in the first day of2021 ,I wanna ask u do u know some websites that correct these recommendations letters & personal-essay?

@Ashley-pv4zn - 03.01.2021 05:14

I literally cried when I got a B in a ap class

@govcalif - 11.01.2021 02:17

can we have a new vid?

@lakegriffin5571 - 25.02.2021 03:16

Hi Iris! I got letters of recommendation for a scholarship from two teachers and I wanted to give something back to thank them. Any advice on what would be a good gift or nice gesture?

@sueyuan3978 - 04.03.2021 23:03

Thank you so much for the video!! It was super informative and I really appreciate it. Just a quick question - how many anecdotes do we need to include on the brag sheet for each teacher/counselor? Because I'm not quite sure how long each recommendation should be so would 1-2 stories (or qualities) be enough? Thanks!

@Sophia-qo4vb - 12.07.2021 17:27

so helpful :)) what are some examples of values we should put on our brag sheets?

@toniatienza3401 - 01.08.2021 14:26

Will it be alright if I have two humanities teachers for my recommendation even if I’m applying for a business course?

@RainbowY0 - 12.08.2021 05:23

Thanks for helping us out. I have no idea how to do this college thing but your videos are extremely helpful. <3

@mirasalmatuly4909 - 14.08.2021 23:13

Does a letter of recommendation from the ambassador or from the Ministry of Education also improve the chances of financial assistance?

@unikabista1189 - 16.08.2021 21:53

Hi Iris! I'm at last year of high school and I have no extracurricular activities .Can you please help me what should I do in that part I still have a full year to improve.

@wolfmangoland7972 - 21.02.2022 09:05

Hello Iris, Is it possible for me to speak to you? I am a high school student looking for advice.

@nikolastavia144 - 26.04.2022 11:29

I'm homeschooled, how do I get a recommendation from my principal/counciler?

@katietsang9186 - 25.05.2022 22:21

hi Iris ! I heard that it’s better to ask a teacher that teaches the subject that they’re thinking about pursuing? Is that true? Because Im planning to pursue the medical field but i don’t think that my AP Bio teacher would be able to write me a good letter of rec.....

@amirah47077 - 25.06.2022 05:23

Istg ur tips are the best. Effective. Brief. Helpful.
We need more videos 🙏🏻

@maria-ty7pt - 29.06.2022 20:48

To be honest, I don´t know if you´re still active on here, but I´ll give it a try nonetheless: I am an international student and tbh this is the first time I´ve heard that letters of rec have to come from certain teachers (science, humanities, counselor). In my country they aren´t usually required, so I don´t know a lot about this topic, but I just assumed it had to be mentors, not necessarily teachers, that knew you well writing these letters. So I guess my question is wether or not the list of people that have to recommend a student applies to an international student as well.
Thank you in advance, if anyone helps me.

@vidushijain3867 - 07.07.2022 12:12

Anyone who's graduating in class of 2023 or 2024 from highschool can reply on this comment as am making a community for students trying to get in IVY leagues or top US colleges so that we can do extra curriculars or group discussions together.

@angelinas7464 - 31.08.2022 02:25

You always had good grades, AND THEN YOU GOT THAT ONE “B”.

@hsaaasss7455 - 25.02.2023 20:33

1 time Winner at international essay competition and story competition is soft or hard spike ..i am winner at national essay competition and story competition too

@hsaaasss7455 - 08.03.2023 00:12

Good morning

@noshairsultan567 - 09.04.2023 18:18

hey i live in pakistan and there are arent any ap classes here so what impact will this have on my common app

@dashurii7460 - 03.05.2023 03:47

me with like 9 Bs across highschool 💀☕

@axolopi - 08.06.2023 06:49

It’s been nearly 3 years. Love this channel sm, hope it’s revitalized at some point

@AJ_0O7 - 19.07.2023 16:47

Hi, My teacher wants to recommend me but he doesn't have official/ professional email. If he recommends me with his normal email, will it be any problem?
He can also provide me written recommendation letter.
This is also similar case to my Football coach. He also wants to recommend me
Waiting for your Reply

@breakingbedrock7655 - 20.08.2023 07:57

this channel is one of the most valuable resources i have ever come across. it's relatable and relevant, not just someone bragging that they got into an ivy

@mantashasiddiqui4008 - 14.10.2023 16:24

does recommendation letter should have signature?

@AzizbekLayliyev - 13.11.2023 20:34

Is there anyone to watch this vid in 2023

@Enjoylife1790 - 20.12.2023 04:23

What the fuck was that

@CHRISTO_0101 - 21.04.2024 03:50


@UnknownUser-vl1wl - 29.04.2024 17:12

1. Debaters club(2021, 2024)
2. Technology center(2022-2024, I have my portfolio of programming, 3D modeling, soon robotics)
3. Economic club(2021, some certificates and courses)
4. Choir and vocals(2023, 3rd place in ensemble, 1st place choir)
5. Some Armenian competition, when I passed 2 stages and got into the last one
6. Physics international Olympics competition, when I got a recognition
7. Almost build an application for my school(this month I'll finish it)
8. Youth club(2021, planning this year too)
9. Biology, physics research

Is it good enough?

@JohnLevines - 03.07.2024 17:24

eunuch female she male

@seanpatricksasaki - 12.07.2024 23:51

Thanks so much. Very helpful!

@senayemane7363 - 04.09.2024 22:30

Recommendation for feewaiver from ur recommender 😢😢plzz?!!!

@abdulazizfateh - 02.11.2024 19:43

Very helpful eveeeeerrrrrr

@irisfu6929 - 16.08.2020 00:11

School's almost starting! What's your biggest fear or uncertainty about the upcoming school year? Mine's where to live haha bc Stanford just announced that campus will be closed! :/
