Tour of Murfreesboro Tennessee

Tour of Murfreesboro Tennessee

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@zongyang4707 - 02.11.2022 18:45

I miss my home town so

@niskandar11 - 13.11.2022 05:30

The shopping is good in Murfreesboro IMO

@elazotadordepiperos5299 - 27.02.2023 06:19

Beutiful place

@elazotadordepiperos5299 - 27.02.2023 06:20

What about the tornados?

@unfilteredtruth5741 - 23.03.2023 07:17

Never have I met such accusing, self rightious/ "think they're better than everyone" judgmental bunch of hypercrites in one town in all my life, especially the 20-35 year olds.
Parents of these kids certainly went to extreem praising their children up, now these spoilt brat children have grown up to automatically wrongly judge everyone they meet, acting superior yet they look like ferals themselves.. dreads, hippy+Punk+gothic+gangter all in one way of dressing, on drugs (ofcourse) but deny it, being hypercrites dissing other people on drugs. Denying weed & acid/ DMT as being a drug.
They have so many mixed up pieces of cultures they take on, they are all fighting for the recognition of being original/ unique, they don't care who they put down to get recognition. If your a visitor from another country- they are quick to gang up, single you out & victimize you.
Never again will I visit this town they call "a city" ever again. They can all stay in their little bubble town of delusional self righteousness, critism & judging one & other.

@tomgrzybowski4384 - 26.03.2023 18:49

That was very newsworthy.

@birdlebowski8545 - 24.07.2023 12:44

Tell your friends and family that murfreesboro is awful!
We are full!, California, New York, and Michigan folks have almost ruined it.
Go somewhere else.

@Albear0419 - 04.09.2023 07:59

I noticed there was a LOT of roadside trash. Is that a normal thing along with crooked / bent signs? The high school needs to have the grass cut. Do the roads ever get re-paved with a clear coat? Looks faded. Please explain! ~ Thank you

@aimei5287 - 03.08.2024 15:25

Nice video. Very helpful information ❤

@MEMarcq - 04.09.2024 06:44

Where in California did you live?
