Amazing videos and very real information. Glad I found your channel and can not believe how little views you get. Keep them coming!
ОтветитьIt’s criminal this guy has sub 100k subscribers.
Ответитьgreat videos. what software do you use to manage your multi unit properites
ОтветитьBahahahaha how old are you
ОтветитьThere are a lot of 4 plex and bigger in Wisconsin but with the interest rate's going up, now is a good time to buy.
ОтветитьI have recently gone through the pre-approval process single family's & multi-family's are interpreted as follows when it comes to lending. Multi-family: 2 or more units, but a multi-family 5 or more units is then given a different loan, probably commercial. Single family: one unit but with multiple bedrooms throughout the structure.
FYI: you can use "house hacking" for a multi-family property. FHA 3.5% down, Conventional 5% down (due to the recent Fannie May change). But, the catch is that you have to live in the property for at least 1 yr.
Very informative without having to listen to a video over 1 hr long.
ОтветитьGreat content
ОтветитьAre you familiar with the Sioux Falls South Dakota Market?
ОтветитьOn other good thing about multi unit properties say six flat pre higher is that if you have one deadbeat tenant that isn’t paying rent, you should have the others that are. With a single family, one non paying tenant can hurt quite a lot.
Also be cautious where you invest. Places like Chicago, which raided property taxes 40 percent this year, can be fairly brutal. You can still make money there but those large hikes are all but impossible to not pass on to the tenant.
Brother right off the bat you should know a single-family is a single unit single house. Then there is multi family two units plus. Then there is commercial - five units plus or zoned commercial. Insane If this guy can do it anybody can
ОтветитьWrong terminology. 1-4 unit is considered residential multi-family. 5 units in up is considered commercial multifamily