What It Takes to Escape Poverty

What It Takes to Escape Poverty

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@Lawsofthought - 08.03.2024 11:29

the answer is change the visuals

@brixxaries6667 - 16.03.2024 23:05

Thank you for inspiring me to write a paper about poverty

@jayterry9759 - 02.04.2024 03:37

Education does not help with poverty at all. Just ask any college graduate in America

@prophecyrevelations5653 - 05.04.2024 11:56

My business grew by word of mouth! I was born in poverty, now im a business owner & built an upper middle class lifestyle. Make more money than what i know wat to spend on. So I saved it & i have funds to cover years of expenses even if i dont step foot back into the work place. I have no worries about affording things. Overcoming poverty is possible with THE MIND! I did many of the things he's mentioning here! It's good advice in this video!👍

@GreatWhiteElf - 23.04.2024 17:57

Is this video a joke?

@TebogoMotlhale - 25.04.2024 00:06

people from Ethiopia and Somalia . . . do NOTTTTT have any education whatsoever, yet they escape poverty by emigrating ILLEGALLY into other countries as refugees. People from Pakistan and China also do NOT have any education and they have TERRIBLE immigration paperwork (totally fake identities and blatantly forged documents), yet they PERVASIVELY escape poverty by emigrating from their home country to live in the US, in the UK (huuuuuuge numbers - millions!), in Europe, etc with questionnable paperwork, only for them to establish their ChinaTown empires all over the place. How did we SKIP over such a HUUUUUGE thing (involving MILLIONS of poverty-escapers) prevalent in front of our eyes in this video ??

@chrisvanleuven1771 - 28.04.2024 08:03

Have rich parents duh

@Millie_Mayyyy - 28.04.2024 17:52

Poverty is being disabled and living in America! Been turned down for 17 years now! Poverty is having your government not help their people, but send billions to other countries! Poverty is your own country, not helping its own, but flying in millions of illegals, and opening the borders and handing them everything with the tax payers money!!!!!!!!!

@Misscharmy12s - 17.05.2024 18:19

I am in poverty because I was scammed by a car dealer way back 2021 who sold me a junk car through financing. I returned the car but my money is not returned anymore.

Now, I am indebt because I trusted too much. This is the biggest mistake or worst decisin I made with lead my financial status to worst.

Lesson learned: Don't be easily fooled by words.

@srtj.av.2556 - 17.05.2024 20:48

I need to accept I can't afford things rich people have, I can't eat as I want, I can't reward my self for hard work and finally I need to accept I'm poor.

@WajihaIslamManha - 25.05.2024 14:46

One second......If he knows all this, then why isn't he a billionaire already? I could be wrong but like.....?-

@Tubeegrowth - 29.05.2024 17:42

Educational isn't true.cheating is.

@cocohustlebutter - 01.06.2024 17:23

This is offensive.
Have the makers of this crap ever heard of “intersectionality”? Poverty is so much more complex and layered than this video is capable of showing (or knowing). The lack of content only speaks to your uneducated, ignorant privilege…this is nonsense.

@dardourcacaww - 30.06.2024 15:42


@dardourcacaww - 30.06.2024 15:52

your painting cost 800$for economy it cost 8000$intellectual reit if you are poor Mack your government poor by not working in art

@kellykrumdick3178 - 01.07.2024 21:41

The first reason is incorrect to begin with. Entrepreneurs are not necessarily educated. Intelligent, maybe. Skilled, maybe. creative, maybe. Educated, maybe. There is no need to be educated to become a successful entrepreneur. However, not all entrepreneurs are successful.

@sci-fi.tsunami - 09.07.2024 02:44

And what if you're disabled? Can't work the ridiculous amount of hours our sick & twisted workaholic society demands.

@deanbresler2198 - 15.07.2024 21:25

Take advantage of sounds so purposfull.The real means you have to put you existence onto the front line to allow those more prominent to sustained there life.Does not matter where ,who or what.

@deanbresler2198 - 15.07.2024 21:35

The less fortunate looks the most dominate, . You have the backing of millions,stay profound. One Answer is to at least ask .If it is to transpire,it will change.The more fortunate,leaves no space to except those that go before them to become who they are. Fear your god only.

@GeraldLewis-ch9xf - 07.08.2024 09:16

Get a job keep it over 25 yrs and make as much as you can

@anatriellociucci1224 - 22.08.2024 13:49

To escape poverty doesn't equal making lots of money or being succesful. You can downshift, move to the countryside and change lifestyle. I can make a living with a part time job and family owned house, no kids. It comes down to choices too

@carlosv2474 - 03.09.2024 05:32

This video is pushing a false narrative, it doesn't matter how smart you are you can still end up in poverty. Yes getting a college education is key to not living in poverty. What about if you can't afford an education what if your very knowledgeable are willing to learn new things and continue learning new things throughout your life? If you can't afford college or maybe you had some serious of miss fortunate events happen as a kid ended up in juvenile hall didn't graduate until after your 18. How are you supposed to get into a good college? Mind you they go off parents income until you turn 25 and your family is middle class and make more than FAFSA allows for you to get financial aid. Your family can't help pay for college so what then?

@sakshambhadoria9998 - 10.09.2024 15:17

Concentration of educational and employment opportunities among a select class, regions and social backgrounds make upward mobility difficult. Meanwhile, corruption and nepotism make it much more worse.

@gilbertmartinez6538 - 12.09.2024 21:36

...selfish to remain poor - "Practical IsDumb" Loool!

@vijaynats - 24.09.2024 01:09

In today's 21st century society, the best insurance against poverty is a professional Post graduate degree.

@AlanSito-md2ji - 28.09.2024 05:32

It takes a lot of intelligence to become rich i have yet to aquire the knowledge to implement it in my own life

@chiz_o3794 - 28.09.2024 19:25

That's the problem, people want a straight B line from poor to rich. How you gonna go from poor to rich and just skip middle class. Even if you give them viable, scalable, and legal option to turn a profit, with a complete blueprint on how to do it... they will loose interest immediately the second the find out it isn't 100% easy or takes a little bit of work lol... and then go right back to complaining about being poor😂🤣

@militantcrazy - 12.10.2024 23:04

zero useful information... this is financial advise for people who aren't actually poor, people who already have food, shelter, clothing, etc.

@kyipasbeautyminati4172 - 18.10.2024 19:38

Simple answer: lot of hard work plus smart work

@urban_phantom7750 - 19.10.2024 09:57

Revolution. Viva El Che 🎖️

@andya2636 - 29.10.2024 08:02

@barbarahendryx809 compounded is key

@alexanderlin1001 - 03.11.2024 18:21

Sorry, I don't get it.
Can anyone explain me what is it about?

@Xmifi_ - 22.11.2024 00:45

Eradicate human greed and you eradicate human poverty.

@ianstringer3391 - 27.11.2024 05:48

This may work for neurotypicals. I'd like to see the guidebook for neurodivergents! I struggle with the concept of money, ley alone how to get some. I like to help people but theres no money in it. Especially if you can't go to college or uni as your attention doesnt work that way.

@ianstringer3391 - 27.11.2024 05:54

Easy way is don't be neurodivergent. Otherwise it doesnt really matter.

@MidwestSouthernwriter08241 - 12.12.2024 01:51

How about making these available to all groups and not just elitest. : Speech classes, accounting, foriegn language, socialogy 1 to 12, algebra 2, english, martial arts, trigometry, graphing, geometry, self care, health, healthy routines, national, and foriegn ediquette, and maybe get us off the sumarian , greek, and hebrew gemeteria systems and create a forgiveness and name changing program that goes beyond likeability. Esthera changed the stones, do you want to find out if I can too.

@rosedevarel7098 - 27.12.2024 22:37

I living proof that education did not work. 120,000 in school debt. only debt or bill I had for years. still no medical high in demand job. Education not degrees.

@RickyCrumel-e3q - 30.12.2024 17:20

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6.33

@malikroy9069 - 18.01.2025 09:19

In Kenya you cannot escape poverty using these ideas, may be it works for USA or European Countries. I can bet you more than 99% of Kenyans are trying to escape from poverty in one way or the other, I bet it's the same for other African countries and developing countries in Asia

@EthanBell_7 - 06.02.2025 16:54

The temptations out there are insane and the extent marketers go to grab our attention is borderline psychopathic. Fully agree with you there. Need to take stock of life to even have a moderate chance of escaping some of it. And the rate at which tech is changing things is something we must all keep up with.

@NullSmokes - 17.02.2025 21:20

Oh, I really hate capitalist society it’s so inherently apathetic. It’s accelerationism in practice. It will end up killing us all no matter how rich you get money won’t solve our mortality.

@NullSmokes - 17.02.2025 21:25

This whole video is just capitalist propaganda.

@NullSmokes - 17.02.2025 21:26

It even contradicts itself at the end by calling everyone selfish but then saying not everyone is selfish and that the ultra wealthy are selfish and greedy like which one is it make up your mind😂

@ZatNik-t6z - 21.02.2025 15:54

I cant i feel like i being control

@AbdulmalikMohamed-b7l - 23.02.2025 11:09

Come to kenya youll know what it means to live in poverty
