Hubsan H502E Best Beginners GPS Camera Drone

Hubsan H502E Best Beginners GPS Camera Drone

Quadcopter 101

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@2000prhegde - 27.11.2016 07:48

I was wondering weather we can add a FPV monitor for this quad ? Like you have done for WLTOYS Q303

@tbone-ko4qv - 28.11.2016 01:25

should I get the hubsan x4 h502e or the xk alien x250 5.8gh FPV quad?

@yeejie3632 - 10.12.2016 00:01

whats the range on this drone

@JayDrone - 23.12.2016 03:15

8 min mark epic view- and if I must say so refreshing to see you out of the desert and in a area with color and buildings your very knowlagable the sand area I get why ur out there but this has to be by far one of my fav videos you have made again because of your enviorment change-EPIC FOR YOU

@wildhog3217 - 26.12.2016 12:05

While in return to home mode, if for some reason you need to go to manual flight mode maybe to avoid an obstacle how do you do that. I don't remember if you showed that on this video.....Thanks!!!!

@4ndy123 - 28.12.2016 20:21

Does it come back if you go too far?

@dabeast4587 - 29.12.2016 18:02

Quadcopter 101 should I get this or kaideng k70c

@wildhog3217 - 02.01.2017 11:02

How can you control that so well flying overhead? Are you able to see it? It looks like your quite a distance away.....remarkable!!!!

@coffeebeans5684 - 04.01.2017 10:34

Can you mount one of those FPV screens you can buy separately?

@tcnole1 - 05.01.2017 20:32

thanks for the great video. Quick question I just got the 502e and I know the camera is not going to be great, but my vids, and pics are very blurry. Is there a way to change the setting on camera? It doesn't seem to focus. Thanks.

@abbysapples1225 - 09.01.2017 04:27

Almost looks like Pennsylvania. lol

@beav1962 - 22.01.2017 05:41

I got mine recently, mostly due to your videos and also the GPS thing. It does fly very well, especially for a beginner (I have never flown one outdoors). I was a little worried about the battery life, but then I did a test without the camera and got over 8 minutes, with minimal flying around, just a straight up to max height a couple of times. I have found that the camera does not look nearly as good as yours, I wonder if it is just the winter lighting in New England. Either way, thanks for the videos.

@ssstttyyy - 22.01.2017 23:13

My GPS doesn't seem to lock, goes from having 8 satellites down to 4 and up again. Lost control a couple of times.

@maironx2 - 29.01.2017 01:55

Hi man, i buy this quad and i like so much, your video help me decide. Answer me one thing, when i plug the full battery charged, one annoying beep starts, that's normal? And take some time to set compass 2, but the beep dont stop.

@nsvaluto48328 - 04.02.2017 20:08

does have return to home?

@timrussell7907 - 08.02.2017 03:13

Is that tiny screen your viewing area? Can you record the footage?

@petespoo763 - 12.02.2017 02:58

Just received H502E & it doesn't seem to have headless mode or RTH .It flies great & hovers in one spot though. Am I not doing something right. Thanks Pete

@alessandromacelloni8316 - 12.02.2017 22:33

Hi. Thank you very much for your reviews, very useful for me. I would like to buy the H502E to do some aerial video, looking at this price range is one of the best choices, I think. Having to choose between the h502e and for example the Wltoys Q222 which one do you prefer for aerial footage? Or something else? Let me know, thanks!

@edclift9674 - 15.03.2017 00:07

If you don’t want to read this entire complaint, 2 things:

1. Don’t buy this quad.

If it doesn’t work, you will not get support that will help you. It’s been 21 days, and the copter has flown a total of 15 seconds, totally out of control to the right, before crashing

2. Don’t buy from TomTop

They won’t communicate. You’ll wonder where your payment was made. They won’t refund.

The story.

I ordered the Hubsan 502e on Thursday February 24th. The TomTop site said the quadcopter would be delivered in 4-6 days. When I hadn’t heard ANYTHING from them after 8 days, I emailed and asked what was going on.

Their response, send money to our email account and we will get your order out to you.

My response was, that I had already paid through PayPal. They didn’t respond for several days, so once again I emailed them.

It was going on 10 days, without a quad, and not knowing the status that I ordered another quad from a different company.

Then the quad showed up on my doorstep on March 5. Great! I tried to cancel the second drone to no avail.

I assembled the 502e and meticulously followed the instructions (after watching video for 2 months, I was pretty familiar with the drone). The compass was set (both horizontal and vertical). I armed the drone and it lifted off, promptly veering to the right and crashing. Total flying time was about 5 seconds.

I reset the compass and armed the quad again, and it did the same thing.

I emailed the company, hearing back from them 48 hours later (this is their ‘support’). Send the ordering information, was their email.

I sent the ordering information, but in the meantime I can’t get the battery to charge, I can’t arm the quad, I can’t do anything.

Hubsan told me that I need to send them a picture of the motherboard. There was no further instructions on how to do this. Disassemble the quad? Pry open the battery door and take a picture?

Remember, after each problem, it takes at least 48 hours to hear back from them.

Then I was told to upgrade the firmware. Again, no explanations of how to do this was found.

I was told something about installing a GPS layer and if this was not successful we would have to ship the quad back.

At this point, I have told Hubsan to just refund my money. I am extremely displeased with the quad, the service of Hubsan, the sales at TomTop and the world in general.

I am of the opinion, that the Russians have hacked my quad.


After 21 days, I received an email from Hubsan that gave a little more information:

In order to take a picture of the motherboard, you must take the top of the shell off. I'll need to know which motherboard it is to give you the proper firmware. As for the battery issue, it's most likely just that your drone and transmitter are not properly bound together. In that case, use this guide:

Make sure that both your drone and transmitter are handy, powered off.

Hold the Photo button and switch on the transmitter. A flashing H should appear on the screen. If it just goes to normal operating mode, go ahead and try again.

Connect the drone to its battery and get it VERY CLOSE to your transmitter. Preferably you'll want to try fitting the right corner of the transmitter into the angle formed by the left drone arms.

The binding process will only work while the front two leds are alternatively flashing. If all the LEDs have started flashing, but the drone and transmitter have not "beeped" and initiated together, you'll have to try again.

So, I spent about 1 and ½ hours trying to take the quad apart and take a picture of the MB. I gave up. I think it’ll come apart, but I may do damage to the quad, so, I’m just gonna wait and let them refund the purchase. Ha! In the meantime it’s cold and snowy, so . . . .

@ldcam21 - 23.03.2017 22:20

No video what good is it

@patrickshum8229 - 04.04.2017 18:07

Hi there, is there a case that you use to travel around with your H502E? I'm looking for something lightweight and doesn't need to have a lot of slots for accessories. Do you take your props of when you travel with it?

@samnugent3480 - 05.04.2017 21:34

Hubsan must have givin you the drone for a free review .You fail to mention that they will have to buy extra motors and such because they will burnout VERY QUICKLY and they will be working on the quad like a motorhead does every weekend just to fly the darn thing . In my opinion it's not a good investment maybe for Hubsan Part

@Jonathanlexy - 05.05.2017 07:16

I watch a lot of your reviews on quad-copters. This is one the best about the Hubsan H502E. Your review is really good because you look at, and talk about the difference between the E and the S models. This question has been on my mind of a while. Which one to buy? Your points for a beginner, or intermediate flyer are very good. I purchased one after looking at several of your reviews. I love it. Thanks for your honest, and really good fun reviews. Keep on flying,Jon

@nor4277 - 13.05.2017 01:02

I bought a hand full of drones,not to happy with them as a beginner,this is the drone I needed ,great video ,I wish I would have seen this first.

@nor4277 - 13.05.2017 02:41

thanks for the info

@ryan-yr8bg - 07.07.2017 03:02

My dream drone

@Kdooley101 - 22.07.2017 17:22

Thanks for the amazing videos. You do a great job with your ease in talking and great pointers in how to fly.

@silipang1886 - 23.07.2017 12:01

My H502can't respond after a flight, the body doesn't turn on and respond, even I've charged the battery overnight~~~

@GabWei-fj9po - 23.07.2017 23:14

Thanks Quadcopter 101
1 I bought 3 of these I dont like like the big bulky noisy ones this GPS Quad is right for me!!!

@deepakchhangani7295 - 27.07.2017 05:14

Can it lift a 50 gram additional camera??

@nor4277 - 18.08.2017 20:02

Does it have auto take off,

@smartboyone2938 - 27.10.2017 03:32

Cameraman sucks

@brucelancaster3616 - 08.11.2017 06:11

Mine has been very disappointment. Video was jumping up and down so bad you couldn't watch it ! Motor burned out in less than a month. Had toilet bowling three times with compass calibration and more than 8 SAT's. Have tried balancing rotors ,will see if that helps with the video. Would not recommend . Do have the bugs 2c. Great Quad with moderate video !

@kjnuminous7224 - 02.12.2017 07:51

I just bought this for my 70 year old dad for X-Mas. I'm terribly nervous! I hope he'll like it!

@onehotnissan08 - 20.01.2018 14:35

Yeah thank you you have been big help I just received mine yesterday in the mail my question for you is how long should leave brush motors last me before need replacing

@nor4277 - 02.03.2018 11:21

I have a brand new Hubsan 502 T ,which there is very little about it any where,the Hubsan 502 C seems to be the same,one of the reviewers told me when I was looking for a spare battery I could and have bought a Hubsan 502 C battery for mine ,no one no,s the difference between the two ,no one no,s much about either one ,and you haven't done a review on this one ,a lot of us are,scratching, our heads,if you or anyone have any input,that would be great,it seems to be almost the same as a 502 E,but smaller in size,I got mine as a gift .

@oliverlao - 02.03.2018 15:32

Hi, what cam you using on your head please?

@suazzz3070 - 20.05.2018 23:46

Does it have headless mode

@ErnestPJay - 31.08.2018 16:10

How do you make h502e footage usable? I mean its on avi format, how did you convert its video into a playable footage?

@michaelholden8667 - 03.12.2018 10:38

Great drones just got me a couple of them from Amazon great flying drones just in time for xmas

@gautamsenthilkumar823 - 09.03.2019 16:31

Can it lift a action camera ?

@aerialphotos5855 - 09.03.2019 23:51

Easy to operate but the motors burn up very quickly

@Quad8ightMix - 12.03.2019 12:26

Is this better than the tello?

@corgeta2657 - 16.04.2019 02:01

How high does it go bro

@corgeta2657 - 16.04.2019 02:03

Great video bro we gone link up soon i got 14 drone we could fly together quadcopter 101

@michaelholden8667 - 10.08.2019 01:06

What do you recommend for the best one to take around with me the husband 502 I got it a year ago bought 2 of the when they were on sale for 50 dollars a piece what do you think of the new holy stone 120 d with GPS seems to be a nice drone which neither one is brushless motor that will last longer than the one s that's not brushless l like the small holy stone 120 d for around 150 dollars at Amazon I'm gonna order me one soon I have the holy stone bolt bee its been very fun to fly I just wanted your opinion on buying the small holy stone I luv to fly them at night time I just got my first bugs 3 in blue drucon type I luv the lights it has they look so awesome at night I have never flew a bug's 3 hope I can handle it but buy the way what's your opinion on buying the holy stone 120d GPS drone please let me no any information would be appreciated Mike Holden out of north Carolina said that

@abitofeverything2254 - 08.09.2019 19:46

Great location i might just get one

@kjvoller - 18.04.2020 18:07

Great video. Very useful have offered one. One question, do you have to calibrate the compass giros every time you fly.

@scottsnodgrass3592 - 09.08.2020 18:32

How are you able to see what the camera sees on the 502e without fpv?
