No trash! Not even a bottle top
ОтветитьWhere r the junkies, the homeless, the loud and obnoxious?
ОтветитьDo they speak English?
ОтветитьWhat a beautiful city, the architecture in Riga is incredible. Your footage is fantastic I really enjoyed the walk, thanks for creating ❤️ CWL
ОтветитьPeople are sooo annoying. What are they looking at? They've never seen anyone record before? The looks they give, I swear I would say something to them or flip em off. People there are just weird. It looks boring, too.
ОтветитьI hope Latvia remains Latvian. Unlike Germany, France, and England...
ОтветитьLatvia vs Cuba
ОтветитьPlease pray for me, I want to visit this place, want to go there by work permit..please pray 🙏 for me..
Please give me a chance for visit in this place..
What time of day was it? I can´t believe that centre of a 1-million city can be that empty... By the way, very beautiful
Ответитьambassade de la beauté, what a beautiful building.. it looks perfect.
ОтветитьIf only the world were as calm and peaceful as the Streets of Riga, Latvia
ОтветитьI once dated a young lady from Riga A very innocent and very busy sweet girl. Overwhelmingly impressive, how hard-working she was. She taught kokle, piano and Latvian folk dancing and French lessons. 18 credits per semester at University, a waitress job. She make sheet pans loaded up with pierogi in the oven. Each one had something different inside. She was always doing some lace and embroidery. She got arrested for burning the Soviet flag out in front of our Federal building. a 9 foot by 13 foot red flag with gold hammer and sickle. In her statement she asked the judge "So if I burn the American flag there: THAT act is protected!? But if I burn the banner of evil to protest and bring attention to how they treat our people, I am a criminal?" Judge dropped charges on her promise no more stunts. Told her to find ways of attracting attention that do not disturb the peace. The little trouble-maker.
ОтветитьПривет Рижским родственникам из Костаная Казахстан!
ОтветитьThe sound is on a loop.
Very disappointing and disingenuous
is it safe there.. no radiation from chernobyl ? water safe ?? interested in buying property there.
ОтветитьMy kinda City !!!
ОтветитьHere in USA! The people play music in the cars, day and night! Is a nightmare! The police don’t do nothing! Congratulations!
ОтветитьThis seems to be my favorite place i ever visited i liked here...
Ответить25/11/2022 son las 6:30am me cansé de esperar y seguir reglas que solo me hacen perder Alos que estaban conmigo así mejor se quedan con sus crencias solo quiero irme de aquí no soy requerido no finjan más en otro lado podría servir de algo aquí no todo es burla y unillasiones la realidad
ОтветитьNice, nice. Studded with gems .
ОтветитьI’ve been here before.. stopped here as a port visit on a deployment. Beautiful country.
ОтветитьКакие красивы цветы !(1.08)
ОтветитьHalf-life 2 fans: oh yeah its all coming together
ОтветитьOttimo video, citta' bellissima 👍👍👍
ОтветитьAbsolutely beautiful Riga
ОтветитьHard to believe that this was once a soviet bloc country. Beautiful & clean. The buildings are more European than dull grey soviet style.
ОтветитьБишкек, алмаата красивее Риги
ОтветитьAmazing video - Riga certainly looks like an interesting city to spend time in.
ОтветитьSo beautiful❤❤❤
Ответитьlove how clean it looks
ОтветитьПутлер ещё не начал большую войну в центре Европы. Поэтому ватников много.
ОтветитьThis is what we can call civilization
ОтветитьПосмотрел прогулочные видео из разных городов Латвии: Рига, Резекне, Даугавпилс, Лиепая, Юрмала и др. Вообще везде пусто, в каждом городе и на каждой улице.
Куда они людей девают? 🫤
Северная Корея какая-то.
Is Riga safe to travel alone?
ОтветитьЛатвия красочная.🌾🌱🌿
ОтветитьSo beautiful and sunny city with great architecture. ❤
ОтветитьThe world without third word people is so better
ОтветитьPay attention!!! be careful on the coast of Latvia, the police will hunt you down, claiming that it is a protected area, and you will be fined between 100 and 1000 € for violating the protected area. The police say that the protected zone is the entire coast of Latvia. Most of the beach areas are not marked with prohibition signs and information boards, they are police traps designed to punish beachgoers with monetary fines.
ОтветитьLatvia is a dangerous country for tourists. On the coast, tourists are hunted by the police and fines from 100 to 1000 euros are imposed for violations of protected areas. I recommend choosing the coasts of Estonia and Poland, it is safer there.
ОтветитьTourists, be careful on the Latvian coast or don't go at all, because the entire Latvian coast has been declared a protected zone, the police hunt tourists and hand out fines from 100-1000€. In many places, the protected area is not marked with any warning signs, thus creating a trap for tourists.
ОтветитьButtiful place peaceful. I don't know but this city like is full of women then men😅
Ответитьwas going to choose between riga, tallin and vilnius. riga wins.
Ответитьshame about the racist losers in the comments. the shame of europe.