Robots Invade St. Louis Grocery Chain with Silicon Valley Technology

Robots Invade St. Louis Grocery Chain with Silicon Valley Technology

HEC Science & Technology

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@HardKore5250 - 30.03.2019 03:09

Yang Gang

@thefigbobin8864 - 14.01.2020 21:31

those robots know your name they check you and scan you. wake. !!!!

@dragonlord779 - 24.02.2020 23:32

I honestly find them a little creepy

@elenaesanu1989 - 15.10.2020 05:20

There is one at the store I work at. I haven't seen it yet but it sounds a bit creepy.

@Tiffany-zh8tt - 21.07.2021 04:11

Excited to be getting one of these in my store soon!!

@OldCBnGuns - 20.02.2022 17:59

Just a way to scare the union employees the robots do hardly anything

@SerialDesignationN-17 - 24.05.2022 02:33

My mom thought that that these cleans the floors

@danburyprican - 15.03.2024 01:33

They say so employees can concentrate on customer service. Yesterday I was there in the morning looking for sale items which one employees retarded answer was, you can't find it, uh, well maybe we're out, I responded. Duh, you figured that on your own. So then I go to the second one. Although much courteous, he basically said the same. Then I go to the front end mgr, nicely she told me maybe they haven't delivered yet, I said come on it's Wednesday. She calls one of the managers. Politely she didn't answered or gave a valid answer to my concerns. We are switching back to Costco. Never had this issue over there and it's apparent BJs doesn't care.

@brandongaming1049 - 23.03.2024 04:41

same as bj's store does!

@LifeofMarie267 - 08.04.2024 06:43

Less creepy than Marty the robot at east coast Giant locations. That's all I'm saying.
