The Maine Primitive Skills Gathering's Back! October 7-8, 2023

The Maine Primitive Skills Gathering's Back! October 7-8, 2023

Maine Primitive

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@SanDiegoSWOT - 14.09.2013 17:15

Nice! I'd love to make it out to one of your gatherings. Know of any comparable schools on the west coast?

@jokinjammin6846 - 14.09.2013 17:17

looks like a fun gathering.

@themoodybobby1 - 14.09.2013 19:55

wish i coulda been there. Maine is a long way from TN though. cool video

@Shannon_Lacey - 14.09.2013 23:50

It would have been a great experience for sure. How much did it cost to attend?

@primitiveskills - 15.09.2013 00:55

If you volunteer for three shifts or instruct than it is free, otherwise seventy dollars (u.s) for the weekend.

@primitiveskills - 15.09.2013 00:56

I was in a wedding the day before the gathering and couldn't let a good tux rental (rare moment) go to waste without adding it in somehow.

@Shannon_Lacey - 15.09.2013 07:57

That's not bad at all. I would have to do a lot of learning before I could even think about instructing anyone. But the volunteering for three shifts isn't bad at all, and neither is seventy dollars. That is very reasonable. Thanks! :)

@Aptbushcraftprepper - 15.09.2013 08:47

I've always wanted to go to Maine, looks like a lot of information there.

@BlackOwlOutdoors - 15.09.2013 09:07

i've been watching for a long time. hopefully i'll be able to make up to maine next year for this. as always, great job. - stony

@Snowalker13 - 15.09.2013 17:08

Nice Tux Mike sorry I missed it....I'll get back soon

@primitiveskills - 15.09.2013 19:55

We'll keep your spot dry and ready.

@steveg3784 - 15.09.2013 20:06

looks like a fun time,that suit section was pretty funny

@danielcarlwalker286 - 01.10.2013 16:48

Thanx 4 sharing & for the vids!

@danknight8297 - 10.08.2014 06:19

Nate Bears is SOOOOOOOOOOOO cool

@loonCT - 11.02.2023 13:47

This was my go-to gathering for years, I was devastated when it came to an end. Thank you so much for bringing it back!!!!
