#61 Kyle deVries: Why I wrote “Bern, Baby, Bern!..”

#61 Kyle deVries: Why I wrote “Bern, Baby, Bern!..”

Tom Nelson

55 лет назад

2,493 Просмотров

Kyle deVries is a financial planner and the author of, "Bern, Baby, Bern! Why Bernie Sanders' Policies Would Incinerate the US Economy." His interests include economics, history, scuba diving, football, animals and making light of supposed experts in public policy and the climate change arenas.

“Bern, Baby, Bern!..” book: https://www.amazon.com/Bern-Baby-Sanders-Policies-Incinerate-ebook/dp/B081BDG1LY/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid
Tom Nelson's Twitter: https://twitter.com/tan123
Substack: https://tomn.substack.com/
About Tom: https://tomnelson.blogspot.com/2022/03/about-me-tom-nelson.html
Notes for climate skeptics:
ClimateGate emails: https://tomnelson.blogspot.com/p/climategate_05.html


#tan123 #cagw #climate_change #global_warming #scientists #ipcc #climate_debate #climate_skeptics #energy #co2 #carbon_dioxide #climate_crisis #fossil_fuel #weather #coal #nuclear_power #great_reset
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@williambaikie5739 - 12.01.2023 02:04

I ❤ Fossil Fuels!

@DanishGSM - 12.01.2023 02:28

Thanks so much for the video and info.

@antonellobacchetti2429 - 12.01.2023 03:17

This is hugely helpful, deep, and high quality information! Congratulations to you Tom, and your guests! You're doing a gigantic and valuable work! Keep on spreading the message of truth and common sense everywhere!🥇💪🏆👍👏❤️

@TheBelrick - 12.01.2023 04:06

This guy is fundamentally a conservative and therefor his awareness is on a low level. Just higher than the people he is preaching to
Case in point: Humans get resources from three means. Not two. Third one being the most common. Gifted. Such as a parent giving resources to their children.
Second case in point. Russia didn't invade Ukraine. NATO invaded Ukraine in 2014. That is when the war started. And we know they came for resources because Ukraine quality of life has dropped since (a clear sign of looting). But mostly they came to setup Ukraine as a weapon aimed at the Rus people
Like i said, typical conservative. Doesn't go far enough, always one step behind the 8 ball

@jonahbert111 - 12.01.2023 07:33

I mostly agree. What I would add though, is that when people's energies are channeled, new creations we have not yet thought of will manifest to replace most so called fossil fuels. We may find that some level of CO2 into the environment may be beneficial in terms of plant / biological growth.

@Leadbelt - 12.01.2023 07:50

Are you able to have a talk about how people who are aware enough now and understand the implications of this nonsense, can be empowered and organised to influence their community. I chat to people in the street almost daily, just to quiz them on their own knowledge and bias. Like your guest said, most people are laissez faire and , respectfully are like Lemmings heading over the cliff. What will it take to counter this direction? Live your work. Peter

@amosfleetwood1648 - 25.01.2023 00:57

Shoot, a couple years before 2000 when they started the computer melt down talk. I set the date up on my computer and nothing happened. So I new nothing was going to happen. I don't understand why all people didn't think to do that.

@g0rd0nfreeman - 07.02.2024 08:27

If you collected all the gold in the world, it would form a cube less than 22 metres (24 yards) on each side. Metres, not kilometres or miles.

@ChrisGerstle - 25.11.2024 23:40

Very prescient since Tom made an excellent documentary!
