Which Malaysia Visa can you get?  Check your options for long-term living in Malaysia.

Which Malaysia Visa can you get? Check your options for long-term living in Malaysia.

Make The Move

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@diepieche - 05.10.2023 12:27

I wonder if you already have visa to stay in Malaysia?

@keangwooichoo6138 - 06.10.2023 06:30

Best is try sarawak mm2h visa. Dutch vlogger global gibbon lives there but he married a local.

@mohdyaseenshaikdawood3801 - 08.10.2023 02:30

Indonesia is an island. To go and leave from the country, you need to take flight, no other choice. This is not the case for Malaysia. You can travel up north to Thailand and south to Singapore by car or train. But the choice is yours.

@sioux8 - 09.10.2023 18:29

Hi Matt and Monico. Im malaysian(living in switzerland for the past 40 years), and my wife(swiss) would like to stay about 180 days a year(2 entries per year= 90 days per entry) in the coming future. Obviously i do not have a problem, but what about my wife? We plan to travel to and fro, thats why the 180 days a year. Is it doable that she can enter multiple times a year, and every entry allows her to stay 90 days? We know that we can apply for the "spouse visa" but we thought we can avoid that since we will be travelling around too. Thanks in advance

@MrEKS-st6mc - 09.10.2023 21:37

Thank you for details others have not made as clear - But I am surprised you did not go into more details about the SMM2H program as I believe it has less restrictive financial requirements but the question remains with the SMM2H can a person then also reside in (west peninsula) or either part of Malaysia having the SMM2H visa ?

@nrm6410 - 10.10.2023 03:45

do you know how many times the de rantau visa can be renewed? i know it can be renewed once for an extra 12 months, but can it keep being renewed?

@MegaShahbana - 13.10.2023 10:34

Residing in J.B wud b pretty Kool I suppose, thanks guys interesting infos

@mybull5142 - 25.10.2023 22:56

well explained information, thanks

@USARealityCheck - 31.10.2023 23:12

Will Sarawak, Malaysia tax my foreign pension, social security, dividends, and bank interest under the S-MM2H program? I will not work or have a business or otherwise have any income coming from Malaysia. Even if I do not pay Malaysian taxes, do I still have to fill out tax forms? Finally, what happens after 10 years, do I have to leave Malaysia? Thanks for your help.

@Evanthebat15 - 08.11.2023 10:28

Thank you for explaining everything so clearly, I want to stay as of right now for 3 months, not work there, have money saved up and use all that time to increase my digital business, the Digital Nomad seems like the best choice for long term.

Hope all is going well with you and your family!

@frayjayandjan - 23.11.2023 04:39

my partner under mm2h for 20 years now.cost living ( electricity, iptv,gas and water and weekly groceries made around 4k a month.. which is still less than 1k euro

@Caddrawings579 - 15.12.2023 04:12

say you are dutch without

@FatimaKhan-ij9wg - 15.12.2023 23:54

Hey please can you guide me. I want to apply for digital nomad visa as a digital marketer in Malaysia for long term basis with spouse and a kid so how can I get the long term visa?

@genobkk - 23.12.2023 09:11

You didn’t go into detail about the other MM2 visa that requires living in east Malaysia and being over 50. Silly since you mentioned all the others

@honestyfirst2165 - 28.12.2023 15:44

Thank you

@InternationalBigshot - 01.01.2024 16:08

The "visa run" or "border run" is officially considered as an abuse of the social visit pass. Immigration officers can see your entire entry history into Malaysia when you hand over your passport. If their records show that you are not a true visitor but instead are actually living in Malaysia on the social visit pass you may be denied entry. In the past the visa run was a popular workaround for expensive or restrictive visa requirements but now many countries in SE Asia are noting the abuse and denying or limiting entry.

@smilangkendu5941 - 03.01.2024 02:29

Hi what visas do I need I'm from England and my wife she from Malaysia Sarawak .my wife she got own land and we building house on it.we been married 21 years and we got married in Sarawak Malaysia..we moving back to Malaysia 2 1/2 years I be 55 years old... thanks

@ryuxalexei6096 - 04.01.2024 20:15

Your explanation are more details and friendly compare to our immigration itself.. not to mention their website also not particularly good in providing details for foreigners or local. Im local btw 😅

@annkhalid567 - 05.01.2024 00:53

Hi, love your videos and your positive energy! 😄 Me (Malaysian) and my partner (Portugese) are moving this year Insyaallah and we are looking into the Spouse Visa for him. Any advice on obtaining this visa please? ☺

@sabaejaz1381 - 13.01.2024 10:01

I have TB 2 years back its cured now but I have a scar in my chest will I get a student visa from India ?

@Zoe-jj5uz - 16.01.2024 00:26

Wow new informations for me. Been wanting to move to Malaysia for a year now. Hope one day.

@funkychicken2119 - 29.01.2024 12:50

The requirements are crazy. 300k USD liquid, another 200k deposit and monthly income of 8,500 monthly is nuts

@NAPSTER-099 - 27.02.2024 21:13

For those of us who don't qualify for a Digital Nomad visa, what alternatives are there? I'm 24 and engaged in day trading.

@the-ambivalent-orthographer - 08.03.2024 17:14

Hello, thanks for the information.
Can I ask what the options are after 24 months using the digital nomad visa? (after renewal)
Would that time spent using that visa go towards any other options to stay longer after the 2 years? (apologies if this has been asked already - I checked some of the comments, though I haven't seen it being asked)

@bertbrowm4488 - 08.04.2024 02:22

So what happens if you want to stay long on a nomad visa how does that work?

@OptimusPrime-n5o - 08.04.2024 19:55

All your info in regards to the MM2H visa program are incorrect ! Even when you posted this video six months ago !

Introducing the three-tiered program
The MM2H program will be divided into three tiers.

Gold; and
Each tier differs from the other in its fixed deposit requirements as well as the length of the visa duration.

Under the silver tier, participants must deposit a minimum of 500,000 ringgit (US$105,744) and can only purchase real estate worth a minimum of 750,000 ringgit (US$158,609). Participants will then be eligible for a renewable five-year visa.

Gold tier participants must deposit a minimum of 2 million ringgit (US$422,632) and can only purchase real estate worth a minimum of 750,000 ringgit (US$158,609). Participants will then be eligible for a 15-year renewable visa.

Finally, platinum-tier participants must pay a minimum deposit of 5 million ringgit (US$1 million) and can only purchase property worth 1.5 million ringgit (US$316,980). Participants will then be eligible for permanent residency, a status that no residency program currently offers in Malaysia.

Previously, the program required all participants to deposit a minimum of 1 million ringgit (US$211,000).

Regardless of the tier, applicants have the right to withdraw half of their deposit to buy real estate and pay for medical expenses, domestic travel, or education.

Other perks offered in the MM2H program
The minimum age of eligible applicants has been lowered to 30 from 35. Further, parents-in-law can now be included as dependents if they are over the age of 60.

The maximum age of the children of the main applicant has been raised to 34 from 21, however, the child must unmarried and not be in employment in Malaysia.

Moreover, under all tiers, the main applicant or their spouse and dependents are only required to spend 60 days a year in Malaysia, down from 90 days before the changes. This is for applicants aged between 30-49 years.

@goedelite - 19.04.2024 22:59

One can be forced to emigrate. I would not voluntarily emigrate to a country where I could not obtain permanent residency in a short time after presenting my credentials. To have the concern about having to leave after committing to another country is oppressive. Maylaysia, according to what I read, will grant only temporary residency unless one has over a million US dollars to deposit in a Maylasian bank. I find that unacceptable. Any country has the opportunity to review an immigrant's acceptability before granting even one a one day visa. If there is no fraud in the entry application and the entry terms are met, then it is accepted and the review is completed for a lifetime.

@ExcellenceOsman-pq8cx - 12.05.2024 23:18

I like to there but I don't the condition

@francois2266 - 27.05.2024 18:32

Your video is not up to date at all !

@kaijisan1206 - 30.05.2024 19:31

if you dont have 200 - 300 k in the bank forget about long term stay in indonesia or malaysia, they dont want you to stay and live low cost, they want to force you to spend as much money as possible, they want to press you as much as possible, every 30 days, every 60 days, every 90 days, tax, tax flight ticket, tax, pay, it's just not worth it, but if you do have the 200-300k money in the bank, then you have a possible low cost option for long term but you have to be willing to deposit that money in their bank, it cant stay in your bank

@juleshiraki8669 - 17.06.2024 17:05

Hi thanks for the info. I want (and my wife) to retire in Malaysia about 2 years from now could you advice which one visa I need?
We are from The Netherlands.

@ayebo15 - 21.06.2024 04:32

Hi Monico & Matt! I believe i fullfill the Requirements for the Digital Nomad Visa. I am employed by an IT Company in Europe & pay taxes in my homecountry. Will Malaysia ask me to declare or pay Tax if i stay 183 days or longer within a calender year using a Digital Nomad Visa working remotely?

@abusulayman_ - 30.06.2024 18:17

How often can you renew your digital nomad visa? Lets say I want to stay there for more than 5 years. Is it possible?

@GA-ik6pi - 07.07.2024 08:59

I WFH for U.K. based company, and allowed to move with job as I work remotely fully. I have been to KL numerous times, and looking to make that move next year.
The professional employment pass visa seems to be the one I would require. Could u clarify that is the case? I believe this is fine as you would not be on a Malaysian payroll

@LuangPraBong - 08.07.2024 17:35

Wow, is this for real? This is the most expensive country to get residency in that I have seen this will be the last place I applied for residency. I will take my money elsewhere to Cambodia, Thailand, Philippines, much cheaper to get visa.

@akashrathi9050 - 12.09.2024 09:56


@justbdsd4569 - 19.10.2024 19:50

After the year how do you stay longer on the nomad visa?

@kay2koe204 - 16.11.2024 12:11

What visa do I need to get if I want to move to malaysia but I’ll be able to live with a spouse while working from home

@Konlyy - 14.12.2024 11:55

And peru???

@Black-Circle - 17.12.2024 21:27

£264k for the my 2nd home programe just absurd

@Black-Circle - 17.12.2024 21:32

so basically just 3 months is granted to most people. and 6 month extension is not attainable without MLY family
