UserTesting After One Month! Earnings and Review!

UserTesting After One Month! Earnings and Review!


1 год назад

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@AllTheThingsCreator - 29.02.2024 04:13

I started in January and earned $54. You're doing great!

@estherthomas45 - 29.02.2024 05:57

Can you upload any videos for remote jobs for India.

@derrick8224 - 29.02.2024 06:03

I’m thinking of ways how you can outsource these side hustles to Upwork.

@maureenrudder5059 - 29.02.2024 06:22

Thanks for such a comprehensive review. Hearing all the details is super helpful!

@Simply_Helen - 29.02.2024 12:26

I have had the same experience with this as with the others. I haven't had any jobs with this.

@aprillord-brown432 - 29.02.2024 19:58


@selmacastro8751 - 29.02.2024 20:17

Por favor me dá umas dicas😢 preciso muito de um bico, pois estou desempregada

@aliqazi5257 - 01.03.2024 02:58

I tried but they said we don't have new positions open yet

@aliqazi5257 - 01.03.2024 03:02

I guess bro u would be a millionaire by now as u working as a freelancer plus real job

@amjdso9031 - 01.03.2024 23:25

try scouting the website between 12pm and 6pm.. in the past october I got around 220$

@Mindfulbro3 - 05.03.2024 04:08

Love your videos. You are very genuine. Keep up the great work

@angelgonzalez7348 - 25.03.2024 23:55

great video brother. I got discouraged early on with usertestng and the amount of DQs i get, but I learned to keep trying. Can I ask what background song you're using for this video? it sounds really nice

@julianabarbosa8501 - 26.03.2024 04:58

Is this website limited to only US? How do you get "projects"?

@BrandonMichaels-we9vn - 30.04.2024 14:51

I qualified for this in the UK over a week ago, not one test is shown. same goes for remotasks, perhaps these are for US only.
Edit, I think for user testing you need the page open at all times to check for when a job comes up as one has just popped up. I had a message saying I need the user testing app on my phone, its disappeared, it was there for seconds, so no idea. Do you need to do this on a mobile phone?

@Leobroly - 01.06.2024 15:13

But do I really have to place an order that arrives at my home or do I simply test an app?

@xan8123 - 18.07.2024 20:44

I joined 7 months ago and still haven't been given one test

@Kamrankhan-lq1hz - 18.08.2024 03:41

I am unable to sign up because when I taps on Get Started then i got this message "Thanks for your interest!

Unfortunately, we currently have all the contributors we need at this time".

@doomin3449 - 16.10.2024 20:12

What do you have your occupation/job marked as on there?

@CreativeSoul333 - 27.11.2024 06:38

Thank you!

@juanortega9654 - 07.12.2024 07:26

I love UserTesting! I've made almost $4000 in over 1 year. it is good to start with the $4 and $10 tests and as you get more comfortable speaking your thoughts aloud and being on camera, you will qualify for $30 and $60 Live conversations more easily.

@markuserikssen - 07.12.2024 20:06

Is UserTesting also active in European markets? I wonder if we're getting enough opportunities or if it's more catered towards the US.

@LorraineVisagie - 17.12.2024 11:55

How much you make for this test?

@AHMEDHASSAN-uy8vf - 02.03.2025 23:20

I am a student and I think this website must be useful for ma because the 1 dollar =50 pounds in my country

@candiceangotti4729 - 05.03.2025 16:22

Hi, I've been doing Usertesting for a while now, and like it alot. They pay quickly, but I on'y get $5 to $8 per job, where are you located that you get $10? Also, they only pay via Paypal and I was recently hacked on my Paypal so I'm probably going to stop using Usertesting. I see they are part of Intellizoom?
