Neophyte Bittersweet Symphonie

Neophyte Bittersweet Symphonie


16 лет назад

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@arschgesicht2001 - 11.10.2014 18:21

ja ja das waren schöne zeiten direkt entenpelle jep jep jep jep

@DeniseHeleneFoxy - 09.01.2015 18:22

you dont need no worries in your life you just need your heart thats the only thing you need to survive

@nataliatolska7987 - 16.05.2015 11:25


@Ferry.... - 02.09.2015 23:16

hardcore 4 life

@CowbellDream - 03.12.2015 07:34

this would've fitted if the fucking sample stopped when it dropped again and continued with the fucking shouting

@thejckweed4564 - 22.02.2016 15:50

drop the motherfucking bass !

@kittydani76 - 22.09.2017 11:29

Neophyte Geiler gehts einfach nicht Porno Mucke

@purpelharts2509 - 06.05.2018 02:46

Idd neofight en bodylotion zijn de zelfde mensen en ik draai al mee van in de tijd van parkzicht

@ciindyleiin8143 - 13.05.2018 00:07

Ich feier diesen Track immer noch so krass ! -

@Elkanthar - 01.06.2018 13:08

Meine armen Nachbarn hassen dieses Lied inzwischen XD

@ciindyleiin8143 - 17.01.2019 07:28


@einemaschine1573 - 22.01.2019 10:22


@wesleyhagenaar8246 - 24.03.2019 20:49

ouwe stijl boter geil

@cederic1996 - 26.03.2019 14:22

das mooi

@godjepotje - 22.05.2019 15:16

we shall arisexxx

@stevehachey4140 - 13.06.2019 01:06

Bvery fony Good 🤘🤘🤘👌👌👌🎵🎵🎵🎧🎧🎧🎧

@gangstadcdc - 23.06.2019 06:21


@antonjaw7668 - 04.07.2019 19:55

I love hardcore !!.✊

@OldAmericanroads - 01.08.2019 21:35

That's Bodylotion - No worries.

@buyljeremy291 - 22.09.2019 19:36

It's bodylotion no néophyte...

@antoninstancl9817 - 09.11.2019 20:44

Intro is too loooooong bro. Yo!

@mijklepileptik806 - 28.11.2019 03:48

bittersweet, but h a r d c o r e !!! Very cool, neophyte . . .

@grondinjean-fred5074 - 30.11.2019 03:34

Pour toi mon pote, Jimmy pour toujours !!

@egghunter3813 - 14.04.2020 10:19

i'm probably the only 17yo thats into this

@petergerritsma6988 - 14.11.2020 20:02

So much fukin good memories on these track. I miss the parties from then........

@John_Fick - 27.11.2020 18:32

Das warn noch Zeiten

@bambinovalson9844 - 15.12.2020 16:16

Really love this one, thanks 💕

@John_Fick - 18.01.2021 00:53

Hardcore ready

@skankhunt42.0 - 26.02.2021 17:34

2021 and still amazing

@KaznodziejaKRK - 01.10.2021 19:07

I got on CD 🦾🦾🦾

@scorpjens7837 - 01.11.2021 22:37

Neophyte 4 eher ♥️

@maikelschuler5140 - 21.11.2021 21:15

1,6 k gappies vergeet dat niet nooit

@maikelschuler5140 - 21.11.2021 21:18

1New Balance - Up &Down,DJ E-Rick & Tactic - All Fucked Up,Black Knight - Kick Up The Volume,Amanssion - My Pain,G-Shock - Demons (Original),Aggroman - Starcore,Insectoid - thebigbang,The Blaster - Let's go my mind (Kickin' mix),T.N.T. - Criminal Mind,Curse - Wasted Wave,Hard Target - Wicked,The Twins Artcore - After Years Of Experiences,The Twins Artcore - Return Of Artcore,PsY-CoW - Le mangeur d'enfants,Lords Of Illusion - For Dano,G.T.I. - Sweet And Fast,Duo Pennotti - The Beat Goes,Bellini Bros. - Samba De Janeiro,Underground Warriors - Digital Manipulations,Dark Controller - Conscidus World (megamix),Hardsequencer - Brain Crash,DJ Sim Simbiosis,Miss Groovy - Jungle Sickness,Gabbaheads - I'm A Thunderdome Baby,Scott Brown - Bass Be Louder,Scott Brown - Joints To Rock,Farfatek - Je Suis Pas Violent !Ingler - Antenne Medical,Ingler Aka Laurent - Sandra Hopkins,Ingler - Trek,Memetic - Memetic Are Cunts,Memetic - All Picture System,Prototype - Mental Floss,Laurent Ho - Diklax,Tron - Smokin',Fist Of Fury - Is Dat Machine,brunotek prod delirium,Coffeecore - Caffeine,Mathey Olivier - Residential Volume,Noisekick - Just Killed Somebody,D'Spyre - A Secure Future For HumanKind,D'Spyre - 6.48 Minutes to D'spyre,DSpyre - Weird ! (Entities In Space)Bionic Commander - Why,Cybernator - Not Responsble,Assfucker - D.O.A (TunnelOfTerror),B.S.E - Hard Attack - Baby Boom Records,B.S.E DJ TEAM - Devilnest 1,C-Tank - Nightmares Are Reallity,Celsius - Snotcake,Chosen few - Chosen Paradise,Cpu - La Mort (Part 2),Dead End LP 02 - A3 Micropoint - specimen 225,Delirium And Buzz Fuzz - Immorlity,Dissoactive - Doe Een Stapje Naar Voren,Dj J.D.A - Voel je Die Bass ( Bass - D & King  Matthew Rmx,DJ Jordens - Please Pai,E - Noid - DNA Theory,E - Noid - Tiny Sparks Of Air,E - Rick & Tactic - Start To Move,E - Rick &Tactic - What The Fuck (Scott Brown Remix),Ear Terror DJ Team - Like This (DioneRemix)Endymion - Mind And Body As One,European Unity - United In One,Evil Activities & Neophyte - Rocking With The Best,Exagon - Fritto Misto,Fabio - New York New York,Fly By Wire - Alkaline 3DH,Frankfurt Terror Corps - X - tra Hard,French Connection - French Connection (SS19Remix),Frezerator - I.O.U

@maikelschuler5140 - 21.11.2021 21:18

2Thunderball - Bonzai  Channel One,Wasting Program - Bring That Shit Back ,Marshall Masters - Don't Touch That Stereo, Fazer 3rd Cut - When Im Gone,Evil Force - Underground Is Hardcore,The Prophet - Dominate,Noise Connection - A.U.T.I.S,Drokz - Ode Aan De Gabber,DJ J.D.A - Real Hardcore En Anders Niks,Gabbanation - Beagle And Glurff,Gabbers United - I Still Have Exstasy,General Noise - Insomniak,global Hardcore Source - Let's This Things Of The Ground,Goblin - The Game,Hard Creation - Hardcore From The Heart,Hardcore 2 Network - Words,Hardcore Masters Vienna - Nuclear Disaster,Hardcore Masterz Vienna - Bayern Des Samma Mir,Hardcore Masterz Vienna - Farmerland Hardcore,Hardhead - T.U.L.P.,Hardsequencer - Brain Crash,Headbangers - Headbangers Theme,Human Resource - In The Hall Of The Mountain King,Igor - Gimme Some More,Igor - Too Hot,Jappo & DJ Lancinhouse - Bring It ALive,Jappo & Lancinhouse - Exlxaxl,Juggernaut - The World Of The LSD User,Lenny Dee Vs Dj Paul - Anti-Procastination,Lithium - Distorted Things,Lockjaw - Ruff 'n Ruggin,Lord Terror - Destroyed By Acid,Manga Corps - The Hunter (Promo Remix),Maniac - B - Bad City,Mark with AK - Don't Fuck With Me,Marshall Masters - Stereo Murder (Xploder Remix),Masoko Solo- Pessa Pessa (The Prophet Remix),Mascohist - Headclapper (2001),Mastermind - Motherfucker,Masters Of Ceremony - Hardcore To Da Bone (M.O.C Dope Mix),Masters Of Rave - Pump It (Like A Master) (12 Rave Mix),Maurizio Braccagni - Bass Solution,MD&A - Braindead,Meagashira - Swarm,Men Of Steel - The Future Is Ours,Micropoint - Armor Battle,Narcanosis - Come With Me (Into The Stars),Nasenbluten - Popular Shag,Nasty Django & DJ Cirillo - Deal Wit' Beats,Nawak - Flyghter,Negative A - Suck My Dick (Angerfist Remix),Neophyte & The Viper & Tha Playah - Master This!,Neophyte - Always Hardcore,Neophyte - Coming Up Strong,Neophyte - Do You Want XTC,Neophyte - Execute (Prankster RMX 2007),Neophyte - Hardcore Will Survive,Placid K - G Member,Public Domain - Old Domain,Public Domain - Mellomaniacs,Public Domain - Rock This Joint,Public Domain - So Get Up (Jeremy Mix),Darrien Kelly vs. The Stunned Guys - Party Rico.

@maikelschuler5140 - 21.11.2021 21:18

3Thunderdome II Headbanger - was is'n Teschno,Lenny Dee - Hear The Bell Ring,Tri Pax - What The Fuck Are You Laughing At,Too Fast For Mellow - We Gonna Get This Place,  DJ Bountyhunter - Whoops!,Dj Yves & The Twins - Bloodbrain,Mike Ink & The Chain Of BrotherhoodLovely Ugly Brutal World Original Mix,The Ender Alles Egal DJ Yves & Maikel - Eat a Dick Motherfucker !,Marshall Masters - Stereo Murder,Leroy - Are you down,Buzz Fuzz - Dreamgirl (Original),TNT - Brain Wash Killer (killermix)Buzz Fuzz - D-Leria (orginal),RMB Heaven & Hell E.P - The Place To Be,Neophyte The Three Amiga s - Communicate,Neophyte - Recession,Dj Rob - Boys Interface 1996 Mix,Weirdo & DJ Sim - Go Get Busy,Weirdo & Dr.Phil Omanski - Young Birds,Dr. Phil Omanski - Feeling (UK Mix 1995),Citrus - Fascination,Dj Dano - Something Bigger,DJ Dimitri -  Lands Of Dreaming,Fazer 3rd Cut - When Im Gone,E-Rick & Tactic - Start To Move ,Kick-Side-Time To Blast (Hardcore Stuff),Ubald - The Great Beast,Ordeal - All U Lot R Kuntz,Enzyme X - Opbokken,Waldhaus - A Journey Through Time,C-Tank - Nightmares are reality,Tymon & Waldhaus - Banghoe (ISRDIGI029),Le Bask - Hardcoriste,DJ Obscurity - DNA Killer,B747 - I Wanna Have Fun,Evil Activities & Chaosphere - Far Beyond You (NEO021) (2003),Delta 9 - Gabber On The Floor,B.S.E. - Adess Se Qui,Anime & Mad Dog -  Hardcore Machine,The Outside Agency - Touch The Darkness,Razor Edge - Death Row,Project Omeaga - Prednison Attack,Manga Corps - The Hunter (Promo Remix)T.O.P.D.R.O.P - Achtung!,DJ Davie Forbes - Remember That,The Vinyl Maniacs - Break Da Body Of A Beat,Perpetrator - The Power, The Ender - Alles Egal,DJ Waxweazle - Hardcore Power,DJ Sim - No More Shit,DJ Sim The Minimalist 24k Solid Bass,Tony Salmonelli - Hey! (The Prophet RMX)Chosen Few - O Chosen,Chosen Few - Name Of The DJ (Original),The Lawyer - Yo DJ ( Original Mix ),Zelator - Center Of The Earth,Digital Boy - OK, Alright! (Digital Boy '96 Remix),Dominium - Let Your Mind,The Nightraver & Dj Trevor - Rave Is The Word,Nation - Jesus Words (Temptations)Lenny Dee & The Hardcore Warriors - Funky Twisted,

@maikelschuler5140 - 21.11.2021 21:18

4  Xqruciator - QclassX,Xqruciator - Bam Bam,Le Myosh - Some Candy 4 U,Bionic Commander - Why,Frank-E & Mars-L - Get Loaded,Frank-E & Mars-L - Devastation,Fifth Era Vs Rave Reprisal - FE 08 B3 (untitled),Delirium - Surrender Your Dreamz!,Wasting Program - Bring That Shit Back,No Gravity - All The People (BSE Remix),Naughty Boys 1 2 3 Fuck,DJ Lancinhouse vs DJ Jappo Industrial Strenght ''The Outro'',DJ Weirdo & DJ Sim - The Kamikaze,Weirdo & DJ Sim - Go Get Busy,Dj Sim - Loud As Fuck (54321 Mix),DJ Dredd - Tribute to Neophyte,DJ Sim & DJ Weirdo - Good times,Naughty,Naked Steal - Vive La France,DJ Dimitri -  Lands Of Dreaming,Wayward - Hardcore Hijacked Me,DJ E-Rick & Tactic - The Funky Groove,Placid K - G Member,The Reactor & Raoul meet Impulse Factory - Hardcore Will Never Die,Endymion - Mind And Body As One,Bass-D King Matthew - Like A Dream

@albamz6940 - 15.04.2022 19:29

Con 16 años en el año 2000 esta canción me acompañó todo el viaje de fin de curso a Italia. Hoy por fin después de tantos años la he encontrado y me he transportado a esa época. Qué nostalgia ❤️

@george_gravity - 03.11.2022 23:19

Помню ее в 20ых по 106.8 слушал)

@lee200917 - 06.01.2023 19:49

Fucking awesome

@geertwildersofficial4505 - 31.01.2023 15:43

2023, en nog hard gaan

@gabinksss - 20.02.2023 18:17


@DonTorrek - 16.04.2023 01:42

Neophyte Masterpiece; end of Diskussion!

@josemariagilcampello394 - 07.05.2023 19:02

Temazo esto lo escuche ace muchucho tiempo en alguna sesion de thunderdome

@ЛеонидРодионов-б5д - 09.06.2023 19:48


@brucewayne8106 - 28.07.2023 01:35


@vakmero_makkvero - 06.11.2023 14:41

Thunderdome XX was the best! ;)

@xhwiwnfbdu3u4btj - 28.10.2024 06:50


@DavideTela - 01.01.2025 19:38

Super 🔥.

@boz8930 - 07.02.2025 19:53

People in 2025
