Batman Returns - Caravan of Garbage

Batman Returns - Caravan of Garbage

Mr Sunday Movies

1 год назад

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@seraphini1248 - 26.10.2023 00:14

It was a good movie, you guys sounded forced to do this. Stop being shills, do what you want.

@arvinbuenaagua5161 - 26.10.2023 16:32

Batman 2 is just The Hunchback with Notre Dame.

@Likwidfox - 29.10.2023 08:34

Danny Devito never stopped being Frank after this movie.

@joshg.6315 - 08.11.2023 07:32

I love that the people of Gotham see this fucked up penguin man from the sewers and go “We should make that guy the mayor!”

@nathanwoodcockn7184 - 22.11.2023 03:59

Unpopular opinion but this is my favourite Batman movie. I love most but this one is so different, so unecessarily dark and wierd, I love it

@_The_Worst_ - 19.12.2023 08:30

Danny🐧DeVeto was gruesomely brilliant in this, and I absolutely loved❤his performance...🤘🏼💯✔️

@gingersnap9712 - 31.12.2023 18:56

I absolutely love this movie.

@nbarealtalker - 01.01.2024 23:01

This is the definitive Batman film to this day. It’s everything a Batman movie should be.

@jakegorman3073 - 25.01.2024 06:24

Just rewatched every Batman movie in the Nolan trilogy. How have y’all not done it. Would be so good

@PressXtoPlayMain - 29.01.2024 11:13

"total attack agains kids" sounded sooooo natural.

@MichaelBattles-fl7uh - 04.02.2024 03:54

Michael keaton's bat man is an absolute lunatic that Verson of Batman doesn't give a fuck if the criminals live at all he just straight up murders them like if it was just a normal Tuesday from him

@SierraMonstera - 26.02.2024 00:52

this was the first batman movie i ever saw. i remember liking it alot

@thedarkknight094 - 07.03.2024 17:48

Is this Darcy’s last episode?

@jhetland2005 - 12.03.2024 19:44

reverse chumbawamba lol

@Luckypants2113 - 20.03.2024 01:01

I think it’s kinda fucked up that with this movie, no one had issue with making the cat woman suit so impractical and ridiculous that it had to be single use. So they made dozens and dozens of them and presumably just threw them away at the end of the day.
But in Batman and robin, Alicia silverstone gained a few pounds and couldn’t fit into her suit anymore, so instead of making her a new one or adjusting the one she had and just continuing on like normal. The media instead decided to body shame her and basically say she’s not attractive anymore cause she’s “fat”.

So I guess the lesson is, it doesn’t matter how much money you piss away or how inefficiently you do things, as long as you’re skinny and hot then no one will complain. Smh

@YukianesaDrive - 27.03.2024 07:11

I would absolutely go see this film today

@Waffletigercat - 08.04.2024 05:15

There literally IS an episode of Batman ‘66 where Penguin runs for mayor and Batman has to run against him.

@hvitekristesdod - 30.04.2024 05:41

Returns as in financial returns

@BitestheStuff - 07.05.2024 05:51

Batman Returns will always be peak Batman and Burton for me. It just feels like a bit of fresh air every time I watch it. Weird Burton visuals, no kill rule is out the window, Bruce Wayne really does feel secondary to Batman, and I just love the villains. It's honestly the perfect superhero movie for me.

@equinesound - 05.07.2024 23:37

In addition to Max Shrek being the actor who played Nosferatu in the silent classic, Penguin’s look must have also been inspired by Don Cheney’s character from
the lost “London After Midnight” movie of the same era.

@Ari-ll1wp - 08.07.2024 17:05

How could the trivia not include that Max Schreck was the name of the actor who played Nosferatu in 1922?

@zardox78 - 12.07.2024 05:57

In the first movie, the world itself is a little weird and cartoonish but most of the people in it seem a little more like grounded-in-reality people who just happen to be inhabiting this weird world. In the second movie (and beyond), the people of Gotham are generally just as weird and cartoonish as the world they're in. Kinda makes it a little harder to care about what happens to them.

@emperorsean1 - 12.07.2024 20:12

"They didn't doing anything with batman in the beginning?" Hes sitting in his chair being depressed after killing the man that killed his parents. Killing the joker didnt bring his parents back. His pain and grief didn't go away. Thats why him sitting in a chair being depressed is brilliant.

@Bjjgg-t1z - 05.08.2024 02:28

This is one of them stupid ass movies that's sooooo fucking stupid that you get mad at how stupid it is then you start questioning the stupid shit in the movie then you get mad at yourself for trying to pinpoint certain stupid shit when EVERYTHING is stupid then that makes you even more upset😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

@TheArizonaAssasin - 16.08.2024 10:28

Michael Keaton is my favorite Batman. I think he was perfect.

@NoonMight - 16.08.2024 23:53

Does Chris odonnels robin exist in the flash movie somewhere? We get George Clooneys Bruce at the end

@bigginsd1 - 08.09.2024 05:44

I like to think James tax deducted his parents entire trip to Warner Bros Movie World on the Gold Coast in the 1990s as a work expense because he used a couple of photos of himself with Catwoman and Batman in this video.

@George-de6hd - 22.09.2024 06:08

He’s. So obsessed with being Batman all he does is sit and wait for that light to come on so he can be Batman

@adamr4198 - 25.09.2024 17:03

I love these videos. I’m blown away by all of the on screen references to very specific American references for a channel made by two Australians and edited by a Canadian.

Well done all.

@ZoraCatone - 22.10.2024 10:28

You're so unbearably stupid.

@christheghostwriter - 23.10.2024 01:18

"Little piss? Little piss stays in the suit"

@johnjamesleahy4065 - 07.11.2024 14:41

Someone will tape up that window i guess

@johnjamesleahy4065 - 07.11.2024 14:58

Probably brought a movement coach into the dojo 😇

@matthewwynne939 - 15.12.2024 22:20

My parents had taken me to see this in the theater and as we left my mom said that the movie was really dark, a term I wasn't familiar with, and I thought she was just talking about how a lot of the movie took place at night.

@leandromv170 - 24.12.2024 17:40

Best Batman movie to date. Damn McDonald's and stupid parents.

@renoskous.4425 - 26.12.2024 05:47

Batman returns is the best batman movie, Burton 2logy is the best batmovies in the telly till today &the 2nd movie slighter more enjoyable than the 1st.. Ónly McDonald's didn't like and some parents.. It's dark gory as it's supposed to be.. The bat 1rule always till middle 92 was never use a gun to kill, cuz a gun took his folks life, so only gadgets to do the job, after the complaints & the animated series release the rule changed to no killing.. Originally was never use a gun.. There're g.novels from middle 80s prior to Burton's 89movie and batman does kill in them, as his last choice, also before batman returns production the Archam Asylum book was released & it's even more violent& graphic compared to bat returns movie -- he's a vigilante & darker than others such as the "punisher" for example, batman does kill if he has to but Not as his 1st choice..(tho outta subject in Dark Knight, it's kinda silly that catwoman killed Bane cuz Nolan had to use the new no killing rule).. And last that i wanna mention the show that say's about "returns" is against kids, frankly it supports kid, cuz batman is the kids hero, its the kids batman saved giving the message kids be good stay őutta trouble, cuz wherever there's evil there will be a batman to stop it.. I love batman returns, it never gets old❤❤❤

@shuarose89 - 01.01.2025 21:51

How do these dudes ONLY have 1.39 million subs? The pure comedic chemistry between them is amazing.

@Domorrigana - 02.01.2025 05:07

Michelle, sooo iconic in the suit, her performance was so beautifully unhinged

@waterbearer4627 - 09.02.2025 02:13

It is the best Batman movie by far because it has a cohesive vision thanks to the director who has a distinctive style, with strong characters and excellent actors. A romance storyline that is engaging but doesn't distract from the action sequences which are stunning. The coolest Catwoman that flips. This movie has so much atmosphere and iconic scenes. It's got heart and emotion too.

@JanetMitchell-jb8rk - 03.03.2025 00:21

The game to this movie was pretty dark too
