Lobster of the Prairie: Wyoming Antelope | S6E03 | MeatEater

Lobster of the Prairie: Wyoming Antelope | S6E03 | MeatEater


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@wesscott5246 - 20.02.2023 21:58

I bet Steven’s quads are like tree trunks from all that walking.

@robertfmccarthy2360 - 24.02.2023 04:37

Another great hunt, keeping it real!
Second shot is as impressive

@deannalemburg10 - 27.02.2023 11:11

Antelope have got to be one of the best tasting game meat and darn fun to hunt

@angeloarchuleta6032 - 02.03.2023 04:49

Unfortunately you leave best parts there liver heart, just my opinion!

@Aburgess1234 - 19.03.2023 23:36


@alexanderveto9249 - 29.03.2023 08:23

Dude, yes.

@derwinduvall4846 - 24.04.2023 05:18

Never gonna eat any kind of animal nuts. Not my cup of tea.

@cameronfarslow1697 - 28.04.2023 06:53

What rifle do you use? I see you using it for griz, black bear, elk, antelope, deer, everything.

@jasonnester9514 - 30.04.2023 04:52

Antelope is the best beats venison and beef

@zanepyle2352 - 08.05.2023 22:10

Thank you, Steven. Game meat has no other actual descriptor, than, GOOD! `...wanna see my game eat THIER meals, while I respect them as I eat WITH them!' Much respect, Zane in Texas! God Bless!

@garysexton344 - 15.05.2023 14:10

Why not push the prey up the valley then you have you're chosen shot???

@jebmo5896 - 16.05.2023 06:25

I hold judgment on the taste of antelope! Never had it. And I am definitely a meat Hunter. You can be a bit of a snob sometimes Steve rinella❤😂

@deannakoa3 - 21.06.2023 22:30

Antelpe in North america are from africa before the land divide With that multiple species came before the split and most died leaving 1 species today. The antelope has no relives related to it its its own species or Kind

@jameslachance8159 - 12.07.2023 03:05

Doesn't Montana have the testical festival?

@benchase5797 - 23.08.2023 07:31

Easiest hunt I’ve ever been on was Antelope in Wyoming lol they are everywhere where I used to live. You could literally drive a truck within 50yrds and they’d just stare at you

@reggierico - 26.08.2023 21:18

Another tip my friend taught me years ago, which applies to mule deer and antelope, is to skin the animal quickly, if possible. There is a theory that the hide of antelope and mule deer contains oils which can cause the animal to taste more gamey. I've done this for years, and it really, really works.

@Sryofcrv1 - 25.09.2023 03:16

Always wondered how rabbit tasted, you made it look incredible.

@805gregg - 04.10.2023 03:44

You have obviously never had good lobster

@rozerfff - 12.10.2023 23:48

Facial Expression of Hunter who missed is priceless ! I wish to see mine too !

@adambeauvais2013 - 16.10.2023 00:25

So when i hunt antelope i look for a water source and sit and wait at about 100 yards away from the water source.

@jacoblee6771 - 22.10.2023 17:52

Are they called lobster because you only get 2lbs of meat off them lol

@tommyhunter1817 - 23.10.2023 23:12

Antelope is delicious but it ain’t lobster good.

@rabbithomesteading3797 - 25.10.2023 02:59

Sweet hunt! Have you heard of Biltong? The inner tenderloin might work good for it but really it all could be in low humid experiments or winter.

@EpicEvilMonster12 - 02.11.2023 08:23

I gotta say of all the things steves eats that i would definitely 100% no doubt eat the nuts thing is just crazy cause id die, go to hell and play cards with the devil over my soul before i could come to terms with the shoe on the other foot leave the nuts alone man theres like 60 lbs of usable meat there and you chose to eat that testicle. I love you steve but c'Moan

@votive7478 - 05.11.2023 17:00

I love how genuinely confused Rinella is at the end there about how someone could dislike antelope😂

@davidbelanger9952 - 09.11.2023 17:59

Rinella's waging war against antelope haters in this one lol

@chrismackay8314 - 16.11.2023 22:20

curious the reason he missed? assumed the wrong distance?

@jimebbert8352 - 18.11.2023 23:33

Truthfully I think antelope is the best meat of all! Who could give antelope meat a bad rap?

@AntoineDeSaintYT - 19.11.2023 00:31

Music is amazing in these episodes!

@willflynn6558 - 21.11.2023 07:48

What 22 rifle is Steve using for the rabbits?

@sadiefrederick394 - 26.12.2023 10:08

Luke can't even shoot a gun they had to edit it to make it look like he shot it but in reality he originally missed so bad to where Steve was done with his shit and just made it look like Luke shot something but it was steve

@aaronchristiansen9064 - 10.02.2024 23:28

I love that antelope has a negative connotation. There is a lot more access in our area that way.

@rickbel645 - 21.03.2024 13:09

Lobster? I've hunted & eaten lots of antelope and see no similarities.

@RossMichael-fl7me - 19.05.2024 18:24

I can smell them! 😋

@charliegrandison1176 - 03.07.2024 11:09

THE best hunting show around. Man.....Meat Eater makes me want f'n run out right...NOW and get it done ! Flat out awesome

@MagnumArrowArchery - 27.07.2024 21:50


@RiverJoe-f3o - 03.08.2024 01:54

People are use to what I call factory food... Take the chicken... Put a country chicken beside a commercial raised chicken.. taste each an you will know what I'm talking about.. no store bought chicken at my house rrrrr

@cagemaster6135 - 16.08.2024 20:26

watching this video i just came to the realization that even on a solo hunt you have two pans of supper on the grill, obviously one for the camera person, the revelation though is, how shitty it must be for camera crew to have to constantly film you first eating and talking about how delicious the meal is before they actually get to taste their own

@ChrisZenner-b8j - 05.09.2024 18:45

Love antelope! Hunted them in SD in september. Right on the Wyoming border.

@ChrisZenner-b8j - 05.09.2024 18:51

The bad part is all on the rattle snakes.

@madilynrobinson6239 - 14.09.2024 22:17

My PE teacher has hunted with your brother

@AugustusFlora-f6o - 30.09.2024 22:21

Hand Centers

@bitner-d5k - 01.10.2024 00:43

I wish I could just live out in the mountains, and hunt, trap and fish all of the time.The idea that we came to that the way you get food is just to have a job and go to the supermarket and buy it. Is weird to me.

@Deer_Slayer5937 - 06.10.2024 02:43

Fun fact: pronghorn aren’t antelope, they’re a species of Antilocapridae

@jakegames1116 - 12.10.2024 06:57

That being said in my experience whitetail at least dont pay any mind to 22lr unless they are close close. Dont know about pronghorn tho

@commielogics5740 - 17.10.2024 08:01

I want this life...pls god

@LanceHorton-x7b - 15.12.2024 04:22

I lived in Shoshoni for a couple years and lived chasing speed goats. We ate so much of it cooked multiple ways and I agree. If you did not like it then definitely blame the cook.

@genegustafson1665 - 27.12.2024 06:15

What type of guns do you use, I have 3 savage guns 410 gauge single shot, 22 long rifle bolt action and 308 bolt action, I have a Thomson Muzzle loader and a Mosberg 22 long rifle semi automatic rifle, that is 64 years old, I just turned 65 years old in November 16th and I love to hunt all types of animals and birds and I love fishing summer and winter fishing for whatever wants to bite🎣🐻🐰🫎🐇🦌🐿️🦆🦃🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

@rsa9082 - 20.02.2025 09:10

I’d like to know What was the first guy that decided to eat the nuts 🌰 🌰 of the buck he’d killed thinking. Was it a joke or a dare or A hazing of a new hunter. Was it believed to be consuming the animals strength by eating its sperm? One thing I know for sure. It’s a guy thing

@codyfrost9635 - 21.02.2025 22:01

Antelope is one of the best tasting wild game meats I’ve bagged
