3:12 Far Cry 2 much? :D
Ответить@chabi3000 Because their main focus now is the VBS Series and the militaries from multiple countries pay them a lot of money to support it and constantly update it. They just said never, but they might change their minds who knows?
Ответить@chabi3000 They never promised to make an ArmA3, they aren't abandoning you and will continue to support their previous titles. Don't forget, BISim is NOT Codemasters, they won't abandon you. They are just "re-deploying" Their resources to another market right now is all. Buy VBS2 VTK if you want some new stuff :P
Ответить@chabi3000 The community is actually pretty good for VBS2. Its small yea, but serious and people get along and help each other out. But maybe ArmA3, no promises though and I wouldn't save money for it :P
ОтветитьWhere do I sign to get this? I will pay any ammount you put on my check.
Ответить@sgtsn1per check out ARMA 3 if you want, its been announced just today watch?v=qwyQ6lronjk&hd=1 Looking really, really good! btw: a GTX260 is minimum ^^ and it supports PhysX and DX10
Ответитьwow! amazing! Time to waste Arma series!!
ОтветитьNVG is really good. Those IR wow...
Ответитьwatching this makes me angry. where is this in crysis 2? textures? anywhere?
ОтветитьApparently, the US army might be better game developers than CryTek... :P
Ответить@sangolt88 i really hope that was a joke
Ответитьfrostbite 2.0 is 100 times better than cryengine! eg. BATTLEFIELD 3
ОтветитьIs this just another Crytek tech demo? Or are they actually releasing a Military Sim with the Cryengine?
ОтветитьWell, shit...
ОтветитьGod used "real-time cave creation" to make the Grand Canyon.
ОтветитьO_O sketchup, OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ответить0:39 THERE GOES MY PANTS....
Ответить@kikomiko1 no need for that. you wont be able to play this
Ответитьhow to import the sketchup model into cryengine 3?
ОтветитьImagine John Carmack's reaction if you would show this to him back in 1991.
ОтветитьOMG! i'm going to buy uber pc!
Ответитьfirst... DANG!!!, second.. i hate to say this but if they could turn this into a mp only game for console and pc i think bf3 days would be numbered..??
ОтветитьWhat crysis 2 COULD have been if it weren't fot the God damn ancient consoles X(
ОтветитьConsoles... LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO OUR GAME!
ОтветитьWill this game be released to the public? Please say yes :(
Ответить@warspitejr nope but this will be a military simulation.
Ответить@SherdX10 Damn....hopefully they will make a game for the public like this. It will make up all that money that they spent making the game. The army gave them 57 million dollars to make this game after all.
Ответить@warspitejr I really hope so too.
Ответитьare there no militaryish mods for crysis being made?
ОтветитьCrysis looks better in CryEngine 2...2007 is where its at apparently.
Ответитьtake it this game isnt public?
Ответитьnope still hooked on arma 3
Ответитьnothing to complain about~~
ОтветитьARMA 2
ОтветитьThis was what God used to create the World.
Ответитьwhat? RTI is a studio of crytek.
ОтветитьWowzers , this is the type of thing us Arma gamers will see someday. Right now nothing beats Arma 2 within certain servers where we have great mature teamwork, including ACE & ACRE mods through six updater. So untill they release this "RealTime Immersive" to the general public, I'm still with ARMA2. Military sims are getting outrageously impressive. Again I must say,, WOW. Nice looking graphics, I wonder how good the controls & movements are.
ОтветитьHave you seen the flight sims they use to train real pilots now? It's become downright ridiculous how realistic it gets And this is impressive too I must admit. Can't wait to see what game engines will do in 2015, maybe 2020
ОтветитьI'm making a Blackhawk helicopter for the cry2 engine... what you see in this video of the landing is going to be almost the same as mine, it's a modified 'mesa' map by the looks of it, still very nice...
Ответитьcan i this download ?
ОтветитьWell the Army needs realistic training scenarios. Crytek is making leisure tools. Crytek wants to make addictive, fast paced, adrenaline pumping games that require minimal brain input (not to say their games aren't fun or engaging/immersive). Realtime Immersive is creating scenarios that soldiers in combat or pilots/navy will refer to, so designers have to make maps and edit the game to create conditions that probably will only appeal to a fraction of Crytek's gaming demographic.
ОтветитьNope, totally wrong. You couldn't be anymore wrong in your statement, sir. In reality, ArmA III beats ArmA II by a longshot :).
ОтветитьThe US Army isn't developing this, it's developed by RealTime Immersive Inc FOR the military and other applications.
ОтветитьThe realtime cave creation looks very handy, as now creating caves in CryEngine can be a hassle
ОтветитьWhy bi no make arma with this :(
ОтветитьAnd in other hand, you have Arma... SHIT!
ОтветитьI Hope Arma 4 would be like this. if not i 'am ready to drop the Arma serie for a better mil sim since arma 3 is disappointing.
ОтветитьŞo... What exactly is new in this? This is basically just showing what the Cryengine from CryTek can do.