This is EXACTLY how I started my shirt business with a vinyl cutter

This is EXACTLY how I started my shirt business with a vinyl cutter

Reyes The Entrepreneur

6 лет назад

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@NaturallyLaceyE - 13.02.2019 04:45

Love your videos. You are so freaking funny. Did you order the image on your shirt?

@able_trucking780 - 13.02.2019 05:10

Is ur car at least a gst eclipse?

@christianmartinez6845 - 13.02.2019 06:06

Can u make a video about the difference between screen printing and using vinyl

@Trd2020 - 13.02.2019 06:46

Great video

@NeekeeTheMillennial - 14.02.2019 05:10

Enjoyed hearing your journey, it motivates me to go hard with my t shirt business

@thestigmatickreature - 14.02.2019 06:32

You are the man! Thank you.

@fab6050 - 14.02.2019 09:45

Keep showing that money and your going to have to pay taxes .

@goddessneecy.5286 - 15.02.2019 11:41

Very insightful thank you

@johnnycastanon4436 - 15.02.2019 13:00

Good info man like the content you should do a video on how you pack and ship your orders

@sithpointofview8035 - 16.02.2019 02:45

I'm about to get into this business .glad I came across your video .keep up the good work

@eddiemartinez1019 - 16.02.2019 09:51

Looks like Ernie from George Lopez lol!

@aldocruzes4124 - 16.02.2019 19:49

U cool man

@deavenreed7946 - 18.02.2019 06:16


@completesolarsolutions - 20.02.2019 17:28

Hey Reyes, would you suggest starting out and buying the transfers from a 3rd party OR just buying the screen printing equipment to start? Isn't it easier just to buy the transfers and just use a heatpress and then you're done? What would you suggest? Thanks I'm trying to start with this by like, last week. lol

@doubleclutch92 - 21.02.2019 19:15

Thanks Reyes, excellent content as always.

@queondacanal4775 - 21.02.2019 23:48

why not open a 99 cent store named FREE.99

@BiGMiAMiTV - 26.03.2019 10:50

Great tips man.. Blessed.

@Dilla720 - 27.03.2019 14:24

“ As you can see my barber Sucks” ha love it. Classic Reyes!

@juancontreras3195 - 09.10.2019 21:13

Look like Poncho from chips

@TheMoshe1011 - 09.11.2019 19:34

Why would I listen to someone who’s business failed? I contacted him about a huge order for 200 shirts to give him a huge order to help him and he doesn’t even do screen printing anymore or vinyl. Just DTG. DTG is only good for a putting pictures on shirts. I’m just saying. False advertising.

@322doug - 20.11.2019 01:14

The "FRO" had to go.... well its a good thing bro, lol, but your long hair was cool! and the short , pretty cool too...BUT!!! and there seems to always be a but???? BUT! NEVER shave that beard man WOW , that is a hell to the NO....NO!

@chopperchill3351 - 05.01.2020 04:17

hey reyes can you create videos about building a brand?

@ricerrey4214 - 24.01.2020 09:56

Props to you🙏🙏🙏

@bwflo4 - 31.01.2020 23:02

Lmao "and my barber sucks" 🤣🤣🤣when you come to east texas if ever I'll fade you up brother!

@woodsfamily4Life - 07.02.2020 05:07

Were can i buy the shirts sir?

@818BigA - 17.03.2020 09:55

Reyes your videos are hilarious yet informative and motivating all at the same time Nd I have no problem sitting thru a 5min ad so I can help out with the gaaaaaassssss!!!

@joshuabuilds4152 - 18.03.2020 01:38

Hey Reyes i want to start my own t shirt printing business and decals help yo brother out 🙏🏽

@sabrinab4245 - 11.05.2020 22:54

Reyes, do you scale each design per shirt size. For example, the design on a small shirt, would you use same design on a large or would you scale it a bit larger?

Thank you!

@tonnymarrufo123 - 14.05.2020 16:02

Wow, Reyes, you inspired me. I just bought a home printer and a heat press. The heat press hasn't even came in yet. I'm looking forward with my t-shirt project. Thankyou Bro I know God helped me finding your vids. Keep up the good work.

@armonianumerica5830 - 26.05.2020 17:10

Song at the end is mad dopeee!!! But Reyessss""..

@gregorywells7100 - 23.06.2020 18:41

Kinda look like hobo johnsons lol in a good way brother

@sspVizion - 13.07.2020 01:27

I have been binge watching your channel since I decided to start a shirt and decal business and I must say,you are a REAL ONE bro!

@barelytrine - 02.08.2020 08:33

That was nice.

@alexgutierrez3072 - 12.08.2020 10:21

Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us I am struggling to get my business up and running but your videos help a lot! Thanks for everything and keep going bro! God bless!

@dorsey4t - 09.09.2020 04:27

What software do you use with your cutter?

@MrBIGTEE504 - 06.10.2020 07:24

This video touched me and you started me own my way I’m about to order my own equipment to be my own Boss thanks Brother 👍🏾

@trinajames7222 - 31.12.2020 07:51

Hey Reyes, Congratulations on all of your success and I'm so happy you can take good care of your family now, as we are all trying to do! I just started my amazon merch t-shirt shop and all I'm doing is designing the shirts, but it's a start. God bless you and your family, keep up the awesome work! Peace

@dafluent1 - 01.02.2021 18:16

You look different in every phase

@TheWorkBench - 20.02.2021 00:56

This is as real as it gets. I've also done mine on eBay and did $3k in 3 months. It really depends on your art skill, 'in the know' of what people are into and trending. Craftiness and creativity go a loooong way.

Start with family and friends and normally the requests come to you. Its a lot of fun and work!

@willcash8345 - 08.04.2021 07:52

You looked like Nacho libre.

@teddy_nyinyilwin286 - 21.07.2021 18:39

Fully motivated. Thanks a lot....

@gerrardmapeta9099 - 19.09.2021 05:41

Hey, this a very interesting video ever seen, keep it up! Is there any how to get your personal contacts for more information on T-shirts Business? Let me know if any. Thanks be blessed!

@1High420 - 01.01.2022 04:28

Reyes come back with the Afro homie

@CommentSource - 08.02.2019 00:46

Tbh dude, I've been following you for quite a bit now. I used to watch every video of yours, but I feel like the past month, the quality of your upload have decreased, and instead you're just trying to push as many videos as possible out here. I'm rarely watching you now and it's kinda sad. I am probably one of few with these thoughts, but damn Reeeeeeeeyeeees. I am a bit sad.
