'Ketu' in sixth house and your life purpose and destiny #ketu #vedicastrology

'Ketu' in sixth house and your life purpose and destiny #ketu #vedicastrology

Jay Kaushal

1 год назад

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@mahipalgaur9277 - 11.04.2024 19:13

U r also ketu

@waxiz24 - 14.04.2024 17:13

You basically just told my finances story to me. This is hands to him. Even with the dog and family example. It's like you watched his life. He is reinventing who he is now. I don't understand it sometimes. He is so motivated to always work. He has always been an entrepreneur. He has always done construction and now he owns his own restaurant. I pushed him to do this. I have ketu in 3rd in sagittarius and he has ketu in aquarius

@harichandanachn - 17.04.2024 19:11

I bought a dog and I understood that I couldn't handle it and abandoned it on a road which I still regret.

@yavind7895 - 18.04.2024 04:54

Ketu in 6th house gave me series of health condition . . . But the good part is you discover the remedies for dis- ease. . .

@MahaMayaKaali - 18.04.2024 14:21

Ketu in 6 th Taurus
I changed so many jobs. I dont like routine. Enemies try to backstab, ketu 6 th killed all my enemies without Arrow.
Ketu 6 th gives you Good spiritual life as if Ketu in 12 th.

@aseemanshu - 25.04.2024 12:20

So true...

@riyaganeson4358 - 28.04.2024 08:51

Does kethu in 6 and rahu in 12th indicate that we can reach moksha in this life? Is this possible by spiritual practice ?

@anuradhaupadhyay2349 - 03.05.2024 05:19

I have budh,ravi,mangal,ketu in sixth house

@vandanasoni5286 - 05.05.2024 14:56

You are wow.. congratulations 🎉

@pinkvision333 - 14.05.2024 02:27

I got goosebumps with this interpretation

@someonee629 - 25.05.2024 14:39


@VinnikavaProduction - 02.06.2024 23:01

What if Ketu in 6th house is in retrograde?

@aarthishetty2214 - 10.06.2024 20:53

Makes sense

@kenandyson - 13.06.2024 00:20

I’m going to need to listen to this a few more times 😂

@awanish49 - 17.06.2024 22:17

So throughout my learning of astrology i interpretation about it, it is about Rahu and ketu... What we have relise and what we have accept and that define through its placement in kundali more precisely what exactly it is by its house number.... If whatever we want to achieve is by understanding rahu and ketu what they want with us... So they are the best planets in kalyug... Because the transition period of earth when demons moved to patal lok and gods moved to sky and humans introduced to earth and just before that sagar manthan happened and rahu and ketu came into story initially it was swarbhanu demon... If we see karmas are directly associated with humans... And rahu ketu follow Shani dev and shani dev is god for justice... And i have littel bit doubts about one more thing....

@QuangLe-nm7ck - 27.06.2024 17:22


@Karen-co1bq - 05.07.2024 20:59

D9 chart

@bhumiraghwani8018 - 07.07.2024 13:42

I wanted to do medicine but rn i am working in commerce industry.

@bodhisattvawayoflife2093 - 09.07.2024 09:18


@bexsolo369 - 19.07.2024 04:56

I have this placement in Libra. I am a negotiator for a living. It's my job to deal with conflict. Also, yes, I've turned to addiction to escape. I'm still fighting that battle

@pamelaallen4459 - 25.07.2024 17:28

I love,love,love you. You are so wise and talented in Astrology. I would love to Have a personal reading from you. I have this placement. And I wonder if it has something to do with a lot of difficulties that I've had in my life and the karma that I seem to have been born with That oftentimes had seemed unfair to me. For instance, I was molested as a very young child by my stepfather, which resulted in me running away when I was 13 years old. And
Becoming a sex worker And
Then went on to become an award winning porno actress turning my childhood trauma into success in life but never Satisfied with this
Role in my life But still I always seem to fall into a job in the sex industry.
It has been a pattern in my life that I have not been able to overcome. It just seems to keep driving home.The point that my worth is derived from my sexuality, I have always fallen back on this but I have always secretly hated it, in Spite of what? I would tell myself that I was helping the person heal sexually. And teaching them how to love and Express themselves that way so they Could go on and have successful relationships with women. It is time for a change in my life Because
I am actually really such a kind empathetic person With a very strong sensitivity Towards social injustice and wanting to
Fight for the underdog. I just wish that I could make a living at that instead of always falling into using my sexuality to survive.
It has been such a catch twenty two in my life. And so it goes.....

@cynergyyy - 08.08.2024 04:57

Hi Jay excellent way of expressing this placement, I have Ketu, Jupiter & Sun placed in the 6th House (Sun in Purva Bhad, Jupiter & Ketu in Shatabishak) - I always feel my soul rejoices when I can help people, whatever I give it is from my heart. Thank you :)

@manojsahu1995 - 11.08.2024 07:06


@astrotraveler9632 - 13.08.2024 14:22

I have ketu in 6 th house and Rahu in 12 th house with mars , this video describe my situation and mentality so well ..

@adityahrudaya - 16.08.2024 11:19

I have ketu with guru in 6th house & rahu with moon in 12th house 😂

@subhasitaroy482 - 17.08.2024 15:41

I have Ketu in 6th house and living in hell all my life.

@bhupendrakushwaha5199 - 20.08.2024 17:36

God bless you❤

@krishna_theliving - 30.08.2024 08:10

Thank you... महा देव ❤️🙏

@thea.25 - 08.09.2024 17:30

lol. I can really relate to most of what you're saying. I remember when I broke up with my ex out of nowhere and he was begging, crying wanting to get back together but I blocked him and never talked to him again. He was depressed, he lost weight. After few years, we get back together and I was so desperate to make it work but it ended up so badly and that was one of the worst experience I had. I guess that was my karma. I was so selfish. I really learned a lot from that experience though.

@alexmatsaleh - 10.09.2024 19:40

Hhhh my English is not so good .. buttt , pfff it’s like you counting a part of my life .. im 42 I’m ashlesha rising , Saturn is my atmakaraka and I have kethu in 6 in Sagittarius.. I’m married since 2003 with 3 kids ..I cannot reproach anything to my wife but I feel like she deserves someone better and more stable than me , more responsible .. it’s like I’m can’t do more and i realise some realities that you explained when i was talking to this girl .. and i realise that in fact i only wanted to leave my responsibilities in something easy like in new romance .. wanted maybe also something new in my life because not enough exiting anymore for me .. and still nowadays i have this thought.. have some health issues that i can’t find the roots .. pain in back and dizziness.. so yes i can feel my karma and i know im blessing at the same time cause God or whatever it is gaves me some talents since my young age (14) i do hair to people , also i revert to Islam in 2002 and changed my name 😅(new identity) built a new me .. and again i sing and i have this name that you can see here Alex mat saleh.. that’s a lil crazy😄.. so really thank you for these explanations .. i will listen 2 or 3 times and translate wht i can’t understand .. much respect 🙏🏼peace

@EatSvasth - 11.09.2024 21:16

After hearing Mr Ambani also has ketu in 6th house and rahu in 12 th ,it has motivated me.

@aparnanarain6372 - 19.09.2024 03:06

Sir, you just said my story. But i am also traumatized after loosing my father in 2020 in Covid. This placement is too hard. 😢

@SapnaMohanKumar - 19.09.2024 08:01

I have the Kethu in 6th and Rahu in 12th..

@TheMysticWildFlower - 23.10.2024 18:35

It's in my navamsa. But 5h in my natal. I'm 32. Never found my purpose yet. Only bad health

@SwatiVerdhan - 02.11.2024 21:21

Have Ketu and Moon conjunction in 6th House and Rahu is in 12th H, dhanu rashi. You are spot on with everything you said.

@ellencausey6864 - 07.11.2024 18:22

Wow, I just came across your channel very insightful. Thanks 🙏🏼

@ChilliFedor - 12.11.2024 14:17

Lost many pets

@cristinachaliandroi1369 - 14.11.2024 20:32

Im.working from17 years old 41 now ketu 6

@cristinachaliandroi1369 - 14.11.2024 20:37

You are very good at analysing n explaining

@antaratmann - 13.12.2024 16:27

This is so true , with so many animals I feed and the responsibility I have taken it’s overwhelming. But I keep saying to myself it’s god wish and I should do it ..the whole video make sense . There is no way I am running away from my responsibilities ❤

@chaithu7789 - 19.12.2024 05:47

Ketu in 6th house multi talented people 😊

@pavkata97 - 06.01.2025 01:20

Oh my god you are so comprehensive. Thank you for your wisdom

@namer5353 - 06.01.2025 20:25

I have a question... please!
I have ketu in the 6th house in the sign of Leo.
Does it mean that i should avoid people with Leo sign and placement cause they can become enemies?
I ask because the 6th house is also the house of enemies and mine its in the sign of Leo. Does it means that Leo is enemy?

@bluebaby.inakira - 12.01.2025 11:44

I had a job since I was 15. I remember having a plan for my life when I was younger. With every year, I've realized my life will be nothing like I've planned it. I have mourned so much that I'll never have in this live

@nature-boy9073 - 16.01.2025 20:18

Thank you for the video, please do ketu in the 12th!!🙏

@heninsharma - 22.01.2025 08:58

Already lot of suffering from toxic mother father.... Life is becoming hell

@Thesubqueen - 02.02.2025 11:25


@Dynamicawareness - 03.02.2025 21:15

Thank you. So much my health has been troublesome and I heal everyone else

@Ilassillumination - 09.02.2025 20:29

Thank you a lot for the content, I appreciate it 💗, I have this placement it’s been a tough journey but I’m grateful for the knowledge you offered, Funny thing I always end up healing cats and that heels me too. I think it’s something related to my virgo ascendant somehow.

@SA-id25 - 11.02.2025 16:29

Ketu with moon in 6th house in Aquarius
