-26° Solo Camping 10 Days - Predators, Snow & Storms

-26° Solo Camping 10 Days - Predators, Snow & Storms

Lost Lakes

55 лет назад

1,489,851 Просмотров

*Instagram:* @LostLakes_YouTube
*FB:* https://www.facebook.com/LostLakesYoutube
*Merch:* https://lost-lakes.myspreadshop.com #LostLakes

*Never cook in your tent in bear season or if you're unsure when local bears are active (this varies widely).*
AUDIOBOOKS: Alone Against the North and Beyond the Trees, both by Adam Shoalts (I keep a list of my favourite backcountry reads in the Amazon storefront links in the video descriptions)
Canada: http://www.amazon.ca/shop/backcountryanglingontario
US: http://www.amazon.com/shop/backcountryanglingontario
LAKE NAMES: I share lake names when it makes sense but I was told about my initial access point by a kind local and if someone tells me a spot I don't go broadcasting it...but of course the clues are always there.
APPS: offline topo maps - Avenza Maps, offline satellite maps - OSMand (takes a little work) or pre-cache imagery on Google Maps, weather - ZOLEO (sat comm service)
RIDDLE ANSWERS: 1) Constellation prize (vs. consolation prize). 2) Snowshoes

GEAR: A summary of our gear is in the Amazon links here (some items aren't on Amazon):
⮞ CANADIAN 🍁 (.ca) LINKS: ⮜
⮞ AMERICAN 🦅 (.com) LINKS: ⮜
Legal: I earn a commission off purchases made through these links at no extra cost to you.

Approximate location: Manitouwadge, Ontario area

Day 1: 0:00
Day 2: 11:34
Day 3: 23:17
Day 4: 36:06
Day 5: 50:36
Day 6: 58:05
Day 7: 1:08:35
Day 8: 1:21:29
Day 9: 1:34:51
Day 10: 1:55:12

MUSIC: tracks are mostly licensed from Artlist.io and if you use the voice search on your phone, there should be a button to ID the song for you there (or a dedicated song ID app). Otherwise feel free to ask in the comments.


#lost_lakes #camping #fishing #ontario #canada #bushcraft #backcountry_angling_ontario #winter #wilderness #solo
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@tesla_stephen4651 - 24.01.2025 01:22

"Some people say you'll never see a dead bear in winter..."

Sounds like survivor bias to me (i.e. those that DID see a bear in winter never made it back to tell the story)! 😁

@tesla_stephen4651 - 25.01.2025 12:12

Loved this one John, that wolves encounter must've felt truly magical - amazing creatures.

@lwoodtoney62 - 25.01.2025 16:59

Awesome videos man

@ninakim7282 - 26.01.2025 07:15


@meganrush532 - 26.01.2025 07:24

You can just eat the snow like that? And do you boil the lake water before you drink it?

@HM-vr4uc - 26.01.2025 14:42

Simply an awesome video.

@garycampbell-or8tr - 28.01.2025 07:04

Great camping.

@tisharobson7881 - 28.01.2025 08:13

Keep it up ❤

@steve3659 - 28.01.2025 10:12

This is no good😊

@barbarakujawa320 - 28.01.2025 10:51

That was a fantastic

@barbarakujawa320 - 28.01.2025 10:57

To continue, really enjoyed the track through woods, across lake four times. And finally a camp. Lord I was tired but warm once fire struck up. Can’t thank you enough for one heck of a great time. Great food, great conversation and always a heart warming fire.👍🙏♥️

@dbloneproductions - 29.01.2025 22:12

Wow! What an adventure. Such an awesome video. Great job, loved it!!

@jbourqueofp - 30.01.2025 09:23

no gun??? crazy

@deadpanfish - 01.02.2025 07:11

You're a true legend. I hope to spend 7 days of my entire life doing what you are called for. Please continue to inspire us with your calm confidence and sincere respect for nature.

@kevinemery1177 - 02.02.2025 06:32

I like that you love to camp and you also film it. Your not just making content

@bethlovesdogs - 03.02.2025 05:48

The wolves! Omg! Sooooo cool, Jon! Very happy for you. 😊Husband & I live vicariously through you. Your winter videos feed my soul more than you'll ever know.
Nature is such a blessing. Thank you for sharing your hard work, talents, and gifts with us. ❤❤❤

@TrailriderLC - 03.02.2025 21:26

You capture the splendor of nature in all it glory so magnificently. Catching that fish with both cameras was something special. All the wildlife; birds, otter and a pack of wolves. AWESOME! Love your videos! Again, thanks for sharing and taking us along on this fabulous adventure. 😊❤

@howdy1451 - 04.02.2025 12:33

Best of luck to yea🎉

@patrickfitzpatrick45 - 05.02.2025 08:19

Lol 🌟 🤩 ⭐ 🌠 💫 🌃 🌟

@aryanshah4703 - 06.02.2025 10:25

The wolves looked majestic man

@BrigitteGoodman - 06.02.2025 22:17

Could you cost your life. You'd not be the first one to vanish...

@EMedNation - 07.02.2025 03:04

Your dialogue content, meals, and videography are engaging and beautiful. Thank you.

@savannahrossy2405 - 07.02.2025 11:53

It's the similitude of you ..all braving the elements

@erikhinds-cy9cx - 07.02.2025 15:22

Nice. Thanks

@EdwinVedder-b5x - 08.02.2025 04:33

Your videos are so great make me want to young again keep them coming so I can live though you love

@GH0ST369 - 08.02.2025 06:48

I like some of your gear choices, since you are scouting I don't know why you are not spending more time clearing your trail, but I see you did more after the sixth day. Anyway good video. Should have harvested that Chaga from the first day and day 8 as a giveaway or sell it to finance your trip. Lucky a pike didn't eat that camera.

@candymathias1730 - 08.02.2025 07:27

Thank you for filming your trips. I'm disabled and would love to be doing what you are doing. You make me feel as if I am right there with you. I'm seeing scenery I'll never see in my lifetime thank you for taking the time to show the simple things or the wildlife. You are AMAZING!! I look forward for all your videos. I'm glad I found your channel. God Bless and I pray for your safety!

@billysarabia5055 - 09.02.2025 11:35

I’d wanted to mention a video on wildlife and camping cause so many folks would never do this type of solo thing only cause of predators…. I’ve done this for 40 years easy ,,,seen bear ,,,wolf ,,,cat and aside from cats ,,,I’ve never had a problem and the cat issue was more my fault,,,I’m the one that followed it to video it …well it did hide while I passed super close then after I’d passed it I saw it while it tried to walk away,,,I know I should have stayed still watched it till it was out of sight BUT ABOUT THAT,,, I tried to walk up to it videoing it ,,, it did a good mock run at me … all my fault…
Anywayz other folks and the fear of animals at night it keeps many people from doing something that they like but can’t get past the fear ….
Just a thought ,,,,ay my bro I love your vids and OTHER THAN ME YOUR THE ONLY OTHER PERSON I’VE SEEN BACK INTO A TREE AND SAY THIS IS CAMP…. your the bomb my bro….
I was out elk hunting with an old GF and her great kid Juanito,,,so it me the girl n her son ,,oh and my rot ,,,Coujo…
We spot an elk that’s legend in the area ,,,we lived way up in the Rockies…so it’s been off an on snowing all day ,,,we’re in about 15 inches of snow already when we spot that sucker going threw the Forrest,,,I believe he was on his way down to the field’s below about 2 miles down ,,,well he’s a veteran at running folks around ,,,I never heard that it was taken either but we get out of the truck and go after it ,,about 2 hours of glimpse’s of him I think oh crap I’ve got about 30 minutes of not so dark left before it gets dark and by now it’s really really coming down ,,,our tracks have been wiped out and we are walking back best of my knowing,,,after I think we are close it’s pitch dark cause it’s still snowing 🌨 I fire off a shot hoping she hears me and honks the horn but really why would she …finally I decide to stop and settle down for a good six hours ,,,I think it was around 2 am and we are getting to cold ,,,I see a few piñon pines clustered together and I back into them breaking the limbs that I can and putting them towards the opening ,,,I had a bic lighter and 4 smokes that’s it ,,oh and bullets,,,I had a 45/70 old school… but same as you did we got in there and made a small fire with just what we had in the bottom of the trees and the occasional good branch that we made burn 🔥 but bro it was nice n cozy the snow had covered the trees good ,,,my little buddy fell asleep ,,I kept bugging him to make sure he wasn’t freezing but we had insulated cover alls plus long underwear and good winter jackets ,,so he slept for about 4 hours ,,,I didn’t cause if she happened to drive out to get help ,,I wanted to hear the truck n dog in the back ….but we did ok in them trees …MOST FOLKS THINK THEY NEED TO FIND A SHELTER BUT TREES LIKE THAT ARE THE BEST AND YOU PROVED IT ,,,SHIT THAT SHELTER YOU MADE WAS GOOD FOR A GOOD WHILE…
ANYWAY THE MORNING CAME AND IT WAS STILL SNOWING ,,,I POPED OFF A ROUND AND NOTHING WE WALKED BACK IN THE DIRECTION THAT WE HAD COME FROM POPPED OFF ANOTHER ROUND AND STILL NOTHING ,,,I WASNT WORRIED CAUSE I KNEW ID find it sometime during the day…. Sure enough on my last shot I faintly heard coujo barking so I start calling him and he gos off ,,,we followed the barking and found my girl freezing her ass off ,,,,she’d heard us shooting but thought we were after the elk so she didn’t make any noise ….we drove out in 18 inches of snow but it wasn’t an issue I had a 1974 ford long bed 4 wheel drive with a 4 inch lift and that old 460 motor ,,,the one that you could hear it drink gasoline…. That my bro was a long time ago like 20 years ago and I still go into those same mountains …. AY BRO WE USE TO HORSE BACK IN DURING SNOW FALLS BACK THEN ,,,MY UNCLES ,,,TONY ,,SMOKEY ,, JIM BO ,,A CAT NAMED MOSCA ,,,A CAT NAMED CABALLO LOCO AND MY LITTLE COUSIN COCHISE …. AY THESE ARE REAL FOLKS ,,,MANY HAVE PASSED ON LIKE MY UNCLE JIM BO BUT IM STILL HERE AND STILL GO INTO THESE MOUNTAINS,,,NOT AS OFFTEN AS ID LIKE BUT I GO STILL ….

@nilsmartschin593 - 09.02.2025 11:37

Mega kacke englischer Dreck trotz Kanalsperre 💩💩💩😡👎👎🤮🤮🤮🤮

@bionicnichola9251 - 10.02.2025 06:24

Wow, what a gorgeous country you live in. Most precious moments in life are being at one with mother nature and all her beautiful animals. So lucky. I live too in a beautiful part of the world in The Lake District, Cumbria in England. I reckon you'd love that, too. Fab compilation of days/nights of your adventure 👍

@lifeinsurancecareerfactsan808 - 11.02.2025 04:17

How far from the tent do you take dumps?

@klav8080 - 12.02.2025 11:24

You need a gun with all unexpected things. Enjoy your videos. Be safe my friend

@nathanlivingston5658 - 13.02.2025 04:59

You livin bro!!👌

@lillian2720 - 13.02.2025 07:56

Such a wonderful trip, and the wolfs were my favorite to see so close!

@Shellmack59 - 18.02.2025 07:12


@Shellmack59 - 18.02.2025 07:17

Hear any bigfoot??

@brendaobradshaw5169 - 20.02.2025 10:45

Jesus Christ loves you die for your sins please ask them in your heart because hell is real why not spend eternity with Jesus Christ instead of spending return to you and hail burning with the devil

@N34stryker - 21.02.2025 05:28

It would be better if you'd shut the hell up. Also Canada, as a country not the land, sucks in every way. I hope Trump decides to take it. You can keep the big cities though. We don't want that trash.

@SarahLittle-wk6oo - 21.02.2025 06:36

Love the music.

@everythingme23 - 21.02.2025 19:43

I'm a vet of Iraqi freedom. Your videos are amazing and help my anxiety more than anything i have done in therapy. Thank you

@laurenceharrison661 - 22.02.2025 11:55


@funda73 - 22.02.2025 21:47

I would be ok to camp in daytime but I'd be too scared to sleep overnight, but I guess it's ok if you are familiar with the area and have the right gear and equipment in hand in case of emergency. Loving your videos.❤

@SimoneRistori - 23.02.2025 14:44

you give me The Long Dark vibe so much I'm going to reinstall it now. Fantastic videos, thanks for sharing your adventures

@bryanbeall3051 - 25.02.2025 06:30

I love canvas tent nights

@BruceBashaw-x2z - 26.02.2025 11:15

Bro. Next time you go to the grocery store go down the ile were the jelo is. Somewhere on the ile usually on the top shelf you will see Knox gelatin. Buy it . Take 1Tsp. Everyday for 6 months. You will be giving your body the basic raw materials it needs to rebuild the cartilage in your knee.

@danielwhite7380 - 03.03.2025 23:32


@PEIQING-LHL - 05.03.2025 06:14

Beautiful scenery, warm tent, nice stove and handsome guy. I like it very much. Thanks for sharing.😍😍

@crawford1656 - 06.03.2025 03:54

My God, it’s full of stars.
