I had Star Trek 25th Anniversary on my PC. Reckon it's probably the best Star Trek game
ОтветитьAs a kid, I use all my spared money to switch from A2000 to A1200 to be able to play the first Worms, only AGA compatible, lot of good memories from Amiga games (Giana Sisters, Monkey Island, The Settlers, Super Frog, Shadow of the Beast, ...)
Ответить''So.... what's the difference between the Amiga 500 and Amiga 1200?''
Oh.... about 700
♥zool ♥
ОтветитьShadow of the Beast isn't on here. ;)
ОтветитьZool and Zool 2 were both awful games.
ОтветитьGreat collection!
I would add Superfrog (CD32), Pinball Illusions and Wasted Dreams.
Defender of the crown, Another world, it came from the desert and list goes on...
ОтветитьNew drinking game:
every time you hear 'advanced graphics architecture', do a shot.
Да, в своё время Amiga была одной из лучших игровых платформ, если не самой лучшей.
ОтветитьI still have my A1200 now I have put a PiStorm 32 Lite in it.
ОтветитьLord of The Realms is only game on this list I played a lot of. Dune 2 , a lot of the Dungeon Crawlers, Exile AGA and Oddysey were some others.
ОтветитьI'm sensing the A1200 had an Advanced Graphics Architecture :)
ОтветитьFor me it was The guild of thieves and test drive!
ОтветитьMost of these games were 2D, and even those that were 3D required expensive accelerator cards. In the 1990s this was not enough, especially when you consider that launch price of Amiga 1200 was $600, which is close to $2000 today. There was simply not enough improvement over Amiga 500, and somewhere in 1994-95 386DX with VGA became really cheap.
ОтветитьI was a proud owner of A1200 with 107MB HDD. I sold her in 1994. Still miss her...
ОтветитьNo love for Hired Guns?
ОтветитьAmiga 1200 was unfornatly too less ambitious... the 68020 was only twice faster that the 68000/A500, making it difficult to handle the new 256 colours graphics.... The 2MB slow chip Ram slowed down the performance. Just using instead 1MB Chip + 1MB Fast had make it twice faster for same cost... incomprehensible... The new blitter processor was quite the same that the A500 despite the new screen modes... To finish there was no chunky screen mode (1 byte=1 pixel) as on PCs, that made it totaly unusable for new 3D texturing generation games... too bad. The creator of the A500 were visionaries. The A1200 ones missed out all.
ОтветитьIf only Commodore kept the momentum going. They seemed to forward thinking at first but they ended up stuck in the past. I stayed with the Amiga to the point of having a ppc and 128mb RAM but it couldn't last forever.
ОтветитьIf only Commodore had gotten machines of the A1200's capabilities out the door prior to 1990. Alas, they decided to sit on their laurels with he original Amigas until it was already too late.
ОтветитьEye of the Beholder I & ll , Hired guns, Ishar, Lionheart and Darkmere for me !
ОтветитьShame you talk all over the soundtracks. Arguablly what the Amiga did better than everything else at the time was the music. You should have allowed some time for each game to shine on its own without you jabbering all over it.
Ответить“In-house graphics” take a drink each time
ОтветитьGood pitch but your delusional 😅
ОтветитьGreat video, thanks! I had - and still have - an A600 so I missed on the AGA goodness. Now I just got my hands on an A1200 and I've been making a list of AGA titles I have to try. This video helped!
ОтветитьThe Settlers?
ОтветитьDefiniram mesmo e tu amigo me das conhecer muitos jogos desta plataforma bem top ..:)
ОтветитьA1200 without CRT monitor is a crime for 50/60fps scrolling, LCD blurry mess
ОтветитьComing of a a500 I found it a disappointment. Even bought an 1230 turbo expansion. Switched to Pc soon after.
ОтветитьThere are A LOT of games on Amiga (even some on the CD32) where you have to make a choice between sound effects OR music, but can't have both.
I don't know enough about Amiga modding, but I know a lot of games have added 2-button support for pads since release, would it even be possible to mod those games to play sound and music at the same time, even if only on emulators?
Were you talking about the A1200 with Advanced Graphic Architecture? You should have said!
ОтветитьI loved my A1200. I massively upgraded it at the time... Blizzard 1230-II, with a 40mhz 030 and additional 12MB of ram, an internal 75MB hard drive, an external 500MB Archos hard drive, additional external floppy drive, 14" Microvitec multi-sync monitor, external speakers and a Canon BJ-10 printer.
I was daft enough to sell the lot for about £60 around 2001 and give the money to charity.
Wish I'd kept it. 😢
I drag my 1200 out every so often and have a play around with it my favourite games were Wings, Street rod 2, It Came From The Desert, and Stunt Car Racer
ОтветитьReshoot proxima 3 🙂
ОтветитьYour enthusiasm is much appreciated. Most of these really made me smile and I think would have made a great sales guy for Commodore!
ОтветитьI had an amiga 500, but i ended up getting a ps1 after that as i was in the army by that time, the amiga had such great games and the sound and graphics were so good gor the time, there wasn't a day went by that you wouldn't see some kids swapping a handfull of pirated discs held together with a rubber band in the playground.
ОтветитьA1200 never gained the hype in A500 had. Not even close. A1200 was already behind the PC when launched. A1200 was a too small of an upgrade to the A500 and was release far too late, and was far too expensive.
Most games were barely an upgrade from the A500.
Nice video, thanks for that. Brought back some nice memories.
At the that time I was working on a A1200 Game called Spirilon with two friends, all programmed in assembler. It never got released due to Commodore going out of business. Got the source code and graphics laying around somewhere, maybe Ill start converting it to a mobile game... who knows.
Just one remark. To many references to the AGA Architecture. You don't have to mention that every game, we got the point.
ОтветитьI want to live in a world where the Amiga A1200 launched in like 1990 and Acorn Archimedes became the successor instead of Windows.
ОтветитьSensible Soccer!!!!
ОтветитьUntil today i am really struggling to see advantages of AGA chipset. Games are really not that different if not the same as amiga 500 games.
ОтветитьSuch a beautiful video!!
ОтветитьI'll never forget how impressed I was with how good those asteroids looked in Stardust.
Ответитьleveraging the advanced graphics architecture was the thing to do at the time. we all wore onions on our belts
ОтветитьTeam17 and Bitmap Brothers were the most coolest games designer on amiga.
ОтветитьAmazing video! Thank you