No sound
ОтветитьI love this judge. I think she got "caught up" in this case because she really likes to teach and I get a feeling she doesn't get to "stretch her teaching muscles" all that often. I think she's great.
ОтветитьThis a relative of Kamala ?
ОтветитьThe jurisdiction was established long before Judge and defendant were born. You don’t get to question that.
ОтветитьNo audio on that clip
ОтветитьIf his grip on reality was as strong as his grip on his chin, He might have a chance.
ОтветитьThe judge is wearing bunny ears ffs! That's just embarrassing and unprofessional.
ОтветитьNice, thanks for sharing!!
ОтветитьThere's no sound on the first clip.
ОтветитьAt least he did not say he was "the representative of the trust of Timothy Williams. " Other than that, he ran the sov cit playbook. Which ALWAYS loses.
ОтветитьThat is the mustache of a trifler.
ОтветитьBunny ears!!!
That alone should be enough to overturn ALL this judges decisions!
I’ve never seen anything more unprofessional in my 58 years.
Why is the judge wearing grey bunny-ears?
ОтветитьI love the jurisdiction question. So criminal under municipal and state control established by the constitution. He says, I dont get that. She says .... I know. So after the docket I'd like to discuss this educational opportunity but not now. So why aren't these dismissed because I want them to be? She used all the trigger words for sov cits brilliantly. She dealt with them and is moving on. You want to be your own atty. So be the atty. Argue your case and allow the prosecutor to respond to it under the rules of evidence. You choose to be in the municipality .... you choose to be inside the municipality, the state the country you abide by the laws and regulations and statues. Go to Russia and be a sov cit. Go to Canada with your passport and be a sov cit. If you get arrested at the airport, you have abided by that countries jurisdiction by planting your feet there. These sov cits are losing these arguments over and over, getting arrested stuffed and cuffed. The grooming is deep. It is so easy to get people to adopt beleif systems. Sov cits are a loosely herded cult at this point.
ОтветитьThere's no sound at all on the clip at the beginning
ОтветитьCheck your stuff. No audio at start up
ОтветитьEasiest click bait question ever. Obviously not, or he wouldn't be a sovcit
ОтветитьThe "Bunny Ears" fly in the face of every expected rule of decorum for a Judge sitting on the bench and overseeing a court case.
She is absolutely ridiculous, ineffective and she let this SovCit run the entire proceeding.
STOP debating these morons, please. Fine him, hold him in contempt, he'll get the message after a while.
ОтветитьIf an accused doesn't like the law or the way it is interpreted, they must get the legislature and/or courts the change the laws. The police and courts go by the rules and interpretation given to them and can only be altered by them, not by the opinion of the accused. I don't see why this is so hard to understand.
Every criminal implies that they don't "agree with the law" whenever they break the law. Not agreeing with the law, won't stop enforcement, no matter how many times you say it. They might as well say they only accept Klingon laws. Delusional people can no longer tell the difference between fantasy and reality.
No your Honor, says Timothy. This pile of cheap bull feathers which I paid for says I will know more about the law than attorneys and judges who spent eight years studying and twenty years practicing the law. So, can I just go home now??
ОтветитьDude, you elected to represent yourself. So, I'm not here as your law professor. All attorneys would know the answer, so get an attorney & ask them. Stop wasting my time for your delusion.
ОтветитьJudge: "Appearance for the record."
SovZit: "I am Groot."
what is the Judge wearing on her head, Totally un-professional for a judge
ОтветитьJudges should just tell sovcits that it is not their role to educate the defendant. They should use an attorney who already knows the answers to his questions and the defendant can inquire of his attorney. If is just another reason he should not represent himself. If he is having problems with the general questions that everyone should know, how can he handle the details of criminal procedure and evidence?
ОтветитьThey literally say exactly thing, and they aren’t remotely embarrassed about
Ответить"I can't give you legal advice" Gives defendant a lesson on exactly how the law works and all aspects.
ОтветитьI remember this guy. He comes back and talks with an hour or more with the same judge. She basically gives him a law class explaining every single detail. Way more than he should have gotten
ОтветитьWillful ignorance.
ОтветитьDamn! She's good, bunny ears and all😂
ОтветитьThis kid thinks he's a legal genius, but he's going to talk himself right into jail.
ОтветитьWhat is the prosecutor doing vibrati g to is he dancing or beebopping. He's making .e dizzy so I'm going away
Ответитьwhy is michigan over-represented on these court cams?
ОтветитьHer wearing those ears and still be the more mature of the two really made this perfect.
ОтветитьThe more you engage with the sovcit..he’ll keep repeating the same questions, to keep you engaged. Wasting court time.
ОтветитьShe’s speaking way past his pay grade and educational completion and i love it
ОтветитьThis moron got schooled by a judge in Bunny ears. Not his finest moment.
ОтветитьThe clip you showed has no sound
ОтветитьThe judge is wearing EARS? I have a hard time taking her serious and she's a good judge.
ОтветитьI love this judge. Her explanation of jurisdiction was so crystal clear, so well defined that only a moron would continue to try and dispute it.
ОтветитьThis should be good.
ОтветитьThe Jurisdiction game, he'll see prison soon.
ОтветитьThe attorney is sitting there, "damn I dodged that one"
Ответитьadmiralty law - where does the Sov Cit park his naval vessel?
ОтветитьI’m getting a temporary work visa and I’m going to drive where ever he was travelling. When they pull me over I’m going to say they have no jurisdiction over me, I’m Australian!
ОтветитьNo sound. Sort it out
ОтветитьSo, I “turnt” in my drivers license and have no contract with the state. I can commit murder now, right?