Red light therapy

Red light therapy

Dr. Mamina

1 год назад

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@justincoats7236 - 15.12.2024 09:56

I bought a full body red light mat from Amazon. It was $400. It had a 4.6 rating. I've been doing it for a week. I'm feeling better. I have less soreness and me energy. I did a leg day. I couldn't believe how my quads were not sore the next day. I'm 51. I'm a believer. I hope it improves my skin. I already look young for my age. Let's take it to the next level.

@mandamank6846 - 15.12.2024 14:42

Guy had a nice filter on his face

@monikamona6844 - 21.12.2024 09:31

What about infrared lamps? The light invisible for us

@laurenroberts3091 - 22.12.2024 00:18

???? wtf was the first few seconds of this?

@user-AllenE - 28.12.2024 08:21

Should I wear goggles or not over my eyes??

@cindybesitos8933 - 31.12.2024 14:15

It helped with my joints with in a week !! Muscle aches nd some testimonies say it helps with tumors or cyst x.. decreasing the size ❤I began Lower level 10 minutes then second week 15 minutes level 2.. every other day

@marthaw8163 - 01.01.2025 22:51

Bad example by putting a kid with no wrinkles. Try again!!!

@VictorTucker-o6h - 03.01.2025 02:54

What does she have in her mouth? She does not speak clearly.

@40acresandatractor - 03.01.2025 15:44


@raquelmartinez-love7324 - 04.01.2025 01:05


@chrisnelson3691 - 04.01.2025 08:47

Congrats, it made a 20 year old look like a 20 year old, amazing.

@ianwynne5483 - 04.01.2025 14:17

He’s 21 years old ffs!

@marianbris61 - 04.01.2025 15:35

Do you need to wear eye protection?

@DianneElizabeth64 - 04.01.2025 17:39

My goal is to get a Block Elite red light. Has every light & turns to lay down if I want to

@raoultesla2292 - 05.01.2025 22:50

Looks and skin are more important than life health. I buy stock in insecurity and fear maintennace products.
Mamina, Becasue you are a biochemist please look into Mitochondria Red Light and learn that cell/body health CONTROLS skin foo foo looks over anything else.

@journalartbychittrotripol - 05.01.2025 23:05

Can i use any brand of the mask? It will be effective?

@kerlikoel5058 - 07.01.2025 04:10

I'm so tired of these 20 smth influencers. My skin looked youthful till my late 30s without any lotions or potions. It aged quickly when i started working night shifts and lost lots of weight.

@DKilgallen - 10.01.2025 01:45

I got red light therapy and insane vertigo from it. Was dizzy for days afterwards. Wore the glasses.

@kristenalmonte1110 - 11.01.2025 15:20

Video of guy looks like a video you grabbed online. How about a verified patient under your care as an example?

@Jonoxthomascito6516 - 12.01.2025 07:11

I have a red light bulb in my room now after I noticed that the red light modes on my new pc was making me feel calm
And sleepy so close ti bed I just swap the bulbs

@luciaguilera7068 - 13.01.2025 00:58

Why a boys skin as examples😡

@adrianaleyva6773 - 14.01.2025 09:08

Use the phototherapy patches instead. Much better results overall. Simple. Safe. Convenient. Affordable.

@professional.commentator - 14.01.2025 11:39

I heard that it can cure myopia.

@allaboutyou8330 - 15.01.2025 00:47

I am not trying to be what you want to say negative or racist but I don't see any benefits for white people's skin. Help me understand what are you looking at when you look at your skin I don't see any benefits. It Is still pasty and colorless. Again I'm not trying to be negative about it just help me understand what you see because I don't see it.

@HamzaDavis - 15.01.2025 03:19

I thought you were gonna 🤔 start rapping by the way you move your hands.

@abcdefg-z5n - 21.01.2025 02:11

Red light only warms the skin, nothing more. Young people using those sheet masks that only provide a layer of moisture does not mean the product helped with anything. You need a bioavailable multipeptide collagen and keratin treatment with growth factors for longer lasting results. Skinlyte has a soap that is loaded not only with collagen but also keratin peptides. Collagen is too large to penetrate the skin and must be in peptide form in order to be absorbed and be effective. It is called Hair & Whole Body Bar. According to what I read on Amazon, it is fast absorbed because it has a peptide binding enhancement technology which produces water molecules in a condensation reaction that hydrates skin and hair naturally. It repairs, grows hair, naturally moisturizes, rebuilds and strengthens hair and skin. I got it on Amazon and I am impressed with new benefits I discover every time I use it. I noticed many improvements in my hair, skin and nails. What I like best about it is that it's all natural and without harmful chemicals such as synthetic dyes, fragrance, SLS or preservatives.

@theroachman253 - 23.01.2025 02:38


@sherinkalappurayil4314 - 23.01.2025 08:45

What are some good products for home use ? Also do they work for thinning hair ?

@Lost-z8u - 25.01.2025 10:49

No hallucinations?

@christys.5024 - 26.01.2025 16:57

Ao hes 13. Whsts this do?

@GuyFromTheSouth - 26.01.2025 21:19

He took that pad off zestily

@chrisdellwo6986 - 28.01.2025 06:16

How long should we use red light for?

@lcolon5606 - 29.01.2025 04:23

He's like 13! lol

@joshuafranken2030 - 01.02.2025 23:04

That dude is a kid. Of course his skin looks full and not wrinkly. And the fricken face mask. You glisten boi😂

@BlackcurrantJam - 03.02.2025 03:01

can someone explain how LED red light helps when in general LED is not good for us?

@ClaraTimmins - 03.02.2025 16:58

Ok showing wrinkles on a 20;something tells me nothing

@MarkJanssens-v4r - 07.02.2025 02:04

It's idiotic to show a 20 something - with perfect collagen levels to show red light therapy results. Show a 50 year old with great results and I'll respect what you're saying far more

@dmifranco - 08.02.2025 18:27

They’re using a young person for results. 😂

@aprilpatterson5366 - 11.02.2025 02:07

Did he really need it from the beginning

@hsamzsd - 12.02.2025 07:36

for once, my indoor cannabis growing knowledge is applicable to healthcare

@isaacshacky17 - 13.02.2025 08:01

Wow so I'm just one month it can turn you gay?

@fallters - 15.02.2025 09:24

The red light didn’t do that to his skin, the mask he was wearing did that to his skin, soon as he wipes off the product his skin will look just like it was before… albeit a little softer maybe

@helencavanagh8119 - 15.02.2025 20:02

What face mask is that??

@bm421 - 19.02.2025 06:51

Tom Hanks has insulted Trump voters from the start. I quit watching his stuff years ago. Thought he moved to Australia

@Stinor99 - 21.02.2025 12:20

There is something called the sun, try it out!

@aaronpetry715 - 24.02.2025 20:25

😂😂 scam

@maramao6202 - 01.03.2025 20:30

Do Red light panels in clinics can reduce fat on the face?

@b8autifullif8 - 02.03.2025 04:53

What about tyroide? Can it increase the chance to have it?

@damiennicol5369 - 02.03.2025 16:01

Led lights are Carcergenic!

@l10nbit - 04.03.2025 23:15

Just go spend time in the sun. When you close your eyes and look at he sun you see red. Why? your body turns sunlight into red light. Just dont get too sunburnt by limiting time and using sunscreen, or by exposing different parts at different times. Its free and you will feel great.
