Glad to see you building your own channel. All the luck to you and bring it to millions of subscribers. You deserve it. Engage!
ОтветитьDo thematic charts of old movies
ОтветитьReally glad to hear there was no real drama or falling out and that Dan and the old team are still friends. I wish all the best for both Dan and the Screen Junkies team. But not going to lie, I will miss Roth and Dan discussing movies together. Together, they were my favorite part of Fandom Entertainment. All the best!
ОтветитьHey yeah dude this was the right move
ОтветитьYou're the GOAT, Dan. I'm glad you're doing your own thing!
ОтветитьWhere have I been for all this time!! I didn't know about Dan!!
ОтветитьLove ya Dan! You were always the middle of the ground in the movies / honest trailer commentary.. Best of luck to you my friend !
ОтветитьYou are a brilliant man mr. Murell, I wish you good luck and can't wait for your new content. Oron.
ОтветитьI would love to hear your thoughts on "Cobra Kai" please.
ОтветитьI know it's tricky these days but I'd love some guests and people to bounce off in conversations :)
Ответитьshoot you're the only reason I watched screen junkies. I just came back wondering how they were handling the virus and what you thought about Mulan and I couldn't find you so I did a quick search and saw that you left so I am now following you and unfollowing screen junkies.
ОтветитьWhy am I just discovering this?!!!!!
I swear I’ve been wondering these last few months where the hell is Dan.. and only just now I thought about the possibility that he might have left screen junkies!!!! Man I missed your reviews! The bright side is I have lots of cool videos to be watching now!
I would LOVE to see Dan interview Kevin Smith on "Chasing Amy" since he gushed over it during Kevin's first Movie Fight.
Ответитьhi DAN
ОтветитьYou were my favourite SJ person! You will surely be missed the only thing that’s really sad is who is going to dominate movie fights!
ОтветитьScreen junkies isn't the same without you
ОтветитьYou know what would be really great? If movie channels talked about movies. Not about corporations, brand building, pleasing sponsors, etc. Yeah, that would be great. As soon as I saw Dan had his own channel I subscribed. I haven’t watched SJ in years, but Dan was always the best part.
ОтветитьThis is gonna sound odd, but I was just thinking about you guys (screen junkies) And I won’t lie, every Sunday I watched movie fights. I eventually stopped because my endeavors broke away from film and I fell back into music.
Congrats on the move. I’m happy for you Dan🤘
Dan won me over long ago with his impassioned Michael Bay/Transformers rant. You better believe I’m subscribing!
Ответитьavengers theme
ОтветитьI had an idea that I started but think it could be really successful from you, and that’s: catching up on the classics. Looking at classic, or iconic movies with today’s lens.
ОтветитьTim heideckers on cineam character come to life lmao
ОтветитьI'm on board. And as a true Star Trek fan myself, I'm glad to be here number 1.
ОтветитьOh, here he is...good.
ОтветитьSo much has happened... ):
ОтветитьDAMN IM SO LATE...
whatever... subbed bell got ranged
But Dan.
Do you love me.
Yay, glad I found your channel Dan! Somehow I missed that you left SJ/Fandom Entertainment. Always loved your reviews, so I’m excited to get that content again. Looking forward to watching your channel grow too, sounds like an exciting venture. Wish I was here from Day 1, but at least I’m here now.
ОтветитьI can't believe I just found out you created your own channel.
ОтветитьDude I never knew you left SJ/Fandom but as a screen junkies plus vet and a Dan Stand I clicked Subscribe HARD!!!!
ОтветитьI’d love to see a review of Room. It was an Oscar winner and not one mainstream male channel reviewed it. I’d loved to hear someone’s take on it
ОтветитьDan Suggests, get someone who isn't a big movie buff to watch an important movie, then have an interview with them about their feelings about it, throw in why it's important to you. Honestly, just good to see you back at it!
ОтветитьYou were their best writer for honest trailers...i know you may not see this but i'd love to see a review video for the peter weller movie "The Naked Lunch"
ОтветитьSo glad I found the new channel. Your more academic/scholarly take on films was my favorite aspect of screen junkies and I can't wait to watch all the videos I've missed since the new channel has launched. Good luck with everything.
ОтветитьHave you done a MCU ranking/rating video?
ОтветитьI idolize what you do (Yes it sounds silly) but it is in many ways what i wish to do in my time on this planet. i think the choice you made while difficult is amazing and rly applaud you for not cracking to the paycheque but staying true to the art form and the Content you Create. Thanks, Dan- From the fans.
ОтветитьSo you and screen junkies got me to care more about movies beyond just being a viewer, forgot about screen junkies the last few years cause nothing but honest trailers I seen from them, glad I've found this cause I didn't realise you left
ОтветитьI remember I used to watch Screen Junkies Movie Fights because Dan made it so fun to watch and he was the champion too
ОтветитьWutang did it
ОтветитьI think I unsubscribed from screen junkies when they got bought out. I also did not like the host very much.
ОтветитьI miss the days u was on screen junkies. With Hal Rudnick
ОтветитьDo you play cricket
ОтветитьIt makes me sad that the era of Dan, Andy, and Hal at Screen Junkies is lost to history. The chemistry you three had was magical. Though I am still excited to follow all your careers, I will miss watching the three of you bouncing off each other. Whatever remains of Screen Junkies now is purely vestigial in my eyes. You three were the heart and soul.
Oh, and anyone who is immediately like 'Fuck Andy Signore', please at least look at his side of the story before you judge him. To err is human. To forgive is divine. One love y'all.
Dan was the 1 person I remembered fondly from watching Screen Junkies Movie Fights once a week for about 3 or 4 months up until they tried to launch a pay channel (whenever that was).
The format got really tired after about 2 months but I sort of carried on out of habit, liking it less and less before basically quitting on it and never looking back. Really happy to suddenly reacquaint myself with Dan's reviews and other videos (watched the Secrets of Dumbledore one in late 2022 and suddenly remembered how much I liked Dan's style and thoughtfulness).
Meanwhile, 4 years later, Screen Junkies has completely flopped and non-compete agreements are now illegal. Looks like Dan made the right choice.