Salesforce Developer Mock Interview Questions & Answers: Prepare for Your Interview!

Salesforce Developer Mock Interview Questions & Answers: Prepare for Your Interview!

Salesforce Ben

1 год назад

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@wakemewhenitsover2010 - 10.02.2025 02:41

I would like to thank you for this video, as I have an interview coming up, and this gives me some insight as to what questions might be asked 🙏🏻

@jpateusa77 - 27.03.2024 18:03

Question, at around 9 minutes you begin with profiles but isn't the trend to move completely away from profiles and move to permission sets?

@grimview - 07.02.2024 16:43

These answers sound way too much like you are trying to sell the platform. The purpose of an interview should be to sell the person. This is major flaw in getting your train from single source. A source that only wants to sell the platform. These types of answer only show you are ready for entry level work or sales roles.
Real questions & answers would be based on unique individual experience. For example, in 2015 Salesforce Account reps, were advising customers to disable lighting, not recommending it be used.

@anangamohansen3221 - 06.02.2024 21:46

Good video but the questions are very.much theoretical
